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Tolerance Update, #3738

Yep, it’s time once again for another tolerance update. There is just so much tolerance going around by those who shout the most about tolerance that it is necessary to have regular updates. Daily would be ideal, but life is busy, so I will have to do it weekly or so instead.

So here are a few more recent tales of tolerance and diversity in action. The activists are simply working overtime to convince us just how tolerant, accepting, and into diversity they are. Here are three more stories, all appearing on September 10.

All have to do with the slow but steady war against family, faith and freedom. Parental rights are being stripped away, and religious liberty continues to get squeezed out all over the West. All this because the homosexual activists are demanding that their agenda be fully embraced and promoted, with all dissenters facing the heavy hand of the law.

The first story comes from the UK and goes like this: “Teachers who refuse to endorse gay marriage in the classroom could face the sack under controversial Government reforms, a legal expert has warned. Schools will be within their statutory rights to dismiss staff that wilfully fail to use stories or textbooks promoting same-sex weddings, it is claimed.

“Aidan O’Neill, a senior QC and expert on religious freedom and human rights, also warned that parents who object to gay marriage being taught to their children will have no right to withdraw their child from lessons. In a report, he said that any decision to redefine marriage would have far-reaching consequences for schools, hospitals, foster carers and public buildings.

“The most serious impact is likely to be felt in the church where vicars and priests conducting religious marriage ceremonies could be taken to court for refusing to carry out a gay wedding, he said. The conclusions – in legal advice commissioned by the Coalition for Marriage – comes amid continuing fall-out over Government plans to tear up the centuries-old law on marriage.”

The UK is also where the second story emerges: “Christina Summers, a member of Brighton and Hove City Council, has been dismissed from the Green Group over expressing her views on same-sex marriage in a free vote. The Green Group of councillors announced its decision today (10 September) which was held off until the end of the Green Party conference to avoid negative publicity.

“Several Green Councillors called for her dismissal when she voted against a motion in support of the Government’s plans to introduce same-sex marriage at a council meeting in July. At the launch of the Party’s disciplinary Inquiry Panel, shortly after the vote, Councillor Summers explained that her decision was based on her Christian convictions, stating ‘I’m accountable to God above any political party’.

“In response to the news of her expulsion, Councillor Summers said: ‘I have been waiting for weeks for my colleagues to make a clear and public decision. They have no idea how much I have been wanting to say to them and how many emails, blogs and tweets from the wider party membership I wanted to refute and respond to. But there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. In view of the Green Party’s own special interpretation of equality, my expulsion from the Green Group of councillors should not, in the end, come as a surprise’.”

Ah yes, more diversity, tolerance and understanding from the secular lefties. Either fully conform or you are out. All the talk about the need for diversity is merely a smokescreen for these groups. Scratch them a bit and you will discover totalitarianism at the core.

The final example comes from Canada: “A Hamilton-area Christian father is suing his children’s public school board after they refused to allow him to withdraw his children from controversial lessons on sexuality. Dr. Steve Tourloukis, a dentist, says the suit comes after he has been asking for accommodation from the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board since Sept. 2010. A member of the Greek Orthodox Church, he has a daughter in grade 1 and a son in grade 4.

“‘[I want them] to acknowledge my inherent parental rights to direct the spiritual and moral education of my own children,’ he said. ‘They’re my kids, not the government’s, not the Hamilton-Wentworth School Board’s. I don’t believe that teachers are ‘co-parents’ with equal say in my children’s religious beliefs’

“Tourloukis filed an application Friday afternoon with the Ontario Superior Court seeking a court order declaring that as the parent of his children, he is the final authority over his children’s education. The order would require the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to provide him with advance notification of any class, session or material to be covered which conflicts with his sincerely held religious beliefs. ‘My request is reasonable. Just give me advance notice of lessons, activities or materials which touch upon certain subjects, and if I deem it necessary, permit me to withdraw my kids from that particular class or exercise,’ he explained.

“Dalton McGuinty’s Ministry of Education has upheld the right of parents to withdraw their children from classes where instruction violates the family’s beliefs. But they have failed to enforce the policy. The Toronto District School Board has a formal policy forbidding withdrawals from its radical pro-homosexual curriculum and even of notifying parents in advance. Board chair Chris Bolton has insisted exemptions will ‘not be condoned’.”

Nope, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech will not be condoned. It is verboten. In the People’s Republic of Canada the citizens will sit down and shut up – they will submit to whatever the state tells them, or they will face the strictest of consequences.

My, how tolerant of them. What a swell example of diversity in action. Canadian Mark Steyn had it quite right when he warned of the dangers of statism, and militant lobby groups holding a nation to ransom:

“The bigger the Big Government, the smaller everything else: In Sweden, expressing a moral objection to homosexuality is illegal, even on religious grounds, even in church, and a pastor minded to cite the more robust verses of Leviticus would risk four years in jail. In Canada, the courts rule that Catholic schools must allow gay students to take their same-sex dates to the prom. The secular state’s Bureau of Compliance is merciless to apostates to a degree even your fire-breathing imams might marvel at.”

Yes quite so. And it is getting worse by the day. Unless those concerned about faith, freedom and family snap out of their lethargy and start speaking out real quick, we will simply lose it all. And don’t tell me you haven’t been warned.

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