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The Slope Keeps Getting More and More Slippery

When warnings go unheeded, soon things reach a point of no return. When prophetic voices are raised, only to fall on deaf ears, eventually it gets too late to do much more warning. We are now pretty much at this point in the West. For decades now many of us have warned about where all this radical social engineering is taking us.

Yet many refused to listen, and many refused to care. But each new day brings more examples of a slippery slope which is now actually a precipitous cliff. Whether it is the radical homosexual lobby, or creeping sharia, or the rise of secularist statism, things are going downhill at an ominous pace.

And in all this we must bear in mind the normative effect of the law. When governments legalise something they make it acceptable and it soon become normative, and then mandatory. What was once forbidden becomes accepted. What was once accepted becomes imperative.

We see examples of this all around us. I have so many examples simply from today’s headlines that it is hard to know where to begin. And one article can scarcely do justice to this slippery slope in action. So let me just throw out a number of very recent examples, providing only the briefest of details and commentary on each.

Case 1. Since the militant rainbow warriors are so often at the forefront of all this, let me start there. The US military provides a perfect example of the slippery slope in action. Consider this: “The U.S. Department of Defense’s recognition of Gay Pride Month less than a year after the repeal of ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ (DADT) is the new ‘stark reality’ that behavior once considered by the military as grounds for court martial is now celebrated, says the director of a chaplain alliance group.

“‘For the first time ever, the Department of Defense is making a positive event over behavior (sodomy) that had been a court martial offense a year ago, Chaplain (Col.) Ron Crews, USAR retired, executive director for the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, told The Christian Post on Monday. Now the DoD is wanting to honor that behavior. That’s the stark reality that we’re living in now’.”

Case 2. Special rights for homosexuals, including marriage rights, changes everything. Consider this situation in California: “From the moment the push to redefine marriage began, the most militant of the would-be redefiners deployed a ‘scorched earth policy’ toward marriage to achieve their goals. In other words, they proved willing not just to alter, but also to destroy marriage and the family in order to establish conditions where they could reconstruct marriage – and all of society – according to their own designs.

“And part of this scorched earth policy, as we’re now seeing it in California, is the effort to recognize more than two parents for children. That’s right—SB 1476, a bill that gives judges the power to pretend that a child could have ‘three or more’parents—has made it through the state Senate and is now with the Assembly. And once a child has two mothers and a dad or two dads and mother, how small is the step to allowing the two moms to ‘marry’ or the two dads to ‘marry’?”

Case 3. And the slippery slope sure can be found in plenty of churches as well. Those who start tinkering with God’s word and his authority soon find themselves on a downward spiral that shows no signs of bottoming out. Consider the theological liberals in the Episcopalian church in the US:

“Sixteen years after first allowing gays and lesbians to become priests and nine years after installing its first gay bishop, the Episcopal Church on Tuesday became the largest Christian denomination in the U.S. to offer religious blessings to same-sex couples.

“The monumental decision, approved by a thick margin at the church’s triennial General Convention in Indianapolis, means that priests in the 1.9 million-member church can officiate blessings to same-sex couples who are in long-term relationships beginning in December.

“The church’s House of Deputies voted 171 to 41, with nine people saying they were divided, to support a same-sex blessings liturgy that will be used during a three-year trial before the church meets again and decides if it should be permanent.”

Case 4. Nowhere do we find the slippery slope doing its pernicious thing more than in the case of homosexual marriage. The activists scream until they are blue in the face that legalising homosexual marriage will not change anything, and that there will be no slippery slope to come. They are of course lying through their teeth.

I have documented this numerous times now, with the push for polyamory being the next main domino to fall. I have even had to recently open an entire new section on my website devoted to the growing campaign for legalised polyamory.

Here then is some more evidence of all this. Consider this incredible headline and opening paragraph from an Australian paper: “The Greens have been caught trying to promote the asylum seeker crisis as political bait to attract new members to its youth wing. Secret minutes of a meeting on June 30 also revealed that the leadership of the Australian Young Greens party wanted to push for a public debate on polyamorous marriage, which allows people to have several wives or husbands.

“The minutes showed the Young Greens’ leadership advocated the use of the ‘refugee issue’ to boost its base while it had been ‘hitting’ the news…. The meeting also criticised the party’s cloak of secrecy around its policy debates and annual conferences, and called for greater public discussion on some of its policy platforms, which now appears to also include polygamy.”

Case 5. And of course what is good for the homosexual militants and their various kinky hangers on is also good for the Muslims. They too are quite keen on redefining marriage and family. They have always been into polygamy, and they want it legalised here in Australia. Consider this:

“Victoria’s largest mosque has been forced into an embarrassing back-down after women were told they must ‘fulfil the rights’ of their husbands and share him with other women. In a move that has outraged local Muslim women, at least one Preston Mosque committee member authorised a post on its official Facebook page instructing women that polygamy was a better alternative to divorce and husbands were ‘someone you share’.

“‘It is very important for a wife to fulfil the rights of her husband. Why? Because Allah commanded her to, after marriage Jannah is through her husband, and also the husband is your partner. A partner is someone you share with not someone who does things for you,’ said the post.”

I don’t know about you but these five examples (and there would be plenty more such recent cases) all sound a whole lot like slippery slopes to me. They all perfectly illustrate the very thing we have been warning about for years now. Once you open the door just a bit to the radical agendas, soon the floodgates open.

For decades we have been warning about where all these sorts of things would be heading. The activists and those too sleepy or too unconcerned all laughed and scoffed at us. But all these warnings are coming to pass right before our very eyes. And if all this is happening now, just imagine what diabolical moonbattery will be occurring in a year from now.

Don’t say you have not been warned. We told you so – over and over again. So when will you finally wake up, listen, and start doing something about all this?

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