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Yet Another Ugly American

Hot on the heels of some ugly nonsense from the US President, the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has demonstrated that she can be rather ugly as well, if not rather naive. She has just been involved in two activities this week which not only seem to cancel each other out, but shows how bent she and Obama are on pushing their radical and anti-Christian agendas.

On the one hand Hillary was involved in yet more homosexual agenda pushing, while on the other hand she wants to further allow Muslims to censor all criticism and debate about Islam. Just how confused is this woman? Does she not even realise how at odds these two agendas are?

Just as Obama had made a big stink about the need to push for homosexual rights all around the world – whether other countries like it or not – so too Hillary has been on this crusade. Of concern is not just her promotion of this unhealthy lifestyle, but her utterly idiotic and morally vacuous way in which she has promoted it.

Consider one write-up on this: “In a speech designed to convince the world that ‘gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights,’ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said religious objections to homosexuality should not stand in the way of vigorous United Nations action to promote the homosexual rights agenda.

“On Tuesday, Clinton said promoting the global acceptance of ‘gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people’ is ‘one of the remaining human rights challenges of our time,’ likening the effort to ending racial, sexual, or religious discrimination.

“She noted that perhaps the ‘most challenging issue arises when people cite religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens.’ These objections, she said, are ‘not unlike the justification offered for violent practices towards women like honor killings, widow burning, or female genital mutilation’.”

There you have it: she not only denigrates any religious objection to homosexuality, thus thumbing her nose at the overwhelming majority of the world’s population, but she compares it to honor killings and widow burning! Just how utterly devoid of any logical or mental clarity is she?

To simply share one’s concern about homosexuality – which of course can be done without a shred of religious baggage – is on a par with burning widows alive. Thank you Hillary for demonstrating to the world the intelligence and conceptual clarity of the American leadership team.

This is simply another example of Obama’s and Hillary’s war on religion, and Christianity in particular. It is mind-boggling stuff, but these guys are on a mission to convert the whole world to their secular left ideology. She is confusing genuine human rights abuses with pushing a social engineering crusade.

As the editors of National Review remarked, such basic distinctions are crucial: “There is some that is commendable and much that is pernicious in Secretary Clinton’s speech Tuesday announcing that the United States will be making ‘LGBT rights’ — that is, the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered persons — ‘a priority of our foreign policy’ and a factor in determining the uses of ‘foreign assistance.’

“Support for human rights has a place in foreign policy, albeit a subordinate one. Among those rights, certainly, is the right of homosexuals to be free from violent attacks and other draconian punishments. As Clinton rightly notes, if there are fundamental rights at all (and the foundational premise of this republic is that there are) then they ‘are not conferred by the government,’ but ours ‘because we are human.’ The secretary then goes on to claim that human rights and gay rights are ‘one and the same,’ which we suppose is true insofar as the latter collapses into the former.

“What we don’t understand is how Clinton’s view — that being human vests us with certain rights — entails or even is compatible with a second set of rights that one enjoys by virtue of being homosexual. When Clinton says, ‘It is a violation of human rights when people are beaten or killed because of their sexual orientation,’ no recourse is required to a gay right. The words ‘because of their sexual orientation’ are superfluous. When she says that the horrors of ‘corrective’ rape against women who are suspected of being homosexual are violations of a right, to what right could she be referring besides the right not to be raped, simpliciter?”

Benjamin Bull asks why the pair is not focusing on what is perhaps the greatest violation of human rights around the world today: the persecution of Christians. He says, “With all due respect to the president, perhaps this is an all-too-obvious attempt to garner votes from a group that wasn’t that impressed with his performance until he successfully imposed homosexual behavior on the military earlier this year. Yet while he’s doing his best to appeal to that group, Christians around the world continue to be persecuted—to be hunted like animals, then tortured and killed when captured—yet we are still awaiting a serious White House memorandum on their behalf.

“Perhaps Christ’s famous words, ‘The first shall be last and the last shall be first,’ are applicable here, for it seems that the president, who long ago abandoned a defense of our nation’s Judeo-Christian underpinnings, is basically abandoning Christians altogether. The most obvious and recent example is that there is no word of sorrow offered up for the Coptic Christians who have been beaten and shot in Egypt.

“Nor is there any noticeable attempt to pressure India into overturning the anti-Christian legislation it has in place—legislation that makes it illegal to convert from Hinduism to Christianity. It is a fact that Hindu fundamentalists emboldened by this legislation have actually begun to bully and aggressively pursue Christians in their country. Why isn’t the plight of Christians around the world today worthy of a White House memorandum, Mr. President?”

But perhaps the most bizarre feature of all this is that while Clinton and Obama are pushing their homosexual agenda globally, they are also trying to cozy up to the Muslim world – go figure. Hillary was also this week doing her best to get on side with the Muslim world, as she met with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

As one commentator lamented, “Today (December 12, 2011) may well go down in history as the day when the light of free speech and freedom of expression in the U.S. began to flicker and die, when the ongoing attacks on free speech and freedom of expression in America really began to gain momentum and traction. With the collusion and support of President Obama Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting in Washington today with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to discuss methods and develop strategies to curb and prevent questioning, criticizing and/or discussing Islam or anything related to it in America…if this effort proves successful it may soon be a crime to question, criticize or discuss Islam or anything related to it in the United States. Islam being Islam and Islamists being Islamists I may be punished or even killed for writing something like this and you may be punished or even killed for reading it.

“This is not alarmist. There is no room whatsoever for free speech or freedom of expression in Islam and criticizing or questioning it is verboten under Islamic law, with grave consequences for those who dare to do so. The OIC is made up of 56 governments and the Palestinian authority and also claims authority over Muslims living in non-Muslim lands. Its purpose is to establish the supremacy of Islam and Islamic law throughout the world, including the U.S. In order to do this in the United States it must first eliminate free speech and freedom of expression there and Obama and Clinton are helping it do exactly that.

“Her meeting with the OIC is beyond disgraceful and shameful. It is a direct, frontal assault on the U.S. itself by the highest level of government. It is a direct, frontal assault on American’s right to think and act freely and question, criticize or discuss anything they want to, Islam or anything related to it or anything else. The Islamization of America is well and truly underway and has been for some time. It must be stopped in its tracks and reversed or freedom of speech and freedom of expression are dead and the country along with them. Maybe you and I too.”

Just how bizarre is all this? With the one hand the Obama Administration is promoting the militant homosexual agenda, and with the other, the totalitarian aims of the Islamists. Is this government schizoid or what? Or is it just so intent on destroying Christianity and the West, that anything goes? Whatever the reason, it is clearly time for these two ugly Americans to step down, and fast.

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