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Marriage Attacked and Defended

I am just back from another standing-room only event at Parliament House Canberra in support of marriage. Around 1000 people crammed into the Great Hall to celebrate and defend marriage against those actively warring against it.

The two-hour session featured a number of Australian speakers as well as one American guest. This was done to show our Parliamentarians and the nation’s capital that Australians are sick and tired of the war being waged by a small, noisy and militant homosexual lobby against marriage and family.

A similar pro-marriage rally was held in 2004, and it too was a packed house. Back then we worked to amend the Marriage Act to ensure that marriage in Australia would be only between one man and one woman. Both houses of Parliament passed that amendment back then. But the homosexual activists never like to abide by the will of the people, and insist on pushing their agenda until they win. So this rally was called to resist this ongoing threat.

American speaker Rebecca Hagelin of the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC is a long-standing defender of marriage and family, and a well-known writer, speaker, columnist and radio commentator. She gave a stirring message on the importance of marriage and family, and how these institutions are being savagely attacked by the activist minority groups.

She rightly pointed out how these very small but noisy groups are acting like school yard bullies. Just as an entire group of school kids can be terrified, silenced and intimidated by a handful of bullies at school, so too have entire nations been bullied by the militant social engineers.

They seek to shout down, intimidate and silence anyone who dares to speak out against their radical agendas. And with many supporters found in the lame-stream media, they can effectively hold entire nations to hostage. They have simply bullied their way into prominence.

The miserable MSM complicity in all this is as disgusting as it is typical. Examples just this week already abound. In today’s Sydney Morning Herald website we have a report about this important rally. What do you suppose they said about it?

You guessed it. The first thing they did was to deliberately lie about the attendance. It said that “several hundred people” attended the event. What a cowardly pack of deceivers these guys are. There is a huge difference between a thousand people and “several hundred”.

But these stooges in the media are quite happy to blatantly lie to push their agenda. They want to suggest that hardly anyone showed up for the rally, and that it is obviously no big deal. The truth is quite the opposite. The place was packed, with many people having to stand for the entire morning.

And they would represent a majority of Australians who are sick and tired of the way these radical agendas are being crammed down our throats. But the media simply wants to promote the agendas of the minority activist groups.

Consider another glaring example of this blatant media bias. Back in Melbourne this past Saturday I watched the ABC evening news. On it was a lengthy story about a pro-homosexual marriage demo. It was an event held in Canberra, and judging by the video vision, a mere ten or twelve people were there. Yet the ABC TV news ran this non-story for a full two minutes, maybe longer.

A handful of same-sex marriage activists will get a lengthy TV slot on a prime-time newscast. But did the ABC TV cameras even show up for today’s rally? I did not see any. And if they were there, just what sort of coverage do you think they will give for tonight’s news?

The truth is, most of the MSM has long ago given up on covering the news. They have instead decided to create the news and manipulate the news. They will tell Australians how to think in other words. This is propaganda, not balanced news coverage. It is all about indoctrination, and pushing radical agendas.

Given that the MSM refuses to give us accurate and balanced coverage here, let me inform you how the rest of the morning’s event went. A number of politicians spoke in defence of traditional marriage and family. These included Kevin Andrews, Bob Katter and Barnaby Joyce.

Senator Joyce reminded us that a fake is always a fake, no matter how much people try to fool us. He spoke of being raised in horse country, and told the story of sending his daughter out to purchase a horse. Imagine if when she sought to buy a horse, the seller offered a camel instead. Sorry, but a camel is just not a horse, end of story.

And same-sex marriage is not marriage at all. It never has been and never will be marriage. It cannot be. A marriage involves a man and a woman. If these two basic elements are not present, there can be no marriage. It is that simple.

Several speakers from pro-family organisations also gave brief addresses. The two main organisers of the rally, the Australian Family Association, and the National Marriage Coalition, deserve a big round of applause for making this event possible.

It was a terrific and much needed rally to spur on ordinary Australians to redouble their efforts to stand up for marriage and family, and to especially stand up for children, who will be so adversely impacted by same-sex marriage.

Thanks to all those who attended, many of whom came from very far distances to be here in solidarity for the most important social institution of all times.

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