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The Homosexualisation of the Catholic Church

Three news items in today’s press makes for scary reading – certainly if you are a committed Catholic and/or wish to uphold biblical morality. All three episodes involve various Catholic churches and Catholic leaders capitulating big time to the homosexual onslaught.

These obviously confused Catholics have not only renounced their own official teaching on the subject, but have effectively gone over to the other side, promoting the radical homosexual agenda. Sadly there have been far too many examples of this lately, but let me simply highlight three of them here.

The first involves an evangelical Christian group in Australia who has brought over a former homosexual from the US to share his amazing story. He was scheduled to speak at a Queensland Catholic school, but when they learned more fully about him being a former homosexual, they gave him the flick.

Presumably if he was still a practising homosexual pushing the pro-homosexual agenda, this Catholic school would have welcomed him with open arms. This is how the story has been reported by one news outlet: “An Australian Catholic secondary school has withdrawn permission for an event featuring a former homosexual speaker at the school, saying the presenter is not in line with Christian values and that ‘the Catholic Church abhors all forms of homophobia.’

“Ann Rebgetz, principle at St. Columban’s College, wrote in a statement that Miracle Christian Center, the group intending to put on the event, requested permission to hold a ‘meeting’ at the secondary school, without informing the school of the ‘nature of the ‘meeting.’

“Miracle Christian Center (MCC), a world-wide Christian church ministry group that aims at ‘global evangelization,’ advertized the American speaker, Adam Hood, as, ‘A straight man who used to be a homosexual.’ Newspaper advertisements said Hood would ‘tell his story of how he was set free from homosexuality and now leads a strong Christian life with his wife and family.’

“‘Can a homosexual be free from same sex thoughts, attractions and feelings? Adam Hood says “yes”,’ says the ad. ‘Seeing the advertisement in the newspaper was the first time the college became aware of the true nature of the event,’ said Ann Rebgetz. ‘I withdrew permission for the meeting to be held on college property, and notified the organisers that the nature of the meeting was not in line with the college’s Christian values’.”

Can you believe that? This leaves me absolutely stunned! Here we have a “Catholic” school which looks upon a former homosexual who is now a vibrant Christian as someone who does not fit in with their “Christian values,” and his powerful and moving testimony is somehow “homophobic”!

Just what sort of “Christian values” does this school operate on? They are certainly not biblical values. They are not even orthodox Catholic values. These are simply PC humanist values: siding with militant homosexual activists while condemning Christians who have been set free from this dangerous lifestyle by the grace of God.

It seems this Catholic school has become a perfect embodiment of what the prophet Isaiah warned about so long ago: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

The second example is even more bizarre and disappointing. It comes from Canada and involves a Catholic school board which has invited some homosexual pride advocates to come in and speak at a conference. Here is how the story is covered:

“At an equity conference next month, Ontario’s Dufferin-Peel Catholic school board will feature several homosexual activists including one gay magazine reporter who covered the 2010 Toronto Pride Parade, with video showing him gleefully interviewing various Pride participants, including men dressed in sado-masochistic thongs.

“At one point in the video, the reporter lies down on the street as a man in drag simulates a sex act on him. ‘This is the best Pride present ever.  I’m having a great Pride week,’ says Michael Pihach, a reporter with Xtra!, ‘Canada’s gay and lesbian newspaper’.”

At least not everyone was thrilled about this stupid idea. Francis Rodrigues, a concerned local Catholic in Dufferin-Peel said this: “I can’t believe that the school board would bring such people to a conference. I don’t understand it. I mean, it’s common sense. We’re entrusting our children to these people and this is what they do.”

But when Catholic leadership goes off the rails like this, no wonder ordinary Catholics start getting all messed up on this as well. Consider my third example, involving an American poll on Catholic thoughts on some homosexual issues. It seems plenty of Catholics have given up on clear thinking here.

This is how one report explains it: “Support for same-sex ‘marriage’ and civil unions runs high among the Catholic population, even claiming the majority of Catholics who attend Mass weekly, according to a poll released this month. The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found that Catholics surpass other Christians and even the general public in their support for homosexual unions, both as ‘marriage’ and other marriage-like unions recognized by the state.

“The results among Catholics were broken down among those who attend Mass weekly or more (38 percent of Catholics), once or twice per month (20 percent), or less often (41 percent). Support for same-sex ‘marriage’ was far higher among the last group with 59 percent support, and only 16 percent against all types of homosexual unions. But even among those attending Mass weekly or more, only 31 percent were against legal recognition of homosexual unions; 26 percent favored same-sex ‘marriage’ and 38 percent favored civil unions.”

As I said, when the leadership gets things screwed up in these areas, then we can expect the rest of the folks to also get out of whack. Thus it is clear that many Catholics and many Catholic leaders no longer believe either the Bible or their own official teachings on these matters.

Here is what Section 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about this topic: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstance can they be approved.”

As readers may know, I am not a Catholic, but I can clearly see a major disconnect between what Catholics are supposed to believe and what many actually believe. This is bad news indeed and just another indication of how the surrounding culture is dragging down the churches, instead of the churches challenging the surrounding culture.

Of course to point out these cases is not to pick on the Catholic Church. The truth is, plenty of Protestant denominations and churches are caving in on this issue as well. It is all a part of the general apostasy of the church which the Bible so frequently warns against.

All over the Christian world there is compromise, departure from the faith, backsliding, and apostasy. In such a situation the first and only proper response is repentance. We must get on our knees, confess our rebellion and sin, and let God turn things around big time.

If not, this drift into the sewer will only continue and get worse.

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