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This Is Why We Stand

So why spend time and effort in doing something which usually only results in you getting heaps of abuse, vilification and hate? Why stand up for something which so often results in you losing friends, alienating people, and becoming a social pariah?

The reason is simple: because it is the right thing to do. I could be referring to many things here, but now I refer specifically to taking a stand for the unborn. Those who champion life in so many different ways know all about the nasty attacks, and the huge price to pay for doing so.

Of course it was no different a few centuries ago when folks – mostly Christians – took a stand for slaves. They were ridiculed, mocked, slandered and abused plenty. But they knew it was the right thing to do – to stand up for the personhood and dignity of blacks.

Today we must do the same for the unborn – we must relentlessly and fearlessly speak up for their personhood and dignity. Sure, it will cost you. You will anger people, lose the friendship of loved ones, and become an object of derision.

But the unborn deserve it. And there are so many different ways in which we can fight for life. Some will work as crisis pregnancy counsellors. Some will write learned articles on the importance of the sanctity of life. Some will offer a peaceful and prayerful witness outside of abortion mills.

There are just so many ways in which we can take a stand. But no matter what we do, we will often be hated and persecuted for doing such things. Even those who claim to be Christians will attack you and abuse you. I recall recently one Christian leader complaining about pro-lifers who “antagonise” people and help no one.

I reject that baloney altogether. Whatever we do for the unborn, it is as if we are doing it for our Lord. If protests, articles, prayers, or blog posts result in just one life being spared, it has all been worth it. We owe it to the unborn to use whatever means we can to rescue them from their slaughter.

One story has just come to light about this very thing. A woman who was about to get an abortion saw her child saved through those she may have seen as opponents. Pro-life demonstrators made a difference in her life, and for that we must give thanks.

The story goes like this: “My name is Nancy and I am the 46 year old mum of my beautiful 18 month old daughter, Ava, who was born in August, 2011.” She describes her two previous abortions, and then discusses how Ava was born:

“After my second abortion, I suffered from infertility for years after, I went on to have three miscarriages and my depression worsened, resulting in the collapse of my second marriage. No one understands the depression that sets in – I have cried silently for years, because I couldn’t talk about it and because of the pain I felt when I saw babies and pregnant women.

“Amidst all the despair I felt, I conceived a child in 2011 – an unplanned pregnancy and again, I was not in an ideal situation. And again I was being forced by the baby’s father to terminate. He reminded me that he had said from the start he didn’t want any more children. He became very abusive and violent. I was in quite a state and very confused, so I booked to terminate, this time because I thought an abortion would stop his angry outbursts.

“I agonized about going, but headed off to go again. But when I stepped out of the taxi, I was gently approached by an older lady who handed me a brochure. Her only words were: ‘Do you really want to do this?’ I burst into tears and said ‘No!’ I was comforted and counselled by them and they put me in touch with a lady from Right to Life Australia. I went on to keep my baby, but it became necessary to get an intervention order on the baby’s father.

“If not for the pro-life advocates outside that abortion clinic that day and the advice they offered about other options, I would also have ended that pregnancy – and my beautiful daughter would not be here today. People speak negatively about the ‘protesters’ at the front of abortion clinics – but these lovely people saved me and my baby. They genuinely helped me pre and post birth and dedicated their time and care so generously. I’m so glad they were there for me! I still suffer some grief and believe I will always be this way because you cannot erase the hurt caused by abortion.

“But my baby Ava is like a special gift from the heavens. Words cannot explain how protective I have become of her from that traumatic time until now. I try so hard to overlook all the grief and problems and just enjoy every experience with her. I have enjoyed every single moment of my precious child that I was blessed with. She is a gift of total love! Ava makes me a better person – she is my sunshine!”

That is why we pray. That is why we write articles. That is why we stand outside abortion mills. That is why we lobby MPs. That is why we work tirelessly for the unborn. Sure, the abuse and hatred can take its toll. But the joy of hearing stories like this make it all worthwhile.

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