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Rebutting the Transgender Myths: Walt Heyer

One very effective way of dismantling the many myths and lies of an ideological agenda is to have someone who has been there and done that make his case. Walt Heyer knows all about the transgender agenda, having had two sex changes. His story has now been told often in books, articles and websites. And it is quite a story to tell.

He was born a male in California in 1931. He married in 1962 and had two children, but nagging doubts since the age of five about being trapped in the wrong body tormented him for some time. He later divorced, and he ‘became a woman’ at age 42 and stayed that way for eight years as Laura Jenson.

As part of the transformation he had his genitals removed, received breast implants, and was on a course of estrogen hormones for the whole time. While elated at first, he soon realised that nothing had really changed. He still struggled with all sorts of psychological and emotional problems, and he realised that the physical changes did nothing to change him on the inside.

One report on his story says this:

At first, Heyer was bewildered: He had done everything the experts had recommended. Why was he still troubled? Familiar companions—depression, distress, and unrest—crawled back. He had blown $50,000 on multiple surgeries—and in the process, lost his 17-year-long marriage, a high-paying career, and irreplaceable organs. That he had lost everything to a gross, permanent mistake horrified him: Oh God, what had he done?…
He slid back into drinking, and each night, he cried himself to sleep, deeply depressed, suicidal, and isolated.

All the surgery and cosmetic changes did not deal with his real problems, so he reverted back to being a man after eight years. Christian counselling helped to turn his life round, and in 1997 he married another woman. He then became involved in telling his story and helping others who are in a similar position. But deep regret remains:

But some things cannot be restored. Even now, Heyer breaks down into tears when he remembers his family. “I was so selfish to my ex-wife and kids,” he said, then paused to control his spilling tears. “I would give … I would give anything. Anything to change that.”

As he said elsewhere, this was among the worst aspects of this entire time:

The relationship with his ex-wife remained civil but his daughter, 15 at the time, and son, 12, were less understanding. Walt said: ‘My daughter was very, very upset. And my son said it would be easier if you were to die, because then at least I could talk to people about what you were going through.
‘When a father does that, you’re betraying your children and what came to my mind later on was I saw myself as much more important than my kids. That is probably the most self-centred, narcissistic thing a person can do – it’s just nonsense to place yourself over a couple of kids, who needed someone to be there for them.’

Now Heyer is well placed to comment on the escalating trans agenda everywhere being played out in the West. Consider just one famous case of this:

Heyer watched the public fawning over Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn with horror and grief: “The media is lying through their teeth, glorifying it, glamorizing it. Not one word of caution, not one word about the prevalence of suicide among transgenders!” He knew from experience how such publicity can affect young minds.

Heyer knows we really are in an ideological and political war here, wherein the activists are routinely trashing science, biology and reality. As he writes in his 2011 book, Paper Genders:

It is unfortunate – if someone in the medical field scientifically tries to explore the idea that some psychological disorders may exist in transgenders, the GLBT activists become almost militant and view it as an attack on their sexual orientation or on their right to switch genders. Scientific research is, in effect, influenced and even censored by a political faction. As a result this patient group is not getting the same level of care as the general population.
Denial is the order of the day. The transgenders themselves are encouraged to deny even the possibility that any secondary psychological disorders could co-exist with gender issues. But changing genders can be a symptom of some form of depression. Untreated, depression often results in alcoholism, drug addiction, anger and yes, even suicide….
The objective research suggests that: 1) transgenders are not born that way, 2) secondary issues do exist, and 3) the transgender population is at risk for regret and suicide.
But political activism trumps objective research. Political activism may actually shut down objective research that dares to explore any of these soon-to-become politically-incorrect areas of study. In the name of political correctness, differing views are silenced, even views based on objective evidence. By insisting on political correctness, the activists enjoy unchecked freedom to promote any myth they want.

Paper Genders: Pulling the Mask Off the Transgender Phenomenon by Heyer, Walt (Author)

As a 76-year-old male now living in Los Angeles, he still continues his very important mission of telling the truth about the trans agenda. In one of his most recent articles, “Bravo to the Truth: What’s Wrong with Transgender Ideology,” he pulls no punches. Let me share portions of it here:

What Makes a Person Trans?
The accepted LGBTQ standard for being a “real” trans woman or trans man is simply that a person desires to self-identify as the opposite of his or her biological sex and to be socially accepted as such. If a person feels distressed about his or her birth gender, then the politically correct action is for everyone to affirm the new and “authentic” gender identity—the one that exists only in the trans person’s feelings….
When people feel that their biological sex doesn’t match their internal sense of gender, they are typically diagnosed with gender dysphoria. This is defined as “discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and that person’s sex assigned at birth.” In other words, the medical diagnostician simply listens to and affirms the patient’s own verbal self-identification and self-diagnosis.
No objective tests can prove that the transgender condition exists. No physical examination, blood test, bone marrow test, chromosome test, or brain test will show that a person has gender dysphoria. It is a condition revealed solely by the patient’s feelings. Yet the recommended treatment is extreme—cross-gender hormones and sex-reassigning surgery.
Don’t be duped when trans activists conflate the unrelated condition of intersexuality with transgenderism to gain sympathy for a trans agenda. People with intersex conditions are not the same as self-identified transgender people. Being intersex is verifiable in the physical body; being transgender is not. People who identify as transgender usually have typical male or female anatomies.

He concludes:

The problem with basing a diagnosis and irreversible treatment on people’s feelings, no matter how sincerely held, is that feelings can change. My message attempts to help others avoid regret, yet the warning is not welcome to the advocates whose voice for transgender rights rings strong and loud. Some will find my words offensive, but then the truth can be offensive.
Personally, I cannot think of anything more offensive than men diminishing the wonder and uniqueness of biological women by suggesting women are nothing more than men who have been pumped with hormones and may or may not have undergone cosmetic surgery. Cheers and bravo to the offensive truth. Let’s reclaim the beautiful reality of male and female sexual difference and reject transgender ideology.

The story of Walt Heyer, and others like him, deserve to be told. But they are mostly being silenced, suppressed and attacked by the activists and much of the mainstream media. Thus it is our job to do all we can to help get such stories out far and wide.

For further information – articles about his life story:

For further information – books:

Walt Heyer, Perfected with Love, 2009.
Walt Heyer, Paper Genders, 2011.
Walt Heyer, Gender, Lies and Suicide: A Whistleblower Speaks Out, 2013.
Walt Heyer, A Transgender’s Faith, 2015.

For further information – websites:

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