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Let’s Just Throw Them To the Lions

At least the ancient Romans were good at one thing: they did not waste all their undesirables and public enemies. No, they turned them into fodder for entertainment instead. Thus the masses were heartily entertained as Christians and other recalcitrants were thrown to the lions, burned alive as human candles, or otherwise used and abused for the crowds’ pleasure.

We are not all that far away from such things today. Sure, the lions may not be around, and the entertainment aspect may not be there – at least not yet. But the public persecution and crack down on Christians and others who dare to defy the PC dictates of state are hotting up big time.

Indeed, since it has been at least a week since I last listed some gruesome examples of all this, I have a lot of catching up to do. Here are five new shocking cases of anti-Christian bigotry, state intolerance, and homosexual tyranny. They all exemplify the truth that when special rights – including marriage rights – for homosexuals are granted by the state, everyone else may well suffer.

The first comes from Canada: “A Christian university in British Columbia wants to add a law school – but the Council of Canadian Law Deans opposes it because the school would follow biblical principles on homosexuality. Trinity Western University, located near Vancouver, is no stranger to controversy. Employees, instructors, and students must sign a covenant that, in part, says they will refrain from homosexual conduct. ‘In keeping with biblical and TWU ideals, community members voluntarily abstain from … sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman,’ it reads.

“Yet homosexual ‘marriage’ is legal in Canada. Anyone violating the school’s covenant is subject to dismissal or expulsion, yet no such action has been taken in the school’s history. However, if the school were to take action, it would violate Canadian law.”

It is not just new religious institutions which may never see the light of day, but existing ones may be forced to close, or at least curtail their services. Consider this case from Scotland: “St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society in Glasgow was found to discriminate against homosexuals by giving higher priority to couples who have been married for at least two years.

“The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) reviewed the practices of the adoption agency following a complaint from the National Secular Society. Despite concluding the charity provides a valuable service to the public, its investigation found St Margaret’s was operating in breach of the Equality Act 2010.

“It has until April 22 to comply with the legislation or will lose its charitable status, which means it does not pay corporation tax and receives a substantial discount on its rates. The ruling came after the SNP administration decided to press ahead with the introduction of gay marriage despite two-thirds of respondents to an official consultation being opposed.

“John Deighan, the Scottish Catholic Church’s parliamentary officer, said the decision was an example of the ‘equality extremism’ that will become more evidence when same-sex marriage is introduced. ‘This proves the concerns have been valid. The adoption society has done an outstanding job throughout the years,’ he said. ‘It seems quite absurd that can be written off and the charity regulator can say it doesn’t provide a public benefit. That’s not the reality for all the children and families it has helped over the years’.”

Individuals will also be forced to violate their own conscience, and many small businesses will be targeted. Take this case from the US: “The Oregon Department of Justice is looking into a complaint that a Gresham bakery refused to make a wedding cake for a same sex marriage.

“It started on Jan. 17 when a mother and daughter showed up at Sweet Cakes by Melissa looking for the perfect wedding cake. ‘My first question is what’s the wedding date,’ said owner Aaron Klein. ‘My next question is bride and groom’s name … the girl giggled a little bit and said it’s two brides.’

“Klein apologized to the women and told them he and his wife do not make cakes for same-sex marriages. Klein said the women were disgusted and walked out. ‘I believe that marriage is a religious institution ordained by God,’ said Klein. ‘A man should leave his mother and father and cling to his wife … that to me is the beginning of marriage’.”

Back in the UK we have all sorts of individuals being targeted by the militants. Get a load of this headline: “Over 40,000 teachers ‘face sack’ over gay marriage”. The story proceeds: “More than 40,000 teachers say they will probably refuse to teach about ‘the importance of’ same-sex marriage, according to a new poll. And 56 per cent of teachers believe any colleague who takes such a stance risks damaging their career.

“The survey has led to concerns that tens of thousands of teachers may face being sacked or disciplined over their views, because of how legislation is worded. It comes ahead of an important vote on redefining marriage in the House of Commons tomorrow. The poll, conducted by ComRes, found that one in ten teachers say they are likely to refuse to teach about gay marriage.

“It also uncovered that a further 17 per cent of teachers, 74,000, said they would probably teach the importance of gay marriage but ‘wouldn’t be happy about it.’ The results come as a leading employment lawyer warned of the effect redefining marriage would have on teachers.”

And in the US, we have another example of how the American President has become the most militant pro-homosexual activist ever to occupy the White House. You would have heard by now that he is insisting that the Boy Scouts be made to allow homosexuals into their ranks.

Here is an organisation founded by a religious man to help mould young boys into good citizens, and now the President wants to make sodomy a very real prospect for these young children. Baden-Powell would be rolling over in his grave right now. Robert Knight explains just how worrying all this is:

“A press release on Jan. 28 by Scouts spokesman Deron Smith said, ‘This would mean there would no longer be any national policy regarding sexual orientation, but that the chartered organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with their organization’s mission, principles or religious beliefs.’

“In other words, sponsoring organizations could now coerce Scout troops to accept openly homosexual men and boys. Scout councils in liberal jurisdictions would lose the national shield. Those who resist would be kicked out of schools and other locales. This ‘local option’ would signal surrender and destroy the Boy Scouts. Without parental trust, the Boy Scouts, founded in 1910 and which have been instrumental in helping millions of boys transition to manhood, would implode like a popped balloon. Does anyone other than left-wing ideologues and America’s enemies think this would be good for America?

“The policy change would pose a real and present danger to the boys, as vividly illustrated by the still-simmering scandals involving serial boy molester Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. Although homosexual activists try to camouflage the real issue by saying that it’s about pedophilia, not homosexuality, most of the victims were male teens and young men. Now, the Boy Scouts seem to be on the verge of going in the wrong direction.”

As I have said dozens of times now, when homosexual activists get their way, everything changes. We are all adversely impacted by these radical social engineering moves. Freedoms of all sorts are stamped upon, and democratic governance is chucked out the door, replaced by the jackboots of militant homosexuals and their supporting elites.

The only question to ask is this: just how many more such examples need to be provided before we snap out of our slumber and start to stand up for our freedoms before we lose them all?>

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