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Open Season on Christians

In the Western world a war against Christians has been declared. With militant secularism reigning in much of the West, as well as destructive social engineering crushing everything in its path, the plight of those who stand strong in their faith is worsening by the day.

Sure, if you are just a nominal believer, or a lefty-trendy believer, then you will get along just fine. It is only those who stand true to biblical absolutes and are not buying the moral relativism, political correctness, and leftist social agendas that are really facing the music.

And overwhelmingly this attack of Christian freedoms and general religious freedom is coming at the hands of the homosexual activists and their supporters. All around the Western world they are on search and destroy missions, seeking out any last pockets of resistance.

The truth is, these folks don’t just want to be left alone to do their own thing, but they want everyone on the planet to fully support, promote, endorse and champion their lifestyle and agenda. Those recalcitrants who refuse to bow the knee for religious reasons, or for conscience’ sake, are the targets of their wrath.

So every week we find more blatant examples of the pink mafia in action, attacking anyone who dares to think and believe differently. Therefore let me again offer some of the latest examples of the tolerance brigade’s intolerance in action.

The first comes the US state of Washington where a judge is being targeted because he has dared to stand his ground and remain true to his beliefs. The story goes as follows: “A Washington state judge has been officially reprimanded by the Judicial Conduct Commission after refusing to officiate same-sex weddings for what he said were ‘philosophical and religious reasons.’

“Thurston County Superior Court Judge Gary Tabor first came under scrutiny by the Commission after Washington voters approved a measure late last year authorizing same-sex ‘marriage’ in the state. Immediately prior to the law’s taking effect, in a private meeting between judges and court personnel, Tabor had expressed discomfort with the idea of officiating gay nuptials. One of the attendees later leaked his comments to the press, which reported them widely.

“Tabor told reporters at the time that his opposition to same-sex marriage was personal and rooted in his religious views. Because judges are permitted, but not required to officiate weddings, Tabor said he believed he had the right to choose to officiate only those marriages he was comfortable supporting, as long as a substitute could be easily found to replace him. Eventually, though, the media frenzy prompted Tabor to announce he would simply no longer officiate any weddings at all, in order to avoid the perception of bias.”

Also in the US, the military, under Obama’s prompting, continues to crack down on Christians and those supporting pro-family values. As Todd Starnes writes, “Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

“The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam. A soldier who attended the briefing contacted me and sent me a photograph of a slide show presentation that listed AFA as a domestic hate group. Under the AFA headline is a photograph of Westboro Baptist Church preacher Fred Phelps holding a sign reading ‘No special law for f***.’

“American Family Association has absolutely no affiliation with the controversial church group known for picketing the funerals of American servicemembers. ‘I had to show Americans what our soldiers are now being taught,’ said the soldier who asked not to be identified. ‘I couldn’t just let this one pass’.”

This is becoming increasingly common not just in the US military but in all sorts of government and business sectors. And the US is not alone in this. Australia too has had plenty of such cases. Consider that of Tess Corbett in Victoria who has been told she must apologise to homosexuals.

As one news report states, “An unsuccessful candidate in the September federal election has been ordered to make a public apology over comments she made about homosexuals earlier this year. Tess Corbett was a Katter Party candidate for the Federal seat of Wannon, in western Victoria, when she made the comments to the Hamilton Spectator newspaper. When commenting on the subject of anti-discrimination laws, she said she did not want gays, lesbians or paedophiles working in kindergartens.”

Of course the ABC, one of our most pro-homosexual organisations in the nation, is being a bit selective here in its coverage. So let me bring in some extra information courtesy of Bernard Gaynor: “In what must be an unwanted first in Australian history, the New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal has ordered a political candidate, Tess Corbett, to publish an apology in the Sydney Morning Herald because of her comments opposing paedophilia.

“Yes. That’s right. Tess spoke out against paedophilia. And now some judicial body has ordered her to apologise. And in another bizarre twist, this candidate was from Victoria. The New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal, as the name suggests, has its HQ somewhat north of the Murray River. It didn’t matter that Tess was campaigning in another state altogether.

“The case was launched at the hands of Gary Burns. He’s a gay rights activist. He took exception to Tess’s comments that made it clear she was concerned that those who support paedophilia will use anti-discrimination legislation to seek the same rights and privileges as homosexuals. So he went ahead and used anti-discrimination legislation to shut Tess down for expressing her concerns about paedophilia.

“I’m not sure if Tess’s prophecy was literally fulfilled by Gary or not. More probably, he’s just a bangle short of a gay rave. But thanks to Gary, politicians are no longer free to state their concerns about paedophilia. He might like to think about that, considering how he is such a leading figure in the homosexual community.

“It’s not exactly what I would call a great way to demonstrate that the homosexual community is opposed to those who sexually molest children. Now, the limp-wristed elites out there, if they’ve read to this point, will be apoplectically choking on their weeties because I dared suggest that homosexuals have privileges, and because the words paedophilia and gay are in the same sentence.

“So let’s just examine these two little volcanic sources of outrage. Do homosexuals have privileges? Absolutely is the answer. In all sorts of ways. In fact, thanks to Gary Burns, we now have proof that gay activists have more rights than anyone else in Australia.

“Gay activists don’t just get to vote like the rest of us, they also get to decide what candidates can believe. That’s pretty nifty. From now on, any political candidate who utters something that Gary and his glitter-buddies dislike may wind up in court and forced to apologise.”

He continues: “Are homosexuals paedophiles? Of course, the answer is not all of them. Just like heterosexuals, or Catholic priests. But some are. Let’s get that out of the way. Some homosexuals are paedophiles. What that percentage is, I don’t know.

“But these are verifiable facts. Most people who abuse children sexually are men. The vast minority of men identify as homosexual. It is less than 3 per cent. That means about 97 per cent of men are heterosexual. All things being equal, and assuming that homosexual and heterosexual men abused children at about the same rate, you would expect to find that about 97 per cent of child sexual victims abused by men are female.

“However, that’s not the case. About 30 per cent of child victims of sexual abuse are boys and more than half are abused by males only. Mathematically, those stats don’t correlate. Obviously, there is a reason that boys are sexually abused at a much greater rate than should be expected. It might be a good idea to find out why.

“But it is disturbing that gay activists, instead of questioning why boys make up such a large proportion of child sexual abuse victims when the vast majority of males are heterosexual, see this figure as a good thing. Why? Because they brazenly use it to support their fraudulent claims that gay men are not such a small minority in society.

Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality by Muehlenberg, Bill (Author)

“You only have to read through the hundreds of vitriolic Twitter messages I received yesterday to see this depraved logic in full flight. I have my own theory about why so many boys are abused. The question is, am I allowed to state it any more? More importantly, who cares what I think. Is an academic allowed to study the issue now and publish findings that Gary Burns does not like? It would seem the answer is no.”

Such concerns are certainly not misplaced, and I spend a fair bit of time documenting these matters in my book Strained Relations. But what we do know for sure is that all over the West anyone who dares to stand up for traditional marriage and traditional religious values are being hunted down and pursued by the pink mafia.

We are all at risk here if we hold to biblical truths and support the long-standing institutions of marriage and family. I for one will keep sounding the alarm on this. How many people will simply keep sleeping through these alerts is a moot point however.

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