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The Door Is Now Wide Open

Thanks to the homosexual militants, the door is now wide open to the promotion and eventual legalisation of just about every sexual perversion imaginable. The homosexual activists are not the only ones to blame here of course, but in their brazen and bizarre attempt to redefine marriage and family out of existence, they have set the wheels in motion for the complete destruction of the bedrock of civilised society.

The truth is, any and every conceivable lifestyle is now being championed. “We want our rights too. We demand marriage equality. We demand equal love.” Every sleazy sexuality group in town has come out of the closet, thanks to the homosexualists, and we really are near the ‘eve of destruction’ as Barry McGuire once sang about.

I have documented this dozens of times already, but let me look at just one group emboldened by the wrecking-ball tactics of the homosexual lobby. The polyamorists are now everywhere pushing their agenda, and it will be just a matter of time before they get full legal standing as well.

And it is not just far-out whacko nut jobs pushing all this. The BBC for example is quite happy to jump on the bandwagon here. Indeed, it just aired on Monday its doco, “Monogamy and the Rules of Love”. As a supplement, they had a large article on all this in their BBC Magazine.

The story begins, “Charlie is talking excitedly about a first date she went on the night before. Next to her on the sofa is her husband of six years, Tom. And on the other side of him is Sarah, who’s been in a relationship with Tom for the last five years. Sarah’s fiance, Chris, is in the kitchen making a cup of tea. The two women are also in a full-blown relationship, while the two men are just good friends. Together, they make a polyamorous family and share a house in Sheffield. ‘We’re planning to grow old together,’ says Charlie.”

Yep, it’s all so very normal. It is just one big happy household. On and on the story goes: “‘I feel safe and secure, with the ability to trust and grow, with Tom, Sarah and Chris,’ says Charlie. ‘It is from the base and security of the three of them that I face the world and the challenges the day brings.’ ‘The way I see it, it’s only a problem if I feel like one of my partners is spending more time with all their other partners than with me,’ says Sarah. ‘It just leads to people feeling hurt.’

“A shared Google calendar is the answer. ‘We mostly use it for keeping track of date nights,’ says Charlie. ‘The couple who is on a date gets first pick of what film goes on the TV and it helps keep track of who’s in what bedroom.’ Sarah chips in. ‘So, for example, I have a weekly date night with Charlie. It’s us snuggling up, us with the TV, us going to bed together and all that kind of business’.”

The article concludes, “Tom is cautiously optimistic that polyamory will become ‘average and everyday. Anyone who is expecting some massive social change overnight is terribly mistaken, but it will happen.’ In the meantime, the four of them are planning an unofficial ceremony to mark their commitment to each other. ‘Sometimes people just write the relationship off as a lazy way of getting more sex than you normally would. There are easier ways,’ says Tom wryly. They all agree managing a multi-partner relationship can be exhausting. ‘But we don’t have a choice. We’re in love with each other,’ they chime.”

Since I have not seen the doco in question, let me draw upon the commentary of another group: “Monogamy is out of fashion and polyamorous relationships, involving multiple partners, could become the norm, a controversial BBC investigation has said.

“BBC Radio 4 documentary, Monogamy and the Rules of Love, featured a number of interviews with people in polyamorous relationships, which are intimate relationships between three or more people at the same time. Presenter Jo Fidgen questioned whether there is still room for sexual fidelity in a ‘society where choice is everything’. She suggested that the ‘taboo’ surrounding intimate multi-partner relationships could disappear within the next ten years.”

It continues: “Miss Fidgen said: ‘We don’t see any contradiction in loving more than one friend. No-one asks us to only love one of our children. Why shouldn’t it be any different with romantic love?’ In June a group of polyamorists in Canada called for the same legal status as other relationships, following the group’s first national convention in Canada.

“Canada redefined marriage in 2005 and saw a major legal case involving polygamy in 2011. The Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association intervened in the case and now says it wants to see polyamorous relationships treated on the same legal footing as others.

“In May polyamorous supporters in New Zealand started calling for legal recognition just weeks after same-sex marriage was legalised in the country. In March the politician who masterminded the gay marriage campaign in Holland said that ‘group marriage’ was now being discussed in the country.”

Still in the UK, the leftist Guardian also recently weighed into the topic with this opinion piece: “Non-monogamy is nothing new. Recent research suggests that alongside the stubborn population of adulterers, 15 to 28% of heterosexual couples and about 50% of bisexuals and gay men have some sort of ‘non-traditional’ arrangement.

“This week the BBC Radio 4 documentary Monogamy and the Rules of Love tapped into a growing curiosity about polyamory, the formal practice of having multiple romantic partners at one time. For many people, though, polyamory isn’t curious at all – it’s just another way of organising life, love and whose turn it is to make the tea.

“It may be hard for the conservative old guard to fathom, but for a long time lots of people have quietly been getting on with non-monogamous relationships. During the recent debates around the legalisation of gay marriage, Tory critics warned that the next, unthinkable step would be multiple marriage.

“I can’t be the only one who wondered if that’d be such a bad idea. Some of the sweetest couples I know, including many with healthy, happy children, are not couples at all, but triples or even quadruples – but the public conversation about open non-monogamy is still stuck on horrified confusion.”

And here we see the radicals’ first rule of thumb come to the fore: verbal engineering must always precede social engineering. Radically change the vocabulary and then you can much more easily radically change society. Works every time.

In this case, dump scary terms like “group sex” and “polygamy,” and try winners like this instead: “non-monogamy”. Yep, that is a good one. That will suck in a lot of gullible folks. Our columnist continues: “Personally, I started practising non-monogamy in my early 20s as a statement against the tyranny of the heterosexual couple form and the patriarchal nuclear family – but then again, I did a lot of silly things for similar reasons in my early 20s.

“If you’d asked 21-year-old me why precisely I was hanging half-naked out of a fourth-floor window on Holloway Road, I’d probably also have answered ‘as a statement against the tyranny of the heterosexual couple form’. Nowadays, from the wise and serious vantage point of my mid-20s, I practice non-monogamy because it works for me. It doesn’t work for everyone, and I might not choose it forever. I’ve been in various polyamorous relationships, some delightful, some less so.”

She finishes: “Polyamorists and monogamists alike fall prey to the delusion that their rules are the only proper way to organise relationships, and if we could all just stick those rules, no one would ever have to get their heart broken ever again. If only it were so simple. The truth is that there is no magic set of rules for love, sex and home economics that works for everyone – and that’s why it’s so important that there are other options out there. Radio 4 predicted that monogamy would lose its ‘moral monopoly’ within 10 years. Bring it on, I say.”

So where have we heard all this before? Oh yeah, a few short decades ago we had the same thing occurring with homosexuality: the personal opinion pieces, the “experts” weighing in, the personal interest stories, the attempt to normalise it all and make it seem routine and ordinary and obviously acceptable.

And it worked of course. Today homosexual marriage and the like is being pushed everywhere. Back then we warned about all this, but we were mocked, ridiculed and laughed out of court: “Stop fear-mongering. It will never happen. Marriage will never change.”

Well we have now seen the evisceration of marriage by the homosexual lobby, and so all the other groups are getting on the band wagon. But as before, our warnings are usually falling on deaf ears. But when it all happens just as we predicted, I guess our sole consolation will be to say, “We told you so”.

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