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Trans-sanity Spiralling Out of Control

The proverbial ‘If I had a dollar for every time…’ is nowhere as true as in the world of transgender madness, and simply trying to keep up with it all. In documenting the daily examples of this craziness, a dollar coming my way for each case would certainly have covered a lengthy European vacation by now.

But since I am not getting paid for highlighting these weird, tragic and often just revolting cases, the overseas trip will just have to wait. But the examples continue to pour in like a tsunami. On a regular basis we see something that was basically non-existent a decade ago now become the latest domain of not just bizarre moonbattery but the latest move of the cultural Marxists to destroy everything.

And destruction is certainly the specialty of these trans militants. They are destroying family, society, children, biology and reality – or at least they are trying to. Some things like reality and biology will simply not budge despite all their manic and twisted attempts.

Let me offer just two (of many) recent cases of the trans-sanity activists at work. The first has to do with a Canadian man, or woman, or whatever, and what amounts to a case of sick child abuse. One report puts it this way:

A Canadian parent is fighting for the right to not give their baby a gender after arguing that a simple biological examination cannot uncover the child’s true identity. Kori Doty, who does not identify as either male or female and uses the pronoun “they”, says their eight-month-old baby has still not been granted a birth certificate because officials say a gender of either male or female must be registered.
Doty, who is transsexual, says they want their child, named Searyl Atli, to be able to choose its own gender when it is old enough, and has launched a judicial review against the policy. “I’m raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are, I’m recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box,” they told CBC.
“I want my kid to have all of the space to be the most whole and complete person that they can be.” Although the province of British Columbia, where Doty lives, is refusing to issue a birth certificate that does not state a gender, it did agree to provide the child with a health card with a “U” for gender – believed to stand for “undetermined” or “unassigned”.

Oh good grief. Let the child decide? Really? One might as well speak about allowing a child to decide whether he/she/it is a package of M&Ms. Or if he is a dump truck, or an amoeba, or a keyboard, or a flock of geese, or an intercontinental ballistic missile, or a kebab shop, or a tube of toothpaste.

And if not, why not? If we are going to proclaim that biology and reality no longer exist, then anything and everything is of course up for grabs. I have long said I identify as a can of Dr Pepper. So where are my rights? End the discrimination and hate now! DPs of the world unite!

As one person on the social media put it about this insanity:

What Else Can I Say?
I do not often use the word “moron” to describe other people. Just because people have a different point of view does not mean they are stupid. But in some unusual cases, people do honestly seem entirely incapable of logical or practical thought patterns.
This is one of them. This couple is so entirely caught up in a social pattern of lies that they have lost all concept of even basic truth. If there is no such thing at all as naturally determined biologically ingrained sexual orientation, then how is there even a subject to talk about?
Altering or denying that orientation does nothing outside of their own twisted minds. In the first few seconds after birth, we know exactly which sex a person is, based on scientific biological data. Everything else is deliberate attempts at unnatural fabricated deviant constructs without end, now supposedly numbering in the hundreds.
These parent’s child has one of two natural sexes, and the doctors already know. These people need to grow up and stop acting like morons. Unless of course they are not acting.

If all this is not enough lunacy, my next example most certainly should seal it. Consider this bizarre story from the National Health Service in the UK:

Leading doctors have said they back NHS-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women, a procedure which experts say will be possible within 10 years. It is believed that medical funding and advances will make the procedure possible within a decade, after pioneering operations at the University of Gothenburg on womb-less women have seen at least five children born as a result of a procedure similar to the one doctors are working towards.
Prompted by the Swedish team’s success, activists demanded the NHS make womb transplants available to male-born transgender people, a call doctors and fertility experts told the Mail on Sunday that they back. Consultant Gynaecologist Dr. Arianna D’Angelo, of the NHS’s Wales Fertility Institute, said it was right from an “ethical point of view”. She said: “We already have fertility preservation for transgender people, to give them the possibility to have their own genetic child. So I don’t see much of a difference between that and actually delivering their own child.”

Words fail me. The Reality Derangement Syndrome is strong in these folks. It is just incomprehensible how this full-blown assault on rationality, logic, biology and reality is even allowed to take place and cause so much incredible damage.

And there are experts who certainly concur as to the tremendous amount of harm this is causing. Consider just one: Michelle Cretella, M.D., is president of the American College of Pediatricians, and has just written about “How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.” She begins:

Transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community. As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, “Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,” professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job.

She goes on to say, “The transgender movement has gained legs in the medical community and in our culture by offering a deeply flawed narrative. The scientific research and facts tell a different story. Here are some of those basic facts.” She offers eight of them:

1. Twin studies prove no one is born “trapped in the body of the wrong sex.”
2. Gender identity is malleable, especially in young children.
3. Puberty blockers for gender dysphoria have not been proven safe.
4. There are no cases in the scientific literature of gender-dysphoric children discontinuing blockers.
5. Cross-sex hormones are associated with dangerous health risks.
6. Neuroscience shows that adolescents lack the adult capacity needed for risk assessment.
7. There is no proof that affirmation prevents suicide in children.
8. Transition-affirming protocol has not solved the problem of transgender suicide.

See the link below where you can read the full details of each. Her conclusion deserves a wide hearing:

Bottom Line: Transition-Affirming Protocol Is Child Abuse
The crux of the matter is that while the transition-affirming movement purports to help children, it is inflicting a grave injustice on them and their nondysphoric peers. These professionals are using the myth that people are born transgender to justify engaging in massive, uncontrolled, and unconsented experimentation on children who have a psychological condition that would otherwise resolve after puberty in the vast majority of cases.
Today’s institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilization, the removal of healthy body parts, and untold psychological damage.
These harms constitute nothing less than institutionalized child abuse. Sound ethics demand an immediate end to the use of pubertal suppression, cross-sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries in children and adolescents, as well as an end to promoting gender ideology via school curricula and legislative policies.
It is time for our nation’s leaders and the silent majority of health professionals to learn exactly what is happening to our children, and unite to take action.

The meltdown of morality, reason and common sense will only get worse with the gender bender zanies. But those of sound mind and with moral concern must do all they can to oppose these maniacs before they destroy everything.

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