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Embrace Homosexualism – Or Else

The militant homosexual lobby has long ago stopped pretending it is about achieving “equality” and “tolerance”. They have instead made it clear that they will settle for nothing less than the complete homosexualisation of society. All resistance will be ruthlessly opposed, and everyone will be expected to embrace, promote and even favour the homosexual agenda.

It is no longer a question of the normalisation of homosexuality, but the glamourisation and forced exaltation of the lifestyle. Our coercive utopian leaders are now telling us, ‘You will love and embrace homosexuality. You have no other option. All resistance will be punished.’

I have of course already documented case after case of this state-enforced promotion of homosexuality, with recalcitrants facing the music. Every time I think I should get my new book off to the printers, a whole new bunch of cases arise.

To see just how ugly all this is, imagine this scenario: your son has been a drug addict for a decade, and now desperately wants to get off. He knows this lifestyle is killing him, and he really wants to make a clean break of it. But he is told by the elites and the authorities that he was born this way, it is innate, and he cannot change.

He has to learn to live with it. In fact, those groups who offered help to druggies who want to get clean have been outlawed by the state. There is now a ban on any therapy which offers help to the addict. The state has decided that all drug addicts must remain that way, and anyone offering them help must be viewed as an enemy of the state, and punished accordingly.

This is basically what we find happening regarding homosexuality. Last year the state of California for example led the way by banning reparative therapy for homosexuals. So even though a person may desperately want to get out of this lifestyle and change his ways, the Californian tyrants have declared that to be verboten.

It does not matter if you have a strong longing to get out of homosexual bondage. The state has decided that this desire is wrong, and anyone daring to help such a person will feel the full force of the law. And now New Jersey has just become the second state to pass such a draconian and totalitarian law.

Big Brother is alive and well in the US, and sadly Massachusetts and New York have now also introduced similar legislation. Pretty soon if a person believes his same-sex attraction is unhealthy and unwanted, he will have no recourse but to flee to Russia, the last truly free country on the planet – at least things seem to be heading that way.

So the forcible prevention of changing one’s lifestyle and sexual preferences has now become the business of the Totalist State. Simply add this bit of jackboot thuggery to the never-ending list of other outrages perpetrated by the homosexual militants and their state supporters, and you have a recipe for a genuine Police State rivalling anything Huxley or Orwell might have dreamt up.

The real target of course is the church. The activists know that once they shut down Christianity for good, then their free rein to totally transform society will be complete. Silence all dissenting Christians, and the homonazi agenda can go through unimpeded.

As Matt Barber has correctly observed, “‘Gay pride’ necessitates anti-Christian hate. It must. ‘Gay marriage’ and other ‘sexual orientation’-based laws do violence to freedom and truth. They are the hammer with which the postmodern left intends to bludgeon bloody religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.”

He examines a recent case in Oregon where a Christian baker declined to make a lesbian wedding cake. The state is once again treating the baker as an outlaw and a miscreant, all under the guise of bogus sexual orientation laws. Barber examines what Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian has said about this case:

“Mr. Avakian then revealed what he views as a ‘fair and thorough investigation’: ‘Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,’ he said. Here’s the kicker. Read it closely: ‘The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate,’ Avakian said. ‘For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon.’

“George Orwell much? Get the not-so-thinly-veiled threat? Christians have a right to own a ‘successful business’ in Oregon, so long as they don’t, well, be Christian – so long as they shelve their faith and submit to our ever-‘progressive’ government’s anti-Christian demands. ‘The goal is never to shut down a business,’ but either you abandon the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic and dutifully observe postmodern sexual relativism, or government will shut you down in a Sodom and Gomorrah minute.

“Brad, Rachel, Laurel and the rest of you left-wing bullies need to get this straight (so to speak): The godless left has been trying to ‘rehabilitate’ Christians for over 2,000 years. We haven’t caved yet. What makes you think we will now? Those of us who wish to remain obedient to God will not – indeed, cannot – accommodate you and play along with your sin-centric ‘gay marriage’ delusion. Ain’t gonna happen. Ever.

“Look, you have every right to dress up in two wedding gowns or two tuxedos, get pretend ‘married’ and play house to your hearts’ content. You do not have the right, however, to force others to abandon their sincerely held religious beliefs, thousands of years of history and the immutable reality of human biology to engage your little fantasy. No amount of hand-wringing, gnashing of teeth, suing Christians or filing charges against those of us who live in marriage reality will make us recognize your silly so-called ‘marriage equality.’

“Rather than trying to compel these Christians to participate in their counter-Christian mock marriage, all Ms. Rachel and Ms. Laurel had to do was take their business down the street. There are, no doubt, many bakers who share their worldly sexual morals (or lack thereof).

“Imagine if a Christian came into a ‘gay’-owned bakery and demanded a cake with these words: ‘Homosexual behavior is shameful: Romans 1:27.’ Think the left would be clamoring for charges against the baker if he refused? Me neither. In fact, I’d be the first to defend his right to ‘discriminate’ against the Christian.”

He concludes, “Seriously, lefties, give it a rest. So-called ‘sexual orientation’ laws are nothing like laws prohibiting racial, age, disability or gender discrimination. Those qualities are based on neutral, immutable characteristics. Even liberals admit that ‘sexual orientation’ is based on ‘fluid’ feelings and behaviors. It’s about what you do, not who you are. It’s about what you believe and who you choose to have sex with, not the color of your skin.

“Ken Hutcherson, an influential black pastor from the Seattle area, put it well: ‘It has been said loudly and proudly that gay marriage is a civil rights issue. If that’s the case, then gays would be the new African-Americans. I’m here to tell you now, and hopefully for the last time, that the gay community is not the new African-American community. Don’t compare your sin to my skin!’

“Some things never change. Other things do. Today’s liberals seek to ‘rehabilitate’ Christians to their way of thinking under penalty of law. Liberals of old just threw us to the lions. I guess that’s what they mean by ‘progress’.”

Both Orwell and Huxley warned about ugly Big Brother totalitarianism. They never would have imagined it could be so bad under the homosexual jackboot.

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