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Hollywood celebs, pop stars and other movers and shakers in popular culture are not always known for their brilliance and depth of intellect. They are not exactly known for their high moral standards either. But given their huge fan bases, and the inordinate amount of influence they have on impressionable young people, what they say and do will have a very widespread impact.

Therefore what they say and do needs to be subject to public scrutiny, just as the words and actions of a politician require assessment and judgment. Thus the very public utterances and shenanigans of our celebs need to be monitored and examined, in the hopes of warning at least some that their pop culture heroes may not be the fount of wisdom they might claim to be.

Consider the recent episode of homosexual activist Perez Hilton. He was one of the judges at the Miss America beauty pageant. He called Miss California Carrie Prejean a “dumb b*tch” with “half a brain” when she replied to his question about same-sex marriage. She said that she believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman only. For that Perez, the homogestapo activists, and the politically correct Hollywood in-crowd came down on her like a ton of bricks. And because of her honesty and political incorrectness, the Christian contestant lost the title as well.

And the true nature of homosexual militancy was further revealed in later remarks made by Hilton. He said, with a laugh, “And I called her the ‘b’ word, and hey, I was thinking the ‘c’ word, and I didn’t say it,” He also said, “If that girl would have won Miss USA, California, I would have gone up on stage, I sh*t you not, … snatched that tiara off her head, and run out the door”.  So much for the tolerance and acceptance that they are always carping about.

If his remarks were revolting, the comments made by some celebs were not much better. Consider the words of these two megastars, both of whom have a huge following of tweens (children aged 8 to 12). Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus both weighted into the debate, at the request of Hilton.

These are the words of wisdom that spurted from the mouth of Spears: “Love is love! People should be able to do whatever makes them happy!” And it gets worse with Cyrus, the star of Disney’s “Hannah Montana,” who said: “Jesus loves you AND your partner and wants you to know how much he cares! thats like a daddy not loving his lil boy cuz hes gay and that is WRONG and very sad! like I said everyone deserves to be happy.”

Hey, somebody nominate these guys for a Nobel Peace Prize! Maybe when Stephen Hawking retires, we can get these masterminds in his place. And there I thought they were just pretty faces! And the theological nous of Cyrus is mind-boggling.

As I say, we should not expect much from these celebs. But when they make idiotic remarks like this which will be soaked up by millions of children and adolescents, then someone needs to help set the record straight.

So let’s look a bit more closely at the sagacious words uttered here. Both pop stars inform us that happiness is the summum bonum, the highest good. Oh really? Whatever makes you happy? So the child molester who gets his jollies from abusing children because it makes him happy – are we to tell him to just go for it?

The serial killer who really enjoys watching the blood flow – do we say, ‘yep, it’s cool; whatever makes you happy’? And the boys who enjoy torturing kittens for pleasure? ‘Well, Britney and Miley both said whatever makes you happy. So if they think it’s OK, it must be OK.’

And “love is love”? What exactly is love, Britney? Whatever you get off on? Whatever makes you happy? Some people love whole groups of people, and want to legalise group marriage. It’s called polyamory, and there are skillions of websites touting this very thing. So is that fine and dandy Britney?

And some people just love to have sexual relationships with children. They even call it love. So is that just peachy as well Britney? And why be so discriminatory? The truth is, some people enjoy the occasional fling with animals. But hey, if it is love, and it makes them happy, then who am I to judge?

But ol’ Hannah (Miley) even waxes biblical in her response. She informs us that Jesus loves everyone, and wants everyone just to be happy, no matter what they are doing. Like all deception (whether intended or not), there is always a bit of truth mingled with error.

Does Jesus love everyone? Yes. But is the love of God the sort of non-moral, non-discerning sentimentalism which says everybody is just fine the way they are, and He is happy to leave us as we are? Hardly. God loves us in spite of our sin, and Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of self and sin.

Loving someone is willing the highest good for them. The love of God entails caring enough about us not to leave us in our sinful and hell-bound condition. His love is always a transforming love. He wants homosexuals to be set free from their destructive sexual addictions. He wants heterosexuals to also be set free from any sinful sexual addictions they are captive to.

We are not loving anyone if we simply excuse their sin, make a mockery of the cross, and pretend that what God has said about human sexuality can simply be jettisoned for our own PC version of events. Miley is doing no one a favour when she misleads them in these very important areas.

Indeed, given her enormous influence, countless impressionable young people may well go out and experiment with homosexuality, because their idol Miley said it is OK, and she even said Jesus thinks it is OK as well.

Sorry Miley, but you are dead wrong here, and you are doing enormous damage to millions of young people. And sorry, but no one deserves to be happy. There is no magical right to happiness anyway. As C.S. Lewis often reminded us, happiness is a by-product. When we get in right relationship with our creator, then happiness follows as night follows day. But seek happiness as an end in itself, and it will forever elude us.

Or as Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added onto you” (Matt. 6:33). But seek those other things apart from God, and you will obtain neither. Miley simply reflects the spirit of the age here. But when she seeks to throw Jesus into the mix, and pretends she is speaking for him on this issue when she clearly is not, then that is very serious business indeed.

So in a sense this is yet another typical celeb outburst, devoid of any intellectual or moral content. But given their very real and considerable influence, even these vacuous pop stars need to be challenged.

For those so inclined, Miley is contactable through her publicist:

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