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The Tolerance Brigade Is At It Again

A picture is always worth a whole bunch of words, so please everyone check out this photo in the following article:

What more need I say? This really could be the shortest article I ever post here. But just in case a few of you are not quite with it here, let me point out what has just occurred. The militant homosexual activists, who believe bullying, intimidation, attack, and abuse is the only way to make their case, are known for forever blubbering on about tolerance and acceptance.

So what do we find here? The story explains: “Same Sex Marriage supporters attacked Wallsend Presbyterian Church last night in response to a message criticising same-sex marriage displayed on the building’s outside notice board. The church on Nelson Street had updated its message board last week to read ‘Even tradies know you need both male and female joints to make a marriage’. The front of the 1867 building, which recently received a $12,000 makeover, was defaced with numerous pro-homosexual scrawls.”

So this is how the tolerance brigade makes its case: by attacking and defacing and causing damage to a church. Yep, we sure do love how you guys do business. All that love and tolerance is just oozing out here. But if this were not bad enough, look closely at that photo again.

Did you see one of the bits of graffiti? It says this: “Tolerance is a virtue”. I kid you not. Look at it again! Don’t you just love how these guys demonstrate all their wonderful love of tolerance? They bend over backwards trying to be the most intolerant bunch in the country. And they are succeeding just fine.

As I mentioned, no commentary is really needed here. Just soak in the irony, the duplicity, the double standards and the hypocrisy. I love it when these guys make our case for us. I could never have done such a good enough job to demonstrate all this. So they kindly go and do it for me.

Thanks guys. Keep it up. We expect to see even more such cases of love, acceptance and tolerance in the near future. We know full well how you operate, and we look forward to more expressions of tolerance.

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