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More Scenes from the Abortion Wars

As the culture of death becomes ever more blatant, and seeks to extend its reach throughout the globe, the battle for life becomes ever more vital. On many fronts the abortion wars are being waged, and those who care about life need to be aware of these battles and enter into them.

Consider these four recent items. In the UK, the pro-death group Marie Stopes International has begun airing pro-abortion ads. Now along with lipsticks, cars and clothing, we have abortion being sold as just another consumer product. Get a new Toyota, buy some new jeans, and get this week only a half-price special on baby killing.

As one critic noted, “Marie Stopes centres are not advice centres but abortion factories. They fast-track women down a path to abortion, because they have an ideological commitment to abortion.” Abortion ads today, euthanasia ads tomorrow, and perhaps infanticide ads the following week.

The second item concerns the death of an eight-month unborn baby in a car accident in NSW recently. The pregnant mother survived the crash, and is now calling for a law change. Current homicide laws there do not apply to unborn babies.

But the NSW Attorney-General John Hatzistergos is resisting calls for a law change: “The issue of extending the definition of manslaughter or murder to include the death of an unborn child was examined by Justice Finlay in 2002. Following that review the recommendation was that the law not be extended to include circumstances where an unborn child dies in relation to those specific offences.”

But clearly this was an unborn-baby of the same age of those who are born prematurely. In such cases, a hospital will do everything possible to keep the baby alive. Yet here, this unborn baby is regarded as somehow less than human. Indeed, many journalists have foolishly spoken of the question of when life begins in this case!

But of course an eight-month unborn baby is alive, just as a seven-week, or seven-day, or seven-second unborn baby is alive. And there is no question about the baby being human as well. What else could he or she be? A carrot? A dingo? A piece of seaweed?

The confusion that abounds on this issue simply runs rampant. That is why the alternative media is needed to get the truth out about abortion and related issues. And that leads to a third recent item concerning the life issues. It seems that our government is officially banning or censoring some pro-life websites in Australia.

Here is how one news source begins the story: “Information gathered both by the ABC TV’s Four Corners program as well as a leaked list containing banned websites from the Australian Communications and Media Authority, shows that numerous anti-abortion sites are currently censored by the Australian Government.

“The websites are banned for depicting graphic material which is understood to be images and videos of abortion procedures. One website that is censored is ‘’, the website is run by Trevor Grace who was an anti-abortion candidate for South Australian Parliament in 2008.The website only recently became available to Australian web users when the websites’ hosting server was moved offshore. known for its graphic resources on abortion was also on the censor list.”

We expect police states to censor information which is not in line with state policy. We do not expect to see a democratic nation resorting to such totalitarian methods. This is a case of filtering out information which is deemed politically incorrect. All pro-lifers need to be aware of this and be prepared to take action.

Finally, late-term abortions have skyrocketed at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne after Victorian laws fully legalising abortion were passed in 2008. Three late-term abortions a week are now performed at the hospital. Doctors and nurses are feeling “traumatised” as a result. This even appeared on a Seven News segment (see link below).

The news item really botched the story, claiming almost all such abortions were necessary to save the life of the mother. This is in fact rarely the case, and both baby and mother are generally perfectly healthy. See more on late-term abortion here:

As stated, the forces of death do not rest, and it is incumbent on those who love life to never rest as well, but to be fully involved in these various battles. As is often the case in the culture wars, the group which is most persistent and dedicated tends to win at the end of the day. So let us redouble our efforts for the sake of those without a voice and without the power to protect themselves.

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