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What To Do With the Truth

Those who love truth know what to do with it: they embrace it, champion it, promote it, and live by it. But what about those who hate the truth? What are they to do with it? Well, we already know the answer to that, because we have so many examples of it.

In fact, I predicted last year what the truth-haters would do when my new book appeared: they would deny it, and then, attack it. My thoroughly-documented book on homosexuality, Strained Relations, complete with 707 footnotes, is being treated exactly as I said it would be.

Back in early September of last year I confidently predicted that two responses would be forthcoming from the MSM and the homosexual activists in regards to my book. The first thing they would do would be to censor it completely. They would deal with the book and the truth contained in it by a complete wall of silence.

They would seek to block out the contents of the book by refusing to even mention it. Given that refuting all the evidence of this book – so much of it coming directly from homosexuals themselves, or from reputable medical, scientific and other sources – would be just too much for them, they would just pretend it does not exist, and hope that it just quietly goes away.

Well, I hate to break it to them, but that is just not happening. Not only did the original print run sell out in the first nine weeks, so that a second print run is now available, but various outlets which are not dominated by PC considerations and fear of the homosexual militants have been promoting the volume.

Just last week I did an hour-long interview with a national-wide radio program about the book. It occurred because the interviewer happened to be a Christian who had the courage to want to see truth exposed in the public arena. So despite the MSM and homosexual blackout, the word is getting out anyway.

But when the truth can no longer be quarantined and censored out, then the second strategy will be all-out attack. Once it becomes impossible to keep a lid on this book, then the attack dogs will be unleashed to do their vicious hatchet jobs. Indeed, I have already had ugly comments on my site by the militants who have clearly not even read a word of the book, but still feel qualified to rip into it.

An example of this very sort of assault was just recently publicised overseas. Militant homosexual activists in Spain tried to shout down a book which offered hope for homosexuals. The good news is their nasty attack seems to have backfired big time.

And there is good reason for the ferocity of this attack: if there is one thing the homosexual lobby hates more than anything else, it is when the truth about leaving homosexuality is publically proclaimed. They go absolutely ballistic whenever a former homosexual tells of his journey out of his dead-end lifestyle.

Thus they will mercilessly attack anyone or any organisation which offers help to those who choose to leave the homosexual lifestyle. This is how one press report covers the situation in Spain: “A campaign waged by homosexuals in Spain to suppress a book about reparative therapy for homosexuality has backfired, generating media coverage that has drawn new attention to the formerly ignored work.

“As a result, the publisher says that it has been overwhelmed by requests for the book and is now in the process of printing 7,000 more copies. ‘Understanding and Healing Homosexuality,’ which has been available since 2004 in Spanish, became the object of protest in Spain in December when the book was republished by Libros Libres and the new edition appeared in the catalogs of such online booksellers as Amazon, La Casa del Libro (the House of Books), and La Corte Inglés (The English Court).

“The book, written by therapist Richard Cohen, discusses Cohen’s own liberation from homosexual attraction, what he regards as the principal causes of the problem, and methods for bringing about the healing of same-sex desires. The appearance of the new edition sparked a protest on Twitter and other Internet media, including a petition that gathered tens of thousands of signatures demanding the removal of the book. Reporting on the campaign in the Spanish news media began on December 27th and has continued unabated.

“Although the campaign has achieved the removal of the book from the offerings of La Corte Inglés, it also led newspapers, including the leftist El Pais, to do interviews with Cohen, in which he was given ample space to discuss his experience of liberation from homosexuality and the success of his therapeutic methods.”

That is the very same fear the militants here have about my book. That is why they are seeking to keep it under wraps, because once it does get into the MSM, then the thing they most fear – having truth get out into the public arena – will then occur.

But there are other times when they simply go about their usual business of seeking to shout down, intimidate and harass anyone who dares to take a differing point of view than theirs. For all their talk about tolerance and acceptance, the radical homosexual lobby is the most intolerant and un-accepting group on earth – except maybe for the rabid misotheists. (Actually, membership of both groups overlaps to an amazing degree.)

Consider how these promoters of peace and tolerance have treated tennis star and pro-faith and pro-family champion Margaret Court. They plan to have noisy protests at the upcoming Australian Open to denounce her for daring to support heterosexual marriage. Here is how the story appeared in today’s press:

“Margaret Court has vowed to maintain her opposition to homosexuality and same-sex marriage, undeterred by gay activists planning to use next week’s Australian Open tennis championships to protest against her views. Court, Australia’s greatest women’s tennis player and a senior pastor at Perth’s Victory Life Centre church, said she had never ‘run from anything’ and expected Australian Open organisers to prevent next week’s tournament from being hijacked by the gay rights agenda.

“‘Are they not wanting me to come to the Australian Open? Is that what they are trying to do? I don’t run from anything, Court told The Australian yesterday. ‘I have always been a champion and always loved what I do and love tennis. I think it is very sad they can bring it into that. It is hard that they can voice their opinions but I am not allowed to voice my opinion. There is something wrong somewhere. We live in a free society and I stand up for families between a husband and a wife. I won’t ever back down on that.’

“Court’s views on homosexuality, which she has publicly held for more than 20 years, have prompted gay activists to launch a ‘Rainbow Flags Over Margaret Court Arena’ Facebook site urging people to display gay pride colours at the stadium court named after her. Comments from Court published during last month’s highly charged debate on gay marriage at the ALP national conference were rebuked by two of the sport’s most celebrated women, Martina Navratilova and Billie Jean King.

“Australian doubles player Rennae Stubbs, who is openly lesbian, accused Court of directing hate towards homosexuals. When contacted yesterday by The Australian, Court said she had never felt hatred towards gay people and was merely expressing God’s word, as taken literally from the Scriptures. ‘I have always said I have nothing against homosexual people,’ she said. ‘We have them in our church. I help them to overcome. We have people who have been homosexual who are now married.’

“‘When I spoke a month ago and stood for marriage, things came back from tennis players who probably didn’t read what I wrote. It had nothing to do with people personally or tennis players. I remember speaking to Navratilova 10 years ago on something she brought up with me and I said “Martina, I love you, God loves you, but a wrong doesn’t make a right”. I think I have a right, being a minister of the gospel, to say what it says from a scriptural side. I have been married for 44 years this year and, to me, marriage is something very special, wonderful, ordained by God. I look at the children of our next generation and think of the problems they are having in America with all this – we don’t need it in our nation’.”

A few things are crystal clear here. One, Margaret Court is a real hero. She is one of the few Christian leaders in the entire nation with enough courage to stand up and speak biblical truth. For that she deserves a medal. And her boldness simply condemns the majority of Christian leaders who are spineless wonders on this issue. Her bravery puts these others to shame.

The second clear lesson of this is the absolutely ugly and nasty nature of the militant homosexual lobby. They hate truth, they hate debate, and they hate anyone who dares to resist their sinister agenda. All they are good at is shouting down others, hounding others, and savagely attacking others – all in the name of tolerance of course.

What these various episodes demonstrate is that it is vitally important that truth gets out into the public arena, and that those who have the truth need to start showing some Holy Ghost boldness and start proclaiming it loud and clear. George Orwell had it right when he said years ago: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”

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