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Strained Relations

OK, so why does a guy spend nearly 20 years working on a book which will never become a bestseller, will never make a lot of money (or even a little money), and will only result in a lot of grief, misery, and persecution? The reason is simple: truth matters, and truth needs to get into the public arena.

That is why I have this website, and that is why I have written this book. Given that the mainstream media will never touch something like this – except to criticise it, mock it, and condemn it – another avenue is needed to get truth out as far and wide as possible.

My new book is now available. It is called Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality. What started out as a ten-page research paper nearly two decades ago has mushroomed into a 270-page book with over 700 footnotes (707 to be exact).

Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality by Muehlenberg, Bill (Author)

It pretty well covers every aspect of the contentious issue of homosexuality. While plenty of books exist extolling the homosexual lifestyle and promoting the militant homosexual agenda, books on the other side of the fence are rather rare.

Indeed, in Australia there is almost nothing like this book. The only other book-length treatment of this subject from a pro-family and pro-faith perspective is the excellent 1984 volume by Andrew Lansdown, Blatant & Proud: Homosexuals on the Offensive (Perceptive Publications). It of course has long been out of print.

It is perhaps a good thing that Lansdown did not take my advice and issue a revised and updated version of his book. Had he done so, it is possible mine would never have appeared. He was certainly ahead of the game back then to see the warning signs so clearly.

His 183-page book with some 240 footnotes was a clarion call to wake from our slumbers and be aware of the onslaught of the radical homosexual agenda. Unfortunately his calls went largely unheeded. Now we are paying the price for not being more alert and more concerned.

One amazing feature of his book is a listing of homosexual organisations in Australia. He lists well over 200 such groups! And this was nearly three decades ago. There would likely be a thousand such groups by now. Sure, most would be quite small in number, but they make up for this with lots of activism, a very loud voice, and continual intimidation of anyone who dares to oppose them.

Thus things have gotten much worse since his book first appeared. Indeed, I document case after case of homosexual activism, whether in our schools, our media, the judiciary, in politics, our culture, or in society as a whole. I also document how Christians especially are being targeted by the militants. They are working overtime to silence, threaten and bully any church, Christian group, or believer who dares to stand up for biblical faith and the institutions of marriage and family.

The reason I have put so much time and effort into this book is that we are in a war. It is an ideological war, a cultural war, a political war, an intellectual war, and a spiritual war. It is certainly a war of ideas. And in any war of ideas we desperately need ammunition.

This book hopefully provides that intellectual ammunition. It offers a wealth of data, facts, quotes and research on the battle we are in. There are many dozens, if not hundreds, of quotations from the homosexual press, from homosexual activists, from homosexual books, and homosexual websites.

There are also numerous quotes from the scientific literature, the medical literature, the social science literature, and world experts and authorities on this topic. Yet I can already predict how the other side will respond to all this. Indeed, I will put good money on this.

They will go ballistic, and will basically seek to shoot the messenger. Instead of dealing with all of the data and evidence I present here, they will simply attack me big time. If I thought I was getting a lot of hate mail and death threats already, just wait and see what lies ahead.

But we already know how the other side operates. Indeed, I also document this very carefully in my book as well. The truth is, as this book becomes better known, all hell will break out. The activists will be spitting chips, if not foaming at the mouth.

And the MSM, well, we know they will have only two possible responses. They will probably just ignore the book altogether. This is a favourite tactic of the MSM. This silence effectively censors any point of view it disagrees with. By refusing to even mention this book, that is one good way of covering the public with a blanket of censorship.

The other option of course will be for the MSM to mercilessly attack me and the book. Indeed, I can already imagine the various hostile reviews the MSM will feature. I will in fact be very much surprised if just one favourable review appears anywhere in the Australian MSM.

Indeed, I would be happy just to have one balanced, objective, and fair review of this book. But I doubt very much if any will be forthcoming. We will soon see, I guess. But I certainly will not hold my breath on this.

I was going to conclude by saying, happy reading. But reading this book will probably not be a pleasant experience. It may depress you or anger you. But it is not likely to leave you un-impacted. But as I said, it is imperative that truth gets out into the public arena – especially on this topic.

So I hope you grab a copy somewhere. I certainly don’t say this because I think I might get fame and fortune from it. I already have all the negative press I can take, and I am not likely to get any financial return on this. But I did not write it for those reasons.

I wrote it primarily because I am worried deeply about my own children and the kind of society they are growing up in. I want it to be a far better place for them than what it now is. But that may not be the case, unless concerned citizens stand up and be counted.

And part of how they can make a stand is to become informed and energised about these sorts of issues. It is my hope and prayer that this book will help you to become just that.

If you are interested in getting a copy of this book, there are a number of places where this can be done. One is the publisher:

Another is Koorong Books, which are in all major cities:

Word Bookstores around the country also hopefully soon carry this volume:

Hopefully soon amazon and other international online book sellers will be carrying this as well. While there is a lot of Australian data here, most people from overseas should find very much of value in this book as well.

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