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Yes Homosexual Marriage Changes Everything

Yes, when a radical social experiment like the legalisation of homosexual marriage takes place, everything changes. This is certainly not the first time I have sought to make this case – more like the hundredth at least. And it won’t be the last. I have documented this repeatedly in books and articles over the past few decades.

Yet critics mock the idea of a slippery slope in action. Well, the slope is most certainly real. There will always be consequences and flow on effects from momentous legal and social changes – some intended, some perhaps not. But nothing can remain the same when the most important social institutions of human history – marriage and family – are redefined out of existence.

We simply need to look overseas to see how this is being massively played out. Pick your country. Try the United Kingdom for example where homosexual marriage was legalised four years ago. David Sergeant has just written about all the massive negative changes that have followed on from this. He writes:

In the United Kingdom, it has become abundantly clear that redefinition has affected many people, across many spheres. At first glance, these spheres appeared distinct from marriage redefinition. However, subsequent changes, have proved that they are entirely intertwined.

He examines four major areas that have been radically impacted: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, gender, and children. Let me look at the last two. He writes:

Manifestations of the ‘British gender revolution’ are not difficult to find. Transport for London, have prohibited the use of the ‘heteronormative’ words, such as ladies and gentlemen. Meanwhile, universities across the nation are threatening to ‘mark down’ students, who continue to use the words ‘he’ and ‘she’. Instead, ‘gender neutral pronouns’ such as ‘ze’, must be uniformly applied….
Across the UK, ‘sex education’ has been transformed and disfigured. TV programmes, aimed at children as young as three, promote ‘gender fluidity’, as an enabler of thoughtfulness and individuality.
At the same time, Ministers have denied worried parents the right to withdraw their children from primary school classes. Meanwhile, ‘outside educators’ teach children about sex positions, ‘satisfying’ pornography consumption and how to masturbate. Concerns regarding STI’s and Promiscuity, are derided as ‘old-fashioned’. Independent religious schools are under intense scrutiny.

Something he doesn’t mention in his article is the recent revelation that a major chain of high-end department stores in the UK has targeted both gender and children by eliminating gendered children’s clothing sections! As one news report stated:

John Lewis has become the first UK retailer to remove gender labels from its children’s clothing. The department store chain has not only taken “girls” and “boys” labels from clothes, but has also done away with the separate sections in stores….
Caroline Bettis, the head of childrenswear at John Lewis, said: “We do not want to reinforce gender stereotypes within our John Lewis collections and instead want to provide greater choice and variety to our customers, so that the parent or child can choose what they would like to wear.”

Good grief. As another piece on this states:

Shoppers now expect the store’s next step to be to abolish ‘menswear’ and ‘womenswear’ sections. It will then abolish ‘electrical’ and ‘household’. They will wander confused and aimless through its stores buying nothing.
One person tweeted: ‘You have let us all down John Lewis, if only people stopped pandering to the PC brigade. There are only two sexes, male or female.’ Another wrote: ‘John Lewis’s introduction of ‘gender neutral’ kids clothes is a worrying sign of the times. Expect mental health issues to rocket.’

Coupled with all these massive changes are of course severe restrictions on freedom. Sergeant continues:

Much was made in the UK, about supposed exemptions, designed to ensure that believers would always be allowed to stay true to their convictions. Four years later, the very same people who made ‘heartfelt promises’, now work tirelessly to undermine them.
Equalities minister Justine Greening, has insisted that churches must be made to: ‘Keep up with modern attitudes’. Likewise, the Speaker of the House of Commons, a position supposedly defined by its political neutrality, had this to say: I feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight the church for the equality that should be your right’….
In the lead-up to the Parliamentary vote, we witnessed almost incomprehensible bullying. David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house. His children received death threats and their school address was published online. Similarly, ‘Conservative’ broadcaster Iain Dale promised to, ‘publicly out’ gay MP’s, who did not vote for redefinition.
Many hardworking Brits have lost their jobs. Consider Adrian Smith, sacked by a Manchester Housing Trust, for suggesting that the state: ‘shouldn’t impose its rules on places of faith and conscience’. Or Richard Page, fired for gross misconduct after articulating, that children might enjoy better outcomes, were they to be adopted by heterosexual couples. Simultaneously, contrary to ‘steadfast’ government assurances, small businesses have been consistently targeted.

He then writes:

In retrospect, the silent majority in Britain remained silent for too long. Reflecting on redefinition, Ben Harris-Quinney, Chairman of the Bow Group think tank pondered that: ‘Same-sex marriage was promoted in the UK, as an issue of supposed tolerance and equality. What we have seen, is the most unequal and intolerant outcomes of any political issue in recent history’.

He pleads with Australians to wake up and face reality: “I urge every Aussie to examine the evidence, analyse the results and be clear about what you’re voting for. If it was solely marriage, it would be worth preserving. It’s infinitely more.”

Rod Dreher recently wrote about this piece, and concluded with these words:

Read the whole thing. This is a clear manifestation of the Law of Merited Impossibility (“It will never happen, and when it does, you bigots will deserve it.”) It is now perfectly clear that those American activists and allies who said that changing marriage law would not be a big deal, and would only mean allowing same-sex couples to marry, were lying — either by intention, or by naively assuming that the juggernaut would stop right there and go no further. A friend of mine told me a couple of weeks ago that two second graders in his kid’s school are “transitioning,” and that his high school daughter came home from school to inform her parents that believing in “the gender binary” is tantamount to racial hatred.
As the SOGI phenomenon achieves cultural hegemony, orthodox Christians are going to be marginalized and scapegoated more and more. If you are a pastor or some kind of church leader, and you aren’t mobilizing your congregation to understand the times and get active to resist this, what is wrong with you? If you are a social or religious conservative who thinks somehow that this is going to pass you by, and leave your kids and your church and your kids’ school alone, so you don’t have to worry about it, well, what is wrong with you?
We have to fight in politics, we have to fight in the courts, but none of those battles will be worth winning if we haven’t fought in schools, churches, families, and elsewhere in the culture to defend our convictions. And note well, it cannot simply be a matter of saying what we are against; it must also, and even more strongly, be a matter of saying what we are for — and then doing what we must to live those things out, as well as to build the institutions, networks, and cells within which to build resistance.
Everybody else, say hello to Lactatia, the eight-year-old drag queen, in this clip from Elle magazine. That’s what Weimar America’s betters think of as a child hero and role model. The Soviets had Pavlik Morozov, the child hero who denounced his father to Stalin’s agents. We’ve got Lactatia.

Yes there is a slippery slope in action, and yes, everything changes when radical upheaval is foisted upon us by the sexual militants and the social engineers. We have been forewarned. Will we wake up and say no to this wholesale destruction of faith, family and freedom, or will we allow Australia to also be crushed under the rainbow steamroller?

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