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Even More Censorship from the ‘Tolerance’ Crowd

If some of the hardcore homosexual activists get their way, there will not be allowed anywhere in the world any oral or written word which in any way speaks contrary to the homosexual agenda. The gaystapo are pure fascists when it comes to censoring all speech which even remotely differs from their radical agenda.

This site has on countless occasions now documented this very thing. And it seems that when I have just posted one article on this issue, another situation comes to light, requiring yet another article. A team of twenty could work on this full time and probably still not be able to keep up with the daily – maybe even hourly – occurrences of homosexual bigotry and totalitarianism.

Here is one of the most recent examples. Consider what this article from MacWorld has to say: “After some controversy and complaints, Apple has reportedly pulled an application from the iTunes App Store after claims it was anti-gay. Highlighted by The Huffington Post and others last week due to its reportedly objectionable content, the Manhattan Declaration iPhone application has been quietly removed sometime in the last few days.

“Apple’s decision may have been influenced by an online petition at calling for the application to be removed. The petition organisers asked those unhappy with the initial decision to contact Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs, signing a statement: ‘Please remove anti-LGBT, anti-women application from iTunes Store.’ ‘Apple has always been among the most progressive companies and earned a 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, and yet, the company has approved application that is offensive to Americans who support equality and free choice,’ the petition notes.

“‘The Manhattan Declaration application exists to collect signatures on a website which espouses hateful and divisive language, the very kind of language I hope the iTunes Store will not want to help disseminate. Despite the store rating the application 4+ (“no objectionable material”), I can assure you that the application does in fact contain lots of objectionable material.’ Apple is known to be a defender of gay rights. As The Huffington Post adds, in 2008 Apple donated $100,000 to oppose Proposition 8, California legislation that ultimately led to a ban on gay marriage.”

Well there you have it. Just dare to express a point of view that runs counter to the homosexual agenda, and you will be banned, censored and run out of town. So much for freedom of speech. So much for living in a democracy. So much for tolerance.

And what an amazing thing to say about the Manhattan Declaration (MD). I provide the link to this site below, so people can see for themselves what exactly they have in fact said about marriage. I urge readers to go there rather quickly however, because the way things are going, the MD site may soon be pulled down – all in the name of tolerance of course.

Here is what the MD says in part about marriage: “To strengthen families, we must stop glamorizing promiscuity and infidelity and restore among our people a sense of the profound beauty, mystery, and holiness of faithful marital love. We must reform ill-advised policies that contribute to the weakening of the institution of marriage, including the discredited idea of unilateral divorce. We must work in the legal, cultural, and religious domains to instill in young people a sound understanding of what marriage is, what it requires, and why it is worth the commitment and sacrifices that faithful spouses make.

“The impulse to redefine marriage in order to recognize same-sex and multiple partner relationships is a symptom, rather than the cause, of the erosion of the marriage culture. It reflects a loss of understanding of the meaning of marriage as embodied in our civil and religious law and in the philosophical tradition that contributed to shaping the law. Yet it is critical that the impulse be resisted, for yielding to it would mean abandoning the possibility of restoring a sound understanding of marriage and, with it, the hope of rebuilding a healthy marriage culture. It would lock into place the false and destructive belief that marriage is all about romance and other adult satisfactions, and not, in any intrinsic way, about procreation and the unique character and value of acts and relationships whose meaning is shaped by their aptness for the generation, promotion and protection of life. In spousal communion and the rearing of children (who, as gifts of God, are the fruit of their parents’ marital love), we discover the profound reasons for and benefits of the marriage covenant.”

How anyone can find this to be “hateful and divisive language” is beyond me. Yet I am quite aware that ideologically motivated heterophobes will consider this to be hate speech. They regard anything whatsoever that dares to challenge their radical agenda as being hate speech – end of story.

Thus my article which you are now reading is of course hate speech as well. Simply reading out loud the biblical view of marriage is hate speech. Arguing that marriage has always been about a man and a woman is hate speech. This game is really quite easy to play. Simply find any spoken or written word which in any way offers a differing view to the homosexual agenda, and label it hate speech.

Piece of cake really. It is the perfect recipe for a totalitarian, fascist society. Simply declare all contrary viewpoints to be verboten because they are hate filled, divisive and intolerant, and you have outdone Hitler or Stalin. You can then fine, imprison, or harass anyone who dares to think differently than the Official Homothink.

Orwell would be proud of such achievements. His famous novel, 1984, takes on a whole new meaning in the light of this Homo-fascism. Censors of the world unite. Homospeak and Homothink are now here, and woe betides anyone who dares to get in the way of this tsunami of oppression, censorship and tyranny.

Thanks Apple. You have handily helped me to decide never to buy one of your lousy products again.

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