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Time To Stamp Out Ugly Polyphobia

OK, now that we know that same-sex marriage is just such a wonderful thing which will not cause any problems at all, then I guess we can all move on to bigger and better things. Now that we all know that marriage can mean whatever you want it to, then it is time to fight all unjust discrimination and bigotry.

After all, it seems that at the end of the day it’s all about love. Nothing else really matters. As long as there is love – whatever that means – then anything goes. And we all know that the more love, the better. Thus we need to open up love and marriage to their full logical outcome.

Not only should we demolish the idea that gender matters in marriage, but also we should overthrow the oppressive and archaic notion of number as well. Why limit love to two people only? Why be so bigoted and narrow-minded to claim that marriage should be restricted to just two people?

This is the twenty-first century after all. We are no longer back in the Stone Age. We all now know that marriage is about love only, not gender, or number, or even object. Love is whatever you want it to be, so let’s go for the whole hog here.

Indeed, many homosexual activists have long championed such a complete liberationist view of marriage. For example, back in 1972 the US-based National Coalition of Gay Organizations issued its Gay Rights Platform. It offered, in part, this list of demands:

“7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit, regardless of sex or numbers.”

There you have it folks. The sky’s the limit. They have been arguing this for decades now. Yet whenever our side mentions the obvious slippery slope from same-sex marriage to group marriage, the other side spits chips and claims we are fear mongering and making all this up.

The truth is, the one follows on perfectly from the other. The arguments for one are exactly identical to the arguments for the other. This sexual anarchy is all of a piece. Once you decide that marriage must be dismantled, then anything goes. Everything is now up for grabs.

And we have plenty of politicians who are quite happy to promote this sexual insanity. Consider as Exhibit A what has to be one of the most idiotic, senseless and morally-vacuous speeches ever delivered in the Australian Parliament. I refer to the wit and wisdom of Greens’ Senator Adam Bandt as he introduced his “Marriage Equality motion” on 15 November 2010:

“Love knows no boundaries.
Love knows no limits.
And love knows when it has found its partner.
Mr Speaker, there have been many attempts through history to limit love.
And all have failed.
And as we move further into the 21st century I am confident that attempts to limit love will fail again, that full marriage equality will become a reality.”

Wow, Washington would be all weepy hearing such a speech. Churchill would be quaking in his boots to hear such learned oratory. Lincoln may never have run for office had he heard such a stunner. And this is what the Greens are so utterly and absolutely passionate about! This is what they see as the nation’s highest priority.

Love has no limits all right. Anything goes. Love your pet skink? No probs, man. Love your IPad? A ceremony can certainly be performed for that one. Have an erotic thing for gum trees? Go for it. Get your kinky kicks out of getting it on with basketballs? Hey, who am I to judge?

After all, Adam tells us love is without limits. I guess he should know what he is talking about. And obviously any attempt to limit love is so very wrong, and will always fail. So anything now goes, and Adam will ensure that you can solemnise your many varieties of love. Nothing will be denied. Thank you for all that Adam.

And you are of course in good company. The polys are everywhere it seems. Just google the word ‘polyamory’ and see how ubiquitous these groups are. They are found all over the place. Consider just one of many such group love sites: Polyamory Australia. This is what we find on their homepage:

The poly community is diverse:
We could be rural, inner-city urban or suburban, straight or gay, bi or asexual, cis- or trans-gendered. We could be agnostic, atheist, Christian, wiccan, Buddhist, pagan or Mormon, to name but a few. We could be into polyfidelity, swinging, bdsm, polygamy, kink, feminism or plain vanilla sex on flanellette sheets. We could be dressed as daggy geeks, conservative businesses suits, or fetish fashionistas who sport a mean corset. Our common goal is that of ethical, multiple, intimate relationships and respect for our incredible, wonderful, stimulating diversity.”

Yep, that’s some kind of diversity all right. And check this out. It comes from their rather revealing FAQ section:

“Why be polyamorous?
So many answers, so little space!
Different poly people will give different personal answers, but some of the common reasons are:
•    I fell in love with more than one person at once and chose not to choose between them
•    I love being completely honest with myself and my SOs about my feelings
•    It gives me the ability to ask myself honestly, “What do I really want?”
•    I fell in love with someone who was poly
•    I was born poly – it’s who I am
•    We tried swinging and it wasn’t emotionally satisfying
•    It grew out of sexual exploration
•    It’s such a rich interesting life
•    I want to let every relationship find it’s natural potential, without imposing artificial restrictions
•    I love lots of sex with lots of different people
•    It enlarges the love available on the planet, rather than diminishing it”

Hey, where did we hear all that before? Sure sounds familiar. And I loved this one: “I was born poly – it’s who I am”. Yep, it’s in your genes, you cannot help it, and the right thing to do would be just to give in to all this. That is obviously the loving and compassionate thing to do.

But wait – there’s more. We also find on this site polys who are quite happy to share their own stories. These also make for some very revealing reading. Consider just one offering:

Tue, 22/11/2011 – 8:22pm | newy2foru
Hi there we are looking for a third, We are in newcastle and looking for someone to come join us!
We have 3 kids under 7 and would love more!
We would be keen to Meet a a guy or girl to love!”

Did you catch that? These guys have “3 kids under 7”! And they want to open up their household to even more adults, and more love. Gee, I bet the paedophiles are smacking their lips as they read these kinds of things. What madness has bewitched these parents? Just how sick can we get?

But this all makes perfect sense in the eyes of the homosexual activists, and politicians like Bandt. They are the ones who have laid the foundation for all this. They are the ones who have begun the demolition job on marriage. They are the ones who have declared war on the institution of marriage and human sexuality.

Well, maybe they are on to something here. Perhaps I am being just an old-fashioned, bigoted, intolerant obstacle to progress. I guess I need to see the light. I guess I need to get with it. OK then, let me do my bit for the cause:

Polys unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! It is time to stand up for your rights. Demand that your love be recognised, endorsed and enforced by the state. Demand that the narrow and oppressive institution of marriage be properly opened up so that all people can celebrate their love in any way they choose.

Smash oppressive social structures. Down with those intolerant and bigoted polyphobes. It is time to stand up for real marriage equality. End this unjust discrimination and denial of our human rights. Smash all polyphobia and allow the love to flow. We’re poly, we’re jolly, and we’re not going to go away.

Yep, it all makes sense to me. After all, I sure don’t want to be seen as intolerant, narrow-minded, and unloving.

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