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On Mitt Romney and America’s Future

It is pretty clear by now that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will get the nod as the Republican nominee to run against Barack Obama in November. As might be known, he is certainly not my main choice. Nor even my second. Nor third.

A number of Republican candidates whom I liked far better because they were much more conservative have all pulled out or fallen out of the race. Among them were Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Rick Santorum. (Libertarians like Ron Paul I do not regard as a conservative, so he was never on my list.)

Thus we have to deal with who we have, and that now almost certainly – barring some unforeseen event – will be Romney. The Republican National Convention will be held in Tampa, Florida on August 27. It is there he most likely will get the official green light to take on President Obama.

As you know, he served as Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. His time there was certainly a mixed bag. He tended to flip-flop on many key issues, including abortion and homosexual marriage. Of course now, to offer a contrast to Obama, he is talking much more conservatively on these sorts of issues.

Of course never mind the obvious fact that Obama has also flip-flopped on some of these things, especially marriage. But when he changes his mind, it is called “evolving” and is therefore OK. But to the leftist MSM, if Romney changes his mind, he is a flip-flopper.

But we can expect to see much more of this from here on in. The MSM will be seeking to smear Romney in every way possible, while refusing to lay a hand on Obama. Thus the media is already dredging up supposed incidents when Romney was just a schoolboy!

But back to the man and his policies. He certainly will have to make himself look very different from Obama. But the trouble is, in some areas, they have at times been more similar than different. Consider for example the Massachusetts health reform law which he brought in back in 2006.

It in many ways became the prototype for Obama’s monstrous and unhelpful reforms in this area. So he will have a very hard time indeed in critiquing Obamacare, given how much it drew upon his own health care reform. Not being a consistent or thorough conservative, his efforts to distinguish himself from the incumbent will be that much harder than if a real conservative were to get the nomination.

But no use crying over spilled milk, or failed candidates. The only really crucial thing at this point is getting rid of Obama. I have written numerous articles over the past few years showing how he is perhaps our most dangerous US president ever.

The list is long, but for conservatives and Christians he has been terrible on so many fronts, whether abortion, homosexuality, or the importance of marriage and family. He has been as keen to suck up to Islam as he has been willing to betray Christianity.

If he gets a second term I really do not see how America will be able to recover. In the first term he could only unleash part of his ultra-radical agenda. But if he wins a second there will be little stopping him from completing the destruction of the American nation.

Even just in terms of appointing more leftist, activist Supreme Court judges for their life terms it would be bad enough. But he likely will have destroyed the US economy well before the judicial activists destroy the moral, cultural and social fibre of the nation.

Thus while Mitt Romney is far from ideal, at this point there is something much more important: we must get rid of Obama. If he gets in a second term we are all toast. I would not wish to live through all the carnage he will inflict, not just on the US, but on the whole world, if he gets back in.

Far too many Christians who should have known better back in 2008 were duped and deceived big time by this guy. They fell for all the baloney that he was somehow the messiah who would solve all of America’s problems. Well he ain’t, and he hasn’t.

So hopefully American Christians will wake up this time and reject this man, and reject him decisively. But of course there is a problem here. Because Romney is a Mormon, which historic, orthodox Christianity has always considered to be a cult, many Christians will be leery of him.

Let me say at this point that it is not my intent to get into a big debate here about whether it is or is not a cult. For what it is worth, I do in fact believe that it is. It denies too many of the core Christian beliefs to be called just a fringe Christian group.

But there are hundreds of websites where these matters are discussed and debated. Those who want to get into these theological debates are urged to go there. For what it is worth, I would certainly vote for Romney, not because I approve of his Mormonism, but because I so strongly disapprove of his rival.

But the worry is this: just how many Christians – especially evangelical, Bible-believing Christians – will not vote for Romney simply because he is a Mormon? I do not know how many might do this, but it could well be a very sizable number indeed.

The problem is, if enough Christians fail to vote for Romney, they will by default allow Obama to get back in. If nothing else, we have to think of this in terms of the lesser of two evils. In my book Obama is clearly the far worse candidate in just so many ways.

And just how much Romney could do as president to promote particular Mormon doctrines and teachings really would seem to be negligible. I really do not think this is something we have to worry about very much. All we can hope is that he would offer us at least some mildly conservative leadership, and hopefully stand strong on some key issues. As I say, he is not my preferred candidate by any means.

But we are now stuck with him, and he is far better than the Democratic alternative. But just a few more words on the Mormon issue if I may. I do invite those Christians who are concerned about this to be aware of a new document which a number of Christian leaders have recently produced and signed.

It is called: For the sake of the gospel! It says it is “A Biblical Call to Christian Ministers and Leaders” concerning Mitt Romney, Mormonism and the Christian Vote. It begins as follows: “For the sake of the Gospel, we, the undersigned, call upon Christian leaders and their respective ministries and organizations, if you plan on endorsing Governor Mitt Romney for the office of President of the United States, do so by clearly and unequivocally distancing yourself and Biblical Christianity from his Mormon beliefs.

“We believe in the freedom of religion, the free exercise thereof, and the principles of a constitutional republic. Our Constitution does not require a religious ‘test’ for any candidate to qualify for political office. Anyone should be allowed to run for office and serve if elected – regardless of their religious affiliations or lack thereof.

“Further, it is not our intention with this call to bind the conscience of any individual by telling them how to vote. If an evangelical Christian chooses to vote for Mr. Romney (President Obama or any candidate), that is a decision between themselves and God.

“The purpose of this call to evangelical Christians and leaders is two-fold:
-To protect the purity and integrity of the Biblical Gospel.
-To seize the opportunity to educate the America Public and Christians to the fundamental differences between historic Christian faith and that of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons).”

The document goes on to highlight some of these very real differences. I have signed the document. I agree with it. Mormonism is not identical to biblical Christianity. But on the other hand, too much is at stake if too many Christians simply boycott the election, refusing to vote in Romney.

Thus I must again reiterate my main and most vital point here: This election is not so much about electing Mitt Romney. What it is really all about is un-electing Barack Hussein Obama. Individual Christians will of course have to prayerfully consider how they will vote in November. Some in good conscience may decline to vote for Romney.

Hopefully all in good conscience will decline to vote for Obama. But we must be aware of the very high stakes here, and what a second Obama term would mean to America and the world, but more importantly, to religious freedom itself. We simply have far too much to lose if he gets re-elected. So please vote prayerfully, thoughtfully and carefully.

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