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Running On Lies and Hatred

Anyone who has dared to stand up against the bullies in the militant homosexual lobby knows exactly how they operate. Some of us have many years of experience in dealing with these folks, and it sure ain’t pretty. It is utterly ugly in fact.

Their standard MO goes something like this: refuse to engage in proper debate (you know, dealing in facts, evidence, proper reasoning and logic) but instead rely almost exclusively on ad hominem attacks (call your opponents every foul and disgusting name under the sun) and simply lie a lot.

That just about sums up how these guys prefer to “debate” the issues. I have experienced this thousands of times over the years. As but one example, on my own website I have 40,000 comments so far, with many of them from my critics. Not bad for a site which has been up for just seven years.

But the truth is, I of course cannot print a large amount of comments because they are just too ugly, profanity-ridden and disgusting to print. If I had allowed all these haters to have their vile comments go through, I would likely have 50,000 comments now on my site.

In the early days I used to just delete these nasty and diabolical comments. But more recently I have started saving them – maybe I will turn them into a book one day: “More Sweetness and Light From the Tolerance Brigade” or something like that.

And since mentioning this fact recently, I have noticed that the number of ugly hate comments have dropped off a bit: I guess some of these folks don’t want the whole world to see what they are really like. But all their talk about tolerance and acceptance is just so much baloney for these guys.

The hatred, along with a basic unwillingness to actually deal with the facts and the evidence, is just so common. These guys of course are not interested in debate and proper argument. They are interested in only one thing: shutting us down altogether.

And they do that by dishing out a never-ending supply of intimidation, hatred, bullying, provocation, and invective. They seek to wear you down by non-stop abuse and nasty bullying. That is how they win – not by force of argument, not by marshalling facts, but by vicious Gaystapo tactics.

One simply can go to my website to see this in action – at least for those comments which I have allowed to go through. But one can also see it quite clearly elsewhere. For example, as you might know, I recently posted two YouTube videos on homosexual marriage, and how it changes everything, and negatively impacts us all.

One was a shorter version (around 7 minutes) and the other a longer version (around 21 minutes). You can see them here:

There you will notice all the lovely comments oozing tolerance and acceptance already coming in from the other side. One serial pester and hyper-troll I have had to delete as spam already, but all the others I have allowed to remain. It becomes quite clear how these folks deal with their opposition.

If you have not watched these videos, they basically list a number of cases of ordinary men and women being punished for daring to resist the homosexual agenda, and daring to even suggest that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

For simply doing this, they are losing their jobs, being fined, getting arrested, and even thrown into jail – all for simply affirming the nature of marriage. This is just mind-boggling. The crackdown on any dissenters is frightening to behold.

My shorter video has around five such examples while the longer one has perhaps 30 or so cases. And they are all legitimate cases, fully verified. Indeed, my new book will offer many, many more such cases, completely documented and referenced.

Yet all my many critics can do is scream “lies” and shout abuse. They cannot of course gainsay all the evidence. Indeed, how can they? The evidence is overwhelming. So they just resort to their usual tactics of screaming abuse and lying about the very reality which I just presented.

Here then are just some of the comments that have come in so far by the activists. Some I have had to edit here for public consumption, but these are their very words, as they “respond” to my two video clips. Just feel the love, acceptance, logic and reason on display here:

“We will not be tolerant of your intolerance you demented f**ks.”

“Bulls**t meter goes right off the scale. I feel stupider for having listened to the first 40 seconds of this small minded a**hole.”

And as I say, if they can’t respond to the evidence and facts, then they just shut their eyes and scream real loud: “Lies!” – as in these helpful contributions:

“Yet another religious zealot spreading lies and slurs. He’s got all those books behind him and yet either still knows nothing, or deliberately tries to deceive others by making all sorts of rubbish up to try to undermine equality. I pity him – what a worthless life he leads.”

“Even though this has been shortened, it is still amazing how much misinformation and stupidity remains in this one video. It is all based on lies, half-truths, misrepresentations, and, at best, a few isolated incidents.”

A few isolated incidents? There are hundreds of such incidences of course. But don’t let the facts stand in the way of a good rant. Oh, and I have to finish with one of my favourites. Actually I get this thrown at me all the time – what a hoot:

“you seem to be obsessed with homosexuality. you do realise that extreme homophobia is consistently shown to be cause by repressed homosexuality.”

Yep, that is your mega-conversation stopper. This wins the debate every time. Simply disregard every single bit of evidence, fact and truth just presented, and throw this one out. “Yep, end of debate – I won. Aren’t I clever?” Yes, that sure is a debate winner alright.

That is about as helpful as me saying: “you seem to be obsessed with Christianity. you do realise that extreme Christophobia is consistently shown to be cause by repressed Christianity.” Actually, that might be closer to the truth. Many of these folk had a Christian upbringing, but have since rejected it to enjoy and wallow in their sin. So they really are repressing their past Christianity.

But as I say, this is basically how these folk engage in conversation. Forget the facts and data – just throw out ugly and demonic slurs and heap plenty of dirt on your opponents. And then just shout “lies” when in fact the only ones actually lying are those who cannot bear to face the facts.

No wonder so many people are afraid of getting involved in the culture wars, and standing up for what is right. With all this hatred, bullying and abuse thrown at you, it is pretty daunting to say the least. But things like marriage and family are far too important to just let the other side bully and intimidate us into submission. We must stand and fight.

And even if everyone else in the world wimps out and prefers their quiet and comfortable lifestyle to such necessary conflict, then I will keep on standing up regardless. And this is done by refusing to play their games, but by loving them, speaking truth to them, and praying for them. Some will respond; so we must keep engaging here.

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