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PC, A&E, and Duck Dynasty

You would likely be living on another planet if you have not yet heard about Phil Robertson, A&E, and Duck Dynasty. For the ignorant and uninformed, Phil is one of the family members in the hit US TV show Duck Dynasty shown on the Arts & Entertainment network.

And he is now world famous because he has just been given the boot by A&E. His crime? Daring to publicly criticise homosexuality. Yep, the only crime in the West that will land you in real hot water every single time. Not even being a murderer or rapist is guaranteed to result in so much backlash as being willing to speak against the homosexual agenda.

This is unquestionably the greatest and most heinous sin imaginable in the West today. Nothing compares with it, and nothing meets a swifter and more hate-filled reaction. With thousands of such cases now at our disposal, we can safely say that there is no greater threat to freedom and democracy than the militant homosexual lobby.

There is no group which is more aligned to fascism, intolerance, hatred and repression than the radical homosexualists. Every single day we see the pink mafia in action, and it is getting uglier all the time. This episode is just one of far too many, and things will only get worse unless we resist the homosexual jihadists.

And let me say that I have never watched one second of Duck Dynasty. Without cable or satellite, I have never been able to see the show. But I try to keep informed about what is happening in the world, and the family sounds utterly fantastic: unashamed Christians who are also pro-family and pro-life.

They are courageous in standing up for their Christian convictions, and have spoken out boldly about issues such as abortion. For those still totally unaware of the family, let me cite Christina Martin:

“Duck Dynasty, A&E’s hit reality show made rating history when their fourth season premiere was the most watched non-fiction series telecast in cable history. The show focuses on the lives of the Robertsons who run a family operated business called Duck Commander which makes products for duck hunters. These bearded men have won a place in the hearts of American viewers with 11.8 million people showing their affection by tuning in for the premiere.

“The Robertsons made their fortune by creating great duck hunting products. They’re using their fame to stand for life, promote adoption awareness and boldly share the benefits of abstinence. I’m grateful for this family and I pray they’ll continue to be a positive influence in our world.”

But for daring to stand up to the homosexual militants and openly declare what the Bible says about this issue, all hell has broken loose. His shabby treatment by A&E however has created a firestorm of reaction, with millions of Americans – and others – demanding an end to fascist PC and homosexual thuggery.

Let me just mention a few of the many voices that have sprung to the defence of Phil Robertson and the family. First, Robertson himself issued a further statement: “I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”

Matt Walsh put it this way: “I was just on CNN Headline News to discuss the Duck Dynasty drama. It was a short segment. Here’s how it ended (paraphrasing):
Anchor: So do you think it’s OK to hate homosexuals?
Matt: Robertson was fired for his Christian beliefs and HE’S the one who’s hateful? Do you hate Christianity?
Anchor: Well.. uh… I think there are parts of the Bible that have been used to discriminate against people and…
Matt: The teachings on sexual morality are an integral part of Christianity. If you hate that part of it, you hate Christianity. So do you hate Christianity?
Anchor: Alright, well we know you have to go, Matt. Thanks for coming on the show!”

Herman Cain was short and sweet and most accurate: “This crap is out of control.”

Todd Starnes wrote: “A&E is apparently run by a bunch of anti-Christian, bigots. Duck Dynasty worships God. A&E worships GLAAD. If Phil had been twerking with a duck the network probably would’ve given him a contract extension. But because he espoused beliefs held by many Christians, he’s been silenced.”

Gary DeMar put it this way: “Sarah Palin made a great comment about the dustup. Palin wrote on her Facebook page on Wednesday shortly after the news that Robertson had been indefinitely suspended. ‘Those “intolerants” hatin’ and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us.’

“Freedom of expression is being denied. The First Amendment has become null and void because pop-culture and intense political and economic pressures have been put on politicians to pass laws protecting a particular sexual act.”

Alan Snyder was spot on: “Nothing he said in that statement was outside orthodox Christian belief. Millions of us—and I do mean ‘us’—believe the same thing and are distressed that our society has degenerated to the point where we have legalized a sexual act that will ultimately destroy not only the person caught up in it, but the families that will be decimated, the children growing up without a stable home, and a moral civilization overall.

“What is occurring in our society is an all-out attack on Biblical standards of morality. Those who say it’s a figment of evangelicals’ imagination are not paying attention. The goal will be to outlaw any public expression of Christian belief that directly contradicts newly accepted societal norms. I’ve heard words like ‘homofascist’ and ‘Gaystapo’ to describe the militant attitude of the homosexual activists. They seem apropos to me. Tolerance has taken a whole new twist, and it’s anything but tolerant.

“Christians who believe that homosexuality is sinful also hold out the hope that all sin can be repented of and forgiven. There’s nothing hateful about the proper Christian approach here: identify the sin so that we can help people get free of it. That will never happen if we refuse to acknowledge the sin in the first place.”

Ray Comfort said this: “Phil Robertson, the star of a A&E’s hit TV series quoted the Bible recently when talking about homosexuality. It stirred up the censorship police (A&E suspended him for stating what he believed), and it sure brought the verse to the public’s attention. That’s good news. Here is the passage: ‘Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God’ (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

“Homosexuals were deeply offended, and no wonder. The Scriptures clearly say that they are not going to make it to Heaven. However, it also says that fornicators (those who have had premarital sex), idolaters (those who make up false gods to suit themselves), adulterers, thieves, and the others mentioned in the list won’t make it either. So all these folks should be just as offended as homosexuals. But it gets worse. Jesus said that if we as much as lust, we commit adultery in our hearts (see Matthew 5:27-28), and who of us isn’t guilty of that?

“So the rest of humanity should be deeply offended by the message of Christianity…and they are. Despite this, God means what He says about Hell. He will have His Day of absolute justice, despite the offense. As Christians, we care enough to warn about Hell’s reality, and we care enough to tell this sinful world that God is rich in mercy, willing to forgive and grant everlasting life to all who repent of sin and trust alone in Jesus.”

Al Mohler said this: “So the controversy over Duck Dynasty sends a clear signal to anyone who has anything to risk in public life: Say nothing about the sinfulness of homosexual acts or risk sure and certain destruction by the revolutionaries of the new morality. You have been warned.”

Exactly right. Indeed, we have been warned many hundreds of times already. In the PC West, a Christian is at great risk if he or she dares to share biblical truth in the public arena. It is only a matter of time before they are fed to the lions as public entertainment. Perhaps on the A&E network.

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