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More Commodification of Children

We live in an age which seems to hate children. We know what is best for children, yet we seem intent on deliberately denying children that very thing. The most important need any child has – and therefore a child’s most fundamental right – is to be raised by his or her own biological parents, preferably cemented by marriage.

No more important foundation can be laid for the well-being of children. The social science research on this backs up what we already know by common sense. Every child deserves his or her own parents, and to deliberately deprive children of this right is a form of child neglect, if not abuse.

Yet this is occurring all the time. Children are now seen as mere commodities to please selfish adults. The ‘right’ of adults to be happy, regardless of the wellbeing of children, has now become all too common. Indeed, it is now becoming demanded by the PC elites.

And woe to those who dare speak up for the rights of the child. They are immediately targeted and treated like lepers, simply for putting the wellbeing of children ahead of selfish adult lifestyles. When the selfish cravings of adults trump the rights of children, then we know that society is going downhill fast.

Consider yet another example of our contempt of, and disdain for, children. Aging rocker Elton John and his “husband” now have a baby boy, conceived by an anonymous surrogate mother from California and a separate egg donor. Thus this poor child seems to have at least two dads and two mums.

But by the sound of it, he will never actually know and have a personal relationship with his own mother. Yet all this does not seem to faze our ruling elites and intelligentsia. TV news reports were all schmaltzy about this news, and opinion pieces have routinely decried any contrary viewpoints.

For example, a Guardian writer (whose piece was reprinted in the Age – of course) was quite happy to speak of homophobia, and refer to those who dare to disagree as rodents. This writer interestingly did not say one word about the baby’s lack of a mother.

He seems to think Elton will be just a fine dad. But one thing Elton or his partner will never be is a fine mother. They won’t be any kind of a mother. And having female figures drifting in and out of the home does not cut it either. A child does not need male and female figures popping in and out of his life.

A child needs a mother and a father – end of story. A child needs a mother and father who will always be there and care for the child. A child needs to see how a father and mother (husband and wife) interact and relate. Nature decided this was the optimum situation for the rearing of children, yet we seem to think we can improve on things.

The writer did talk about Elton’s age – he is 62. But he saw no problem with that as well. But just when the boy will be most active and in need of a dad who can run around and play with him, Elton will be close to 70. When the boy will be a teenager, and in special need of his father’s close companionship, Elton will likely be hobbling around or in a wheelchair – if he is even still alive.

But leave the issue of age aside if you wish. As I say, the biggest scandal here is the idea that for children today, mothers and fathers are simply optional extras. Take ‘em or leave ‘em. No big deal. Who needs a mum and dad anyway?

This whole notion that biological parents are just an optional extra is now the prevailing PC mindset of our time. We have bought into the biggest PC lie of all, that parents don’t matter, that family structure does not matter, and that kids really need not be our number one priority.

Instead we have simply soaked up the decadent mindset of modern culture, which says that the only thing that matters is our own personal happiness and fulfilment. That is all that counts. As long as adults have what they want, whenever they want it, and however they want it, that is the only concern.

But what about the children? What about their wellbeing? What about their most basic and most fundamental right of all? Why have we stolen parents away from children? Why are we creating – deliberately and intentionally – a whole new stolen generation where children are deprived of what they need most?

It is often said that we can judge a society by the way it treats its own children. If that is the case, then we can see that Western society – or large portions of it – simply hates children, and views them as no more than a commodity, existing simply for the pleasures of adults and their wants.

Such societies will not long last. But the massive suffering these children will have to endure in the name of adults “rights” will cry to the heavens. For that reason, there will be some – hopefully many – who will fight this injustice passionately and doggedly. We can do no less for our vulnerable and innocent children.

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