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The Lifestyle Police Juggernaut Roles On

All around the Western world the forces of radical activism and moral anarchy are hard at work. And a leading player in all this is the militant homosexual lobby, along with its government supporters. They are on a crusade to make everyone conform to their dictates concerning what is acceptable thought on sexuality and relationships.

While President Obama is pushing Gay Pride Month down the throats of everyone in America, in Australia things are not much better. Everywhere the militant homosexual juggernaut is rolling along, crushing everything in its path. The pace and ferocity of this wave of political activism is something to behold.

Consider three new developments, which have burst on the scene in the past 24 hours. The first concerns one of the most activist Attorneys-General in Australia. Victorian AG Rob Hulls has pushed one round of social engineering after another. It seems each month he has a new scheme he is trying to unleash on hapless Victorians.

His latest is to introduce hate crime legislation. Said Hulls, “We, as a community condemn hate-based crime and no Victorian should be attacked let alone attacked specifically on the basis of their gender, their race, their religion or their sexual orientation.”

Of course this is so much nonsense. How much crime is not hate-based? If a guy murders someone, there’s gotta be a bit of hatred going on there. If a man rapes a woman, he is not exactly showing love to the victim. If a person breaks into a home and steals the family jewels, he isn’t quite demonstrating Christian charity.

What these activists want to do is elevate certain groups to an even greater, protected status. Notice how “gender” and “sexual orientation” are mentioned here. This is about one thing: providing even more unwarranted protections and special benefits to homosexuals.

Hate crimes are anti-democratic and inequitable. If a heterosexual is assaulted and robbed, the criminal might get 6 months in jail. But if a homosexual is a victim of the identical crime, the assailant might get several years in jail – all because this is a hate crime. Go figure!

This is yet another attempt to put homosexuals above everyone else, and make them into some sort of protected species. And somehow I just don’t think others will get similar treatment. If a homosexual bashes and robs me, will he be charged with a hate crime? I wouldn’t count on it.

The truth is, this is all one way traffic. It is political favouritism. And it is destroying the rule of law, in which all citizens should be treated equally. But in the brave new world of political correctness, some citizens will be treated more equally than others.

The second recent example of the enforced acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle involves Victorian schools. This is how one press account puts it: “Teachers who ignore abuse of gay students could face legal action. Teachers are being urged to stamp out negative comments such as ‘that’s so gay’ in a new policy to rid schools of homophobia. Schools are being encouraged to display information and phone numbers on noticeboards relevant to gay pupils. They are also being asked to strategically place books about homosexuality to make gay students feel welcome.”

Oh come on, stop beating around the bush. Why don’t these social engineers just get straight to the point. Why don’t they pass a law which states that homosexuals are a protected species, and that everyone who enters a Victorian school must sign a pledge to love, accept, embrace and grovel to all things homosexual?

All students should likewise be forced to swear to forever renounce their own hate-filled heterosexuality, and admit that homosexuality is the only acceptable form of human sexuality. And while they are at it, make all students renounce all religious objections to homosexuality, upon pain of expulsion.

That of course is where all this nonsense is heading. It is the gaystapo and their bureaucratic henchmen forcing a minority lifestyle upon everyone, whether they like it or not. It is sexual totalitarianism, and it is getting more coercive and encroaching by the day.

The last example concerns the sporting world. The AFL has just announced that mandatory pro-homosexual classes will be annually required of all players. Here is how the story is reported: “AFL stars will be formally lectured every year about the pitfalls of gay jokes under the league’s new anti-vilification policy. The league has confirmed that AFL draftees, as well as all senior players, will now be educated not to pressure, put down or embarrass opponents or teammates by using language some might consider homophobic.”

Of course jokes about Christianity, heterosexual marriage or other more normal pursuits will continue to be just hunky-dory. But dare to make any fun of the homosexual activists and it’s off to the reeducation camps to be reprogrammed into right-speak and right-think. If it sounds all very Orwellian, well, that is because it is.

Plenty more examples could be presented here. This is nothing less than the state-enforced promotion of a lifestyle. Any objectors will be dealt with by the full force of the law. From now on we must all bow to the homosexual lifestyle or face the consequences.

Sexual totalitarianism is well and truly at work in the West. While all people should be treated with dignity and respect, and no one is condoning assaults or attacks on homosexuals or anyone else, this sort of oppressive social engineering is completely unwarranted.

It has nothing to do with preventing abuse or assault – those issues are already dealt with in the law. This is simply about the coercion of society by a big brother government to embrace a politically correct and politically protected lifestyle. Conform or suffer the consequences is the clear message of this nefarious juggernaut.,21985,25571398-2862,00.html,21985,25581037-2862,00.html

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