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Homosexual Haters Against the Salvation Army

There is nothing and no one the homosexual hate lobby will not take on in their effort to cram their radical agenda down the throats of every man, woman and child on the planet. They have declared war on any organisation or individual which dares to oppose its hate-filled agenda.

No matter how wonderful and charitable and philanthropic and helpful a group or person may be, if they do not fully grovel before the homosexual militants, they will be targeted and treated with utter contempt and disgust by the bullies at the “tolerance” brigade.

These thugs excel in intimidation, harassment, bullying and hate. And even such enormously dedicated charity groups like the Salvation Army will be treated like dirt if they do not bow the knee to the new homosexual tyranny. Consider two recent shocking cases of this.

In November of last year the gaystapo declared war on the Salvos for daring to say marriage was between a man and a woman. For that grotesque transgression the militants turned their wrath on the world famous charity. Here is how one report covered the story back then:

“Gay rights activists who object to the Salvation Army’s biblical stance on homosexuality are launching their annual call to shut down the organization’s Christmas fundraiser. The red kettle campaign, which is now in its 120th year, is a familiar sight to Christmas shoppers. The organization’s simple method of begging for shoppers’ loose change as they exit stores has raised millions of dollars to benefit needy families, seniors, and the homeless.

“The Salvation Army’s humble method of raising funds during the Christmas season has brought in millions to provide food, shelter and clothing for the poor. But if the author of a recent blog post on, one of the internet’s most prominent homosexual blogs, has his way, that would be brought to an end. ‘As the holidays approach, the Salvation Army bell ringers are out in front of stores dunning shoppers for donations. If you care about gay rights, you’ll skip their bucket in favor of a charity that doesn’t actively discriminate against the LGBT community,’ wrote Bil Browning, in a post that appeared last week.

“Browning authored a shorter post last year on the same theme that he says garnered 14,000 Facebook shares. His longer post this year quotes from the Salvation Army’s website as evidence of its offensive stance on gay rights, such as the statement that ‘sexual intimacy is understood as a gift of God to be enjoyed within the context of heterosexual marriage.’ That statement goes on to say that ‘there is no scriptural support for demeaning or mistreating anyone for reason of his or her sexual orientation,’ although Browning does not quote this portion.

“Browning claims that the organization discriminates against gays and lesbians in its services, and seems to imply that the money raised by the red kettle campaign helps to fund Salvation Army lobbying efforts, such as supporting a UK law to prohibit the government from actively promoting the homosexual lifestyle in public schools.

“Major George Hood, the Salvation Army’s National Community Relations Secretary, told LifeSiteNews that both claims were untrue. ‘The position of the Salvation Army is very clear that we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and we meet human needs without discrimination,’ he said in an interview. ‘We know that there are people who come to us from the gay community and they are served the same as anyone else because sexual orientation is not a question we would ever ask’.”

But not to be outdone, the pink mafia are at it again. For daring to stand up for traditional marriage and the biblical view on human sexuality, the lavender storm troopers are at it again. Consider this report in today’s press:

“The Salvation Army’s declaration that homosexuality is an unacceptable urge has provoked outrage in the gay community. Gay pop star Darren Hayes called for a boycott of the high-profile charity, a call backed by pro-gay lobbyists. The Salvos responded last night by pointing out they helped some of Australia’s most marginalised and needy people, including gay and transgender ones.

“After the Salvos’ online statement on homosexuality, Hayes tweeted to his 60,748 followers: ‘Important for gay people to know the true position of the Salvation Army when considering who to donate to. Sad.’ He said asking people to control their sexuality was like asking someone to change their eye colour.

“Salvation Army spokesman Maj Bruce Harmer said most of Australia’s faith-based charities would be excluded from donations if judged on Hayes’ criteria. ‘TSA (the Salvos) would suggest a more appropriate measure for people to use is to look at how an organisation treats and deals with members of the community who are marginalised, vulnerable, experiencing disadvantage or oppression,’ he said. ‘On that measure, TSA is one of the most compassionate and non-discriminatory in the way it works with people who are marginalised in our community, including many who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.’

“He said gay people could be officers of the church if they vowed to be celibate. The same rule applied to unmarried heterosexuals. The statement, which described homosexuality as ‘unacceptable’ to God and that it should be ‘restrained’ with willpower, was its current position.

“Anna Brown, convener of the Victorian Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby, said the charity had also opposed gay marriage at a House of Representatives inquiry. ‘Actively campaigning against marriage equality is counter to the principles of compassion and humanity, and these are the very values that motivate most Australians to donate to the Salvation Army,’ she said.”

Well there you have it folks. The homosexual jackboots want to see the Salvation Army closed down for its crimes against humanity. Yep, dare to say that marriage is about a man and a woman only, and you face the blast furnace of homosexual intolerance and bigotry.

I am now fully convinced that you can tell just how hate-filled, intolerant and bigoted a group will be by the amount of times they claim to reject such values. Indeed, there is an inverse relationship going on here: the more these guys talk about love, acceptance and tolerance, the more unloving, un-accepting and intolerant they in fact are.

And here we have yet two more perfect examples of this. What a miserable hate-filled bunch they really are.

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