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Another New Day, Another Batch of Hate Mail

I can always tell it is a new day – I just have to open my inbox and there it is: the latest batch of hate mail. No sooner have I deleted yesterday’s batch when a new supply comes in with the morning emails. In the old days it came in the mail box, but now it appears in my inbox.

Same hate, same abuse, and same ugliness. It’s just that it comes in a lot easier and quicker nowadays. That is one of the downsides of the Internet Age: the haters can much more easily send out their poison. But I guess we have to take the good with the bad here.

I have written often before about just how intolerant those who shout the loudest about tolerance are. And in my three decades of involvement in the culture wars, I can tell you right now who carries on the most about tolerance, love, and acceptance: the militant atheist fundamentalists, and the militant homosexual crusaders.

Both carry on incessantly about the need to be tolerant and open to others, yet both can be the most intolerant, hate-filled and nasty folks around. I could easily write a book filled with examples of this “tolerance”. There is heaps of it around, and each new day brings forth a fresh batch of this ugly stuff.

Consider just one example from this morning’s supply. I of course have to tone it down so that it is suitable for public consumption: “You are a s**t head. I can assure you that same sex adoption will be fully accepted in the future because my generation is fuelled by love and acceptance. This does not make sense at all, I am shocked that there are people like you who are so narrow minded and opposed to love.”

Hey, can’t you just feel the love and acceptance? It is oozing out of her comment. I am relieved to know the world is in such good hands: such love, acceptance and tolerance. And notice also how these guys (in this case a female) argue: not a scrap of evidence, fact or argumentation; just plenty of abuse.

It is similar to another comment which I did allow to go through: “You are a chauvanistic discriminatory b**tard! you have absolutly NO facts to back up your so called “studies”! Its dumba**es like you that are so uncomfortable with your own sexuality that you cant be comfortable with some one thats outside your “norm”! Get out of your 1950?s stereotypes and realize that homosexuals are just as juman and American as you or anyone else! So you can take your typical conservative believes and shove ‘em!”

Here as well we can certainly feel the love. It is just dripping off this comment. Notice again in both cases we do not have one iota of argument or debate, but simply one long ad hominem attack. As I have pointed out so often, it is always far easier to simply throw mud and attack a person than it is to actually engage intelligently with the evidence.

Both these comments were sent to this much older post about same-sex adoption:

There I simply list in bullet point fashion some facts on this issue. I have all of these facts fully documented elsewhere, especially in my new book, Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality. Everything said there is completely verifiable.

So how does the other side respond? Does it try to refute these facts? Does it try to deal with the evidence? Does it proffer counterarguments? Nope, not on your life. They instead prefer to spew forth reams of hatred and abuse. All in the name of “love and acceptance” of course, as Tracey in the first comment put it.

Yes we can all see just how committed their side is to love and tolerance. We can really see the love and feel the tolerance. We get it in their comments on a regular basis. If I simply got a dollar for every one of these vicious comments, I would be a rather wealthy man right now.

I can see why so many good people refuse to get involved in these fights. I can see why so many people who should be speaking out remain silent. I understand how all this relentless hatred and abuse can silence the bravest of souls. But we must speak out nonetheless.

These battles are far too important to allow some noxious abuse to turn us into cowards. How can we keep silent in the face of such radical social engineering which will impact us all, especially our children? We dare not let the other side intimidate us and bully us into silence and submission.

Indeed, just recently I had one person tell me on another site that he was not keen about speaking out, because a few people might ‘defriend’ him. I wrote back asking him what is more important: standing up for what is right, or losing a few so-called friends?

Indeed, if these folks will turn on you for standing up for the truth, then I would not consider them to be friends in the first place. You do not need such people in your life. Get rid of them, and replace them with genuine friends, those who agree with you about the important issues of life.

I for one will keep taking a stand. I know that means each morning I will have to flush out all the hate mail, death threats, and abusive emails. That just goes with the territory. I hope all of you reading this will not succumb to cowardice at such a time as this.

As A.A. Hodge once stated, “It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.” Who will stand with me?

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