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You Can Fool Some of the Christians Some of the Time…

Both the Labor Party and the Greens are seeking to win Christian votes by claiming to be the real deal in the faith stakes. Julia Gillard did an interview with the Australian Christian Lobby seeking to convince gullible believers that even an atheist like her would be good news for the faith community.

Since she came into power, having taken over from the assassinated Kevin Rudd, the ACL has done a second round of talks to get her version of events. There are a few problems here however. The most important moral issue of our time is not climate change, as Kevin Rudd foolishly claimed, but abortion.

Yet for some odd reason abortion did not seem to be on the list of questions directly asked of Julia, or of Kevin and Tony earlier on. This seems to be quite an oversight indeed. Perhaps no other issue is so paramount and so vital to biblical Christianity than the war against the unborn.

Gillard did make some Christian overtures, such as on chaplaincy funding. But what she did not tell the ACL was that the whole policy is up for review by Labor at the end of next year, and that as Education Minister she said she wanted the whole program to be secularised.

But as I have documented earlier, Julia is seeking to distance herself from her atheist and socialist past, and make herself look like she is mainstream and a centrist. So she is willing to say and do anything to increase her election chances.

But it is the Greens that really take the cake for trying to dupe the Christian voting bloc. Two recent pronouncements by the Greens show how they will go to any depths to deceive the public, seeking to get them to believe that the Greens are actually somehow a Christian party!

Greens leader Bob Brown for example tried to argue that he and his party are more Christian than Cardinal George Pell. I kid you not. He claimed for example that the majority of Christians support same-sex marriage, so Pell should get on board. I am not aware of any research documenting Christian majority support for SSM.

And even if the majority did, that simply would tell us most believers have rejected their own Bible for trendy social engineering agendas. Brown also claimed the disastrous BER (Building the Education Revolution) scheme was somehow a Christian scheme!

Then we recently had another Greens member also seeking to claim that the Greens are really in God’s camp. Greens Senate candidate Lin Hatfield Dodds boasted of being a lifelong Uniting Church member, which is to somehow show us how Christian the Greens really are.

Of course the Uniting Church is the most theologically liberal and even at times heretical mainline denomination in Australia today. It has jettisoned many historical Christian teachings, and has basically abandoned the Bible as the primary source of Christian truth and revelation.

So for her to boast of such “Christian” credentials is quite telling indeed. It informs us that only those who have long ago rejected the historic Christian truth claims can easily fit in a radically secular humanist party like the Australian Greens.

According to one media account, she would have us believe that the Greens’ main tenets are directly in sync with the teachings of the Christian faith. “The Greens’ four pillars are social justice, environmental sustainability, participatory democracy and peace and non-violence.”

All four of these phrases are slippery terms at best, and humanist weasel words at worst. ‘Social justice’ is one of the most overused and under-defined terms going around. What one person means by ‘environmental sustainability’ can be light years away from what another means, let alone from the biblical understanding.

What exactly does she mean by ‘participatory democracy’? And the biblical notion of peace is a far cry from the radical and unbiblical pacifism of the Greens. On all four fronts she is seeking to highjack biblical Christian teachings and transmute them into radical humanist green agendas.

I have written at length about these concepts elsewhere, so will not repeat myself here. Indeed, the main way in which we can get beyond the Green’s subterfuge and smokescreens here is to simply look at what their actual policies are, as outlined on their own website.

I have done that twice recently, and urge readers to refer back to these posts:

By their own words they condemn themselves, showing just what anti-Christian agendas they are seeking to foist upon the Australian people. And in many respects Labor is not much better. But now that we have in effect a Labor-Green coalition, a vote for the one is a vote for the other.

Believers were told by Christ to be harmless as doves yet wise as serpents. That is certainly the case with this federal election. Here we have atheist, socialist and pro-abortionist Julia Gillard trying to claim the Christian vote. And here we have secular humanist homosexual Bob Brown pretending his party somehow is on God’s side.

Beware of both. If we ever needed strong biblical discernment, today is the day.

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