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More Ugly Anti-Christian Bigotry

The homosexual ‘tolerance’ brigade is without question the most bigoted, nasty, and hate-filled bunch of folks you will ever encounter. Their mission is simple: in the attempt to force their lifestyle on the rest of society, they are seeking to crush any and all opposition – especially from those of a religious persuasion.

My forthcoming book will feature one shocking case of this after another. It has been hard to get it out, since each new day offers us fresh examples of their intolerance and anti-Christian bigotry. But one has to draw the line somewhere, and these newer examples will just have to be the stuff of yet another book.

Here then are two more incredible cases of the activists at work in Australia. Both are mind-boggling, and sadly both are but the tip of the iceberg. An all-out war has been declared against mainstream Australia and its majority Christian population.

These two examples make it clear just how much is at risk as the militants ram their agenda down the throats of the rest of society. The first concerns a long-serving military man who also happens to be a Christian. But in today’s Australian military it seems that Christians are not wanted.

Bernard Gaynor explains: “In what may come as a surprise, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is now prohibiting Christian soldiers from practising their faith, even when not in uniform or on duty. It was certainly a surprise to me — not so much because I have served this nation while being a practising Catholic for more than 16 years, but because it was written in black and white in a letter from the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), General David Hurley. It was titled Notice to Show Cause for Termination of Appointment.

“These are the exact words that the highest-ranking military officer in Australia signed off on last August: ‘I respect your religious beliefs and your right to have, and express, opinions contrary to ADF and Government policy. However your public articulation of these matters whilst a member of the Army Reserve, whether or not you are on duty, or in uniform, undermine my confidence in your ability to uphold the values of the Australian Army and your effectiveness as a leader in today’s Army’.”

And the real cause of this anti-Christian bigotry? Yep, you guessed it: the gaystapo. He continues, “My crime was not to perform badly in the workplace. In fact, the ADF has not allowed me to participate in any Defence activities for a year because the leadership believe my personal political activities to protect the right of Christian schools not to hire homosexual teachers are offensive. Therein lies my sin: I have offended the Defence Force Gay and Lesbian Information Service (DEFGLIS).

“The fact that this organisation exists probably comes as a surprise to many, and quite possibly a shock. It has been given command of Australian soldiers speech, even when out of uniform, and Defence flies its members to international military conferences promoting homosexuality. It campaigns politically to remove freedoms and funding from Christian schools, with the specific aim of forcing them to hire homosexuals. But it does not just confine itself to that issue.

“The DEFGLIS Chairman, Squadron Leader Vince Chong, appeared before a parliamentary committee to support homosexual marriage. He was given this opportunity precisely because of his role leading this Defence-backed lobby group. He even received a Defence Force commendation, not because he was good at his job, but for his activities managing DEFGLIS and its political campaigns.

“How times have changed since I signed up as a bright-eyed and cheery teenager to serve this nation. When I joined to protect the freedom that Australians enjoy, I never imagined facing the sack because I expressed Catholic beliefs that a not-yet-formed, Defence-supported, homosexual lobby group would find disagreeable.

“The only reason that DEFGLIS has such an influence over my career is because the ADF has allowed itself to become politicised and politically correct. Defence leadership have formed the view that wherever there is a clash between Christian values and homosexual political activism, the latter will prevail.

“Christian members can serve today, but only if they are silent. Going by this trend, chaplains will be pulled tomorrow. By Friday next week, Christians will be banned, around the same time it becomes compulsory to wear the Army’s new cufflinks that proudly display the revered Rising Sun emblazoned over a rainbow backdrop.

“OK, I’m kidding about the timeline — but I do not jest about the Army’s new and freely issued jewellery. The cufflinks came out late last year, the same day The Australian reported the ADF had briefed the new Abbott government about a funding shortage.”

You can read the entire tragic story via the link I provide below. This is just mind-boggling. The pink mafia now has free rein to do whatever it wants in our military, and any hapless Christians who dares to think otherwise about their agenda will be swiftly and harshly dealt with. Welcome to the Homosexual Brave New World.

Let’s All Hate Jesus

Our second example comes from Adelaide. As part of its “Fringe Festival” we have some particularly nasty and diabolical stuff being passed off as comedy. The event, held from 14 February to 16 March, has all sorts of questionable acts and performances, but one especially stands out for its blatant and gross anti-Christian bigotry.

I refer to the “Come Heckle Christ” routine which we are told is some light comedy. The website blurb about it reads as follows:

“Come Heckle Christ
Presenter: Jesus The Christ
Artist/Company: Joshua J Ladgrove
Artform: Comedy
Rating: PG
Origin: VIC
This is the perfect show for:
-Anyone who wears a WWJD wristband
-Disgruntled former Christians
-Men and women
-Those easily offended
-Priests (and by extension sexual deviants)
-Altar girls and boys
-Anyone who enjoys yelling at Jesus whilst watching a dramatic re-enactment of everyone’s favourite fairy-tale: The Crucifixion of Jesus The Christ
“This was the most memorable and daring performance I’ve seen at any Fringe: it was truly sacrilicious.” – Heckler, 2013 Melb Fringe
“A simple idea, bravely and brilliantly executed.” – Crikey!
Performers Dressed by The Lord
Warning: Jesus”

Um, yeah right, just wonderful stuff. Great creative entertainment here. Oh so very cutting edge and groovy – Not. This mindless attack on Christianity in the name of art is as new and clever and creative as grass growing. Been there, done that – a million times over.

And two main objections immediately come to mind here. One, why in the world should tax-payers be forced to subsidise this filthy bit of sacrilege? If Christ-haters think it is so very neat, then let them pay for it. Why should tax-payers – the overwhelming majority of whom are Christians – be forced to pay for this crap?

And the other obvious question here: so when are they going to have a “Come Heckle Muhammad” performance? Or would that in fact really be too daring and too controversial? The clowns behind this know full well that there will not be angry Christians flying airplanes into the festival grounds, or women and children with explosives wrapped to their bodies being set off at the show.

Such brave and daring “artists” – yeah right. They are gutless cowards once again picking on a soft target. They would never dare to do something like this to Muslims or other easily offended groups. They are just a despicable bunch of Christophobes who think they are being oh so clever.

I encourage everyone to make a stink about this. You can see here the complete list of sponsors to this rubbish:

So please contact your South Australian state MPs and make a stink, including the currently embattled Premier and Arts Minister, Jay Weatherill. See here for contact details:

And look at the above link and contact some of the sponsors, chief of whom is BankSA. You can contact them here and make your concerns known:

And here are some more specific email addresses to use:
-Premier and Minister for the Arts, The Hon Jay Weatherill MP:
-Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts, The Hon Chloe Fox MP:
-The BankSA complaints line email:

It is high time that Christians rise out of their slumber, and start being a bit concerned when their Lord and Saviour is treated like absolute dirt – especially when SA Christians have to subsidise this ugly attack. Please speak out now. If we don’t, all this will simply get far, far worse.

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