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Sexualising our Toddlers

As soon as I saw the headline my mind went to Table 34. Sure, they are not identical, but they are both in the same ballpark. So what in the world am I talking about? The headline in question is this: “Sex quiz for toddlers”. And Table 34 refers to gruesome experiments conducted on toddlers and even babies by sexologist Alfred Kinsey.

The news item, found in today’s Herald Sun, begins this way: “Children as young as three have been questioned about kissing and flirting in a project by a university researcher from Melbourne. Monash University’s Dr Mindy Blaise, who spent five days at an unnamed childcare centre, wants sexuality to be an official subject at kinders and preschool centres. It would include discussions about homosexuality. Dr Blaise said it was important that kids felt ‘healthy sexuality was not dirty or wrong’. Boys and girls as young as three were asked questions such as ‘Are you a flirt? and ‘Have you ever kissed a boy?’”

Here we go again – another know-it-all sexpert invading the lives of very young children. Just how much sex is on the brain of a three-year-old for heaven’s sake? It seems these Monash eggheads would have us believe toddlers have deep thoughts and discussions about sexuality just like we find in Sex in the City.

There’s little Bobby talking about his latest orgasm; little Lisa remarking on her fling with homosexuality; and tiny Tina speculating on the best methods of contraception. Yep those toddlers are sex-obsessed alright, and the sooner we adults have some deep and meaningfuls with them the better.

Pul-leeese. When are we going to put these academics out of their misery? They are causing enough damage with adults and teens. Now they want to meddle with our toddlers, and turn them into informed sex experts before they even know who is playing for the Melbourne Football Club or what 10 times 12 is.

This is nothing other than a type of child abuse. To deliberately foist adult concepts of sexuality on very young children who simply are not ready physically, mentally, psychologically or emotionally is irresponsible in the extreme. Indeed, it reminds me of some despicable “research” conducted on very young children years ago by Kinsey, the American sexual pervert.

He is the one who infamously conducted his experiments into sexuality, trying to undermine the morality of a generation. I have written up this rather vile character elsewhere, so let me here simply quote from myself:

“Kinsey of course is the notorious American sexologist (1894-1956), whose agenda was to soften up the public to the view that any and every sort of sexuality is permissible. He sought to convince us that there is no norm when it comes to human sexuality, and that we should embrace any sexual expression whatsoever. Here are some of his ‘findings’:

“-All orgasms are ‘outlets’ and are equally valid – whether between husband and wife, boy and dog, man and man or adult and child – for in sexual expression, normal is individually determined.

“-The more ‘outlets,’ the healthier the person – and beginning as early as possible is better than waiting.

“-Human beings are naturally bisexual. Religious bigotry and prejudice force people into chastity, heterosexuality and monogamy.

“-There is no medical or other reason for adult-child sex or incest to be forbidden.

“People like Hugh Hefner of Playboy fame of course helped to carry out this agenda. And today we see the result of this social and sexual revolution: broken families, marriage disintegration, a tsunami of pornography, including child pornography, an epidemic of promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases, skyrocketing abortion rates, a crisis in teenage pregnancies, an explosion of rape and sexual assault, and a culture that believes that hedonism is the highest good, and self control and restraint the greatest evil.”

So what about the children of Table 34? That too I have written up before, so let me again draw upon my earlier material about a Hollywood film which sought to turn Kinsey into some sort of saint:

“Thus a whole range of sexual activity that used to be frowned upon has become normalised because of Kinsey. But it is not only the fruits of his research that was dangerous; so too was the research itself. We know that Kinsey and his associates used children ranging from 5 months to fourteen years in his sex experiments.

“For example, in Table 34 of his Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), Kinsey sought to show that the youngest of children could be sexually active. He said that even ‘the youngest males, as young as 5 months in age, are capable of such repeated reactions [orgasms]’ In the table, four-year-old boys, for example, were sexually stimulated for 24 uninterrupted hours. A five month baby is said to have produced 3 orgasms in an unspecified amount of time.

“An eleven month baby is reported to have had 14 orgasms in 38 minutes. The book also examines some of the reactions to such ‘experimentation.’ These ranged from ‘extreme tension with violent convulsion … gasping, eyes staring … mouth distorted, sometimes with tongue protruding … whole body or parts of it spasmodically twitching … groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries … more or less frenzied movements … extreme trembling, collapse, loss of color, and sometimes fainting … of subject.’ These reactions, recorded with cold, clinical precision, are nothing less than descriptions of criminal child abuse.

“Remarkably, however, the study of the reactions concludes by noting that the subject ‘will fight away from the partner and may make violent attempts to avoid climax, although they derive definite pleasure from the situation.’ Does that sound like pleasure? It sounds like child sexual assault of the worst kind.

“And as one paediatrician noted, ‘these children had to be held down or subject to strapping down, otherwise they would not respond willingly.’ Thus it is amazing that Hollywood should come out with this hagiography on Kinsey. We have such huge problems with child pornography right now, and our entertainment capital will simply compound the problem.

“Indeed, the film will cover up a lot of details about Kinsey. For example, decades ago Kinsey renamed paedophilia as ‘cross-generational sexual contact’. And as mentioned already, Kinsey was quite happy to use paedophiles in his research on human sexuality.”

I challenge you to read those last five paragraphs again. If they do not make you physically ill, then perhaps you need to do a check-up on the state of your humanity and morality. These were absolutely revolting “experiments” which would have traumatised those young babies and children for perhaps their entire lives.

Yet our sexperts think this is all good and important “research”. Now what these Monash academics were doing was not in the same league as was what Kinsey was doing. But both groups are operating under the same premises: that babies and children are sexualised beings and adults can feel free to force their sexual concepts onto them.

There is another group in society which also wants to soften little kids up to all things sexual: the paedophiles. They also believe little children are sexually active and need to interact with adults. They love it when we can sexualise them at the earliest possible age.

I am sure the Monash eggheads have no such thing as this in mind. But they should know better that other groups do have such things in mind, and anything that softens kids up to such dangers should be avoided at all costs. All we can say about these Monash researchers is shame, shame, shame.

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