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More Outrages From the Rainbow Warriors

The homosexual activists never sleep, never eat, never rest – or so it seems. They are hell-bent on implementing their radical agenda, no matter who gets hurt along the way. And if children suffer as a result of their selfish crusades, so what? They don’t seem to give a rip.

Several more incidents – of many – can be mentioned here. They all demonstrate how obsessed these activists are in pushing their radical lifestyle choices on the rest of society. And the mainstream media is up to its ears in complicity with all this.

Consider a report in today’s news about a poor six-year-old boy who is being raised by lesbians. That is bad enough: children have a fundamental right to be raised by a mother and a father, and when that is not possible, the next closest thing to it should be the alternative.

The lesbian couple were not only given this foster boy, but they thought it would be a neat thing to perform their sick gender-bending experiments on him. Here is how the press covers this outrageous story: “A six-year-old boy placed in the care of a lesbian foster couple was dressed in girl’s clothes and the humiliating pictures were posted on the couple’s Facebook page.

“One of the women was preparing for a sex change to become a man at the time, while her girlfriend was undergoing fertility treatment. The boy and his 12-year-old sister have since been moved but former Children’s Court magistrate Barbara Holborow yesterday called for a full inquiry into the decision to put them there. ‘Oh my God, what are we doing?’ Ms Holborow, who has fostered eight children, said. Families Minister Pru Goward has demanded a full explanation from child welfare service Barnardos, which had recruited the couple.”

At least some belated sanity occurred in this despicable case, but the damage has already been done. This is what we have come to expect from these morally-impaired activists. Just treat children as trophies and guinea pigs in adult social experimentation. Celebrate your depravity and drag innocent children into the ugly mix.

But the activists have been emboldened by an almost totally subservient MSM which is just as intent on pushing these reprehensible agendas. Indeed, some MSM outlets have become so bad, and so predictable, that you know not a day will pass without them seeking to push the homosexual agenda.

Indeed, they will use any pathetic little excuse to further promote this cause. Melbourne’s Age (or more accurately, Gayge), is a classic case in point. They will never let an opportunity go by to push the activists’ agenda, no matter how un-newsworthy or out to lunch the story might be.

I nearly choked on my morning coffee when I read this incredible headline in the Age a few days ago: “World champ axeman backs gay marriage”. What? This is a news item? You got to be joking! How low will these guys go? Why don’t they just make these things up? Indeed, I eagerly anticipate the Age coming out with these vitally important headlines soon:

-“Leading tuba player backs gay marriage”.
-“Renowned stamp collector backs gay marriage”.
-“Local Coles checkout chick backs gay marriage”.
-“Retired factory worker backs gay marriage”.
-“Former taxi driver backs gay marriage”.
-“Part-time dental receptionist backs gay marriage”.
-“Man who likes oatmeal for breakfast backs gay marriage”.
-“Teen brushing his teeth backs gay marriage”.
-“Receptionist on her coffee break backs gay marriage”.
-“Bored housewife backs gay marriage”.
-“A group of ringtail possums back gay marriage.”

Such headlines make just as much sense as the one the Age did run with. It is not only a non-event and utterly un-newsworthy, but it was just another lousy excuse for the Age to push its pet agenda. The newspaper has long ago decided that reporting the news in a balanced and objective fashion was not good enough.

It has decided instead that creating the news, and pushing minority group agenda items is now the only game in town. The truth is, this activist newspaper ought to be given the flick. It has simply become a laughing stock, as it replaces news gathering with propaganda and indoctrination.

Of course equally despicable is “our” ABC. I have reported countless examples of their gross bias and bigotry. It seems to be as anti-Christian as it is pro-homosexuality. I recently wrote about one of their religious programs which was amongst the most unbalanced and lopsided events I have seen on the ABC:

Given that I have to cough up my hard-earned tax dollars to keep the ABC alive, it is especially reprehensible when it deliberately pushes falsehoods, inaccuracies and deception in the public arena. Someone who complained about this bigoted broadcast received a letter back from the ABC, and passed it on to me.

It is just as biased and full of baloney as the original Compass show was. The letter is one long example of Orwellian doublespeak. The folks at the ABC seem to have been bending the truth for so long that it has become an art form.

Consider this rubbish for example: “We appreciate this is a polarising issue, but in reality it’s a far from ‘black and white’ argument – hence the need such diversity, and nuanced arguments. Even though it wasn’t a debate, we in fact secured 3 for and 3 against at the table – although they were not predictable in their arguments.”

Of course it is black and white: either marriage is only between a man and a woman, or it is opened up to any and every combination. And as I documented in my original article, this was not at all three against three. What we had was six against one, and the ABC knew this full well.

One blatant falsehood after another can be found in the ABC reply, but the worst may be this one: “We approached a number of other high profile Christians who were against same sex marriage but they declined to take part (including Jim Wallace and Bill Muehlenberg).”

I do not know about Jim, but at no time did I ever receive a letter, a phone call, a fax, an email, or a SMS from the ABC. It is that simple. So what is it that starts with an “l”, ends with an “e” and has an “i” in the middle? That is the only thing which can be said about this absolutely outrageous claim.

But why are we not surprised that the ABC resorts to this sort of behaviour? It is simply par for the course, and what we have come to expect from these guys. So if you ever wonder why it seems so difficult to get any fairness or balance out of the ABC, this is part of the reason. Playing fast and loose with the truth seems to be their speciality.

No wonder we are being continuously swamped with the homosexual agenda, when this small minority group is being aided and abetted by the MSM. That is why a thriving alternative media has been set up, to counter the mistruths, distortions and out and out bias of the MSM.

But don’t expect the outrages to let up anytime soon. They will continue to pour in, and get worse as well. Now is not the time to give up on this battle. Now more than ever is the time to get involved, especially for the sake of our children.

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