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You Must Remain Trapped In Your Lifestyle

Two new quite ominous rulings in the US and the UK have demonstrated once again that the homosexual mafia will use the heavy hand of the law to enforce their iron-clad will on everyone, whether they like it or not. Until everyone submits to their agenda, they will not stop the war they have declared against faith, family and freedom.

To ensure that everyone bows down before their militant social engineering, they will oppose anyone and anything that gets in their way. And like a trusty lapdog, they have the secular state happily coming along to do their bidding. All over the West laws are being passed which grant special rights to homosexuals while taking away rights from everyone else.

Worst of all, if you are a poor young person who wants to be rid of unwanted homosexual feelings, laws are now being passed saying no you cannot – you must stay trapped in that lifestyle whether you like it or not. The social engineers are banning those who wish to offer their services here, forcing countless youth into a life of misery.

Consider what the social totalitarians in California have just done. A bill has just been passed making it illegal to offer help to youth wanting to get out of a dangerous and destructive lifestyle. As one report explains: “A bill that was described as a deliberate ‘attack on parental rights’ by its sponsor has been signed into law in California. On Sunday, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill banning sexual orientation change therapy for minors. It is set to go into effect on January 1, 2013.

“In response, the pro-family law firm Liberty Counsel has said it is filing a lawsuit on behalf of counselors, parents and their minor children, and the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) against the legislation. In signing the bill, Gov. Brown said that sexual orientation change therapy ‘will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery’.”

Never mind the thousands upon thousands of people who have been set free from this dangerous lifestyle. Never mind those many ex-homosexuals who have gone on to heterosexual marriage and children. The dictators in California have just decreed that such people are persona non grata.

The article continues, “Critics such as Staver say such broad language will prohibit any counseling that does not affirm and encourage experimentation with or acceptance of same-sex attractions, regardless of whether those feelings and attractions are unwanted by the counselee.

“While the bill makes it an ethical violation for any counselor or therapist to engage in it, opponents have argued that if the counselor does not provide the client with such counseling, or at least a referral, upon request, the counselor will also violate their licensing ethical code. ‘We are filing on behalf of mental health professionals who find themselves in a catch-22,’ Staver said. ‘This law undermines parental rights,’ Staver added. ‘Mental health decisions should be left to the patient, the parents, and the counselors – not to the government to license one viewpoint’.”

And in the UK we have more of this heavy-handed militancy taking place against those who seek to be released from their unwanted lifestyle. Consider this news report: “Britain’s largest professional body of psychotherapists has warned its members against attempting to ‘convert’ gay people, after discovering practitioners were still offering the ‘treatment’.

“The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy has notified its 30,000 members of the formal change in policy, advising them that being homosexual is not a mental disorder. Emphasising World Health Organisation policy which states that therapies aimed at ‘curing’ homosexuality can cause severe mental and physical damage, it says there is ‘no scientific, rational or ethical reason to treat people who identify within a range of human sexualities any differently from those who identify solely as heterosexual’.

“In a letter sent to members the BACP said it ‘opposes any psychological treatment such as “reparative’” or “conversion” therapy which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality is a mental disorder, or based on the premise that the client/patient should change his/her sexuality.’ The formal statement of policy followed the decision to strike off Lesley Pilkington, a Christian psychotherapist, for offering to ‘convert’ an undercover journalist. An appeal against the decision was rejected in May.”

Notice how highly these eggheads and militants value choice and freedom – not. It does not matter if a client comes in pleading for some help here, he or she will just not get it, because the gaystapo have outlawed real help. They would rather have people stay in their wretched condition and suffer than have the right to opt out of it.

So successful have the homosexual militants been in enlisting the state to enforce their bidding, that there really is only one thing left on the agenda it seems: how soon before laws are passed making homosexuality compulsory for everyone?

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