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Throwing Christians – and Children – to the Lions

If you are a Christian, you are unqualified to foster children. But if you are a homosexual, you can have as many as you want. That seems to be the state of play in the nation once known as Great Britain. Today the nation appears to have gone completely mad, with Christians portrayed as criminals while homosexual activists are celebrated as heroes.

I have documented enough cases of moonbattery in the UK to make it clear that this nation is now an absolute basket case, which needs to be put out of its misery. The insanity which is occurring there on a regular basis is enough to make a grown man cry.

The most recent episode involves a Christian couple in a court case about fostering children. Eunice and Owen Johns of Derby are deemed to be unqualified to foster children. Why? Are they pedophiles? Child molesters? Wicked perverts? Evil sadists?

No, they are much, much worse than that: they are actually Bible-believing Christians, who think they should be able to share their faith with foster children. The Pentecostal Christian couple have in fact fostered nearly 20 children over the years, with no complaints.

But two years ago they were told they could no longer foster children, because they refuse to tell these children that homosexuality is a wonderful lifestyle. As one news report put it, the “Derby council adoption panel was also reportedly ‘upset’ that the couple insisted that children in their care would be required to accompany the family to church on Sundays.”

Wow, how horrifically criminal is that? To actually take a child to church! What is wrong with these people? Obviously all such children would be far better off with homosexual activists. Never mind the thousands of studies which tell us the importance of two-parent families, or the closest thing to them.

Indeed, we are now being told that the homosexual lifestyle is the preferred environment for raising children, while caring Christians are totally unacceptable. In a matter of decades we have overturned millennia of thinking that homosexuality is a disordered state, while Christianity is the climax of civilisation.

Now all that has been turned on its head. Christianity is now taboo, while social engineering and radical lifestyles are the only socially acceptable way to proceed, and all children must be protected from the former while being controlled by the latter.

Fortunately a few people who have a bit of common sense have spoken out about this travesty of justice and common sense. A few church leaders have recognised this for what it is: a clear attack on freedom of religion, an attack on biblical Christianity, and an attack on the institutions of marriage and family.

Here is how another news service covers this development: “In a letter to The Sunday Telegraph, prominent clerics, including Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, argue that supporters of homosexual rights must not be allowed to ‘coerce silence’.”

It continues, “The bishops claim that the case, which is expected to begin at the High Court this week, will determine whether Christians can continue to express their beliefs in this country. They fear that the ruling has the potential to exclude people of faith from adopting or fostering children and enshrine the discrimination of those with traditional Biblical views. It is the latest case to test how recently-introduced gay equality laws impinge on the rights of Christians to act according to their conscience.”

In the letter the bishops said this: “On Monday the High Court is to be asked to rule on whether Christians are ‘fit people’ to adopt or foster children – or whether they will be excluded, regardless of the needs of children, from doing so because of the requirements of homosexual rights. A commitment to respecting conscience is the essence of civil liberty. The supporters of homosexual rights cannot be allowed to suppress all disagreement or disapproval and ‘coerce silence’.”

Lord Carey said the case was another “sign of the way the country is drifting away” from its Christian heritage. “It is a tragedy and shows the way our country is going. So many Christians are being marginalised as a result of this hard secularism which is knocking traditional ethics.”

The Christian Legal Centre, a group that campaigns for religious freedoms, said this: “The case will decide whether the Johns will be able to foster without compromising their beliefs. The implications are huge. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of Christian foster carers and adoptive parents hangs in the balance. It may not be long before local authorities decide that Christians cannot look after some of the most vulnerable children in our society, simply because they disapprove of homosexuality.”

Quite so. The decision will be vitally important. And if the court does rule against the Christian foster carers, then we can only imagine where things will next proceed. Indeed, it is not hard to see that soon courts will declare that Christian parents are unfit to raise their own children. The courts may well decide that it is dangerous and harmful for children to be raised by their own parents if they are Bible-believing Christians.

Stay tuned. And don’t say that you have not been warned. What sounds completely crazy today is likely to be reality – and law – tomorrow.

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