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Occupiers and Refried Marxism

Sometimes stuff is better when rehashed or reused. I just had some refried beans for lunch, and it is a great component to a Mexican meal. But other things do not get better, no matter how often they are refried or retried. One such thing is Marxism. It is a failed social experiment which has helped no one but has killed millions.

I used to be a Marxist. So I know a bit about it, and I can spot a Marxist movement a mile away, even when it seeks to appear in new guises. And I know full well how the Marxist operates. Covert stealth operations are always so much more successful than utilising overt and obvious tactics.

I knew as a young radical that there are different means by which we could destroy a society. There are many strategies one can utilise to weaken the “enemy” and eventually take it over. I and my radical friends became adept at using the system against itself, to bring about our desired revolution.

And in so many ways we were wildly successful. But the revolutionaries are never satisfied, and never stop their agitation and works of destruction. Even though an Obama is in the White house, and a socialist is in the Lodge here in Australia, the radical left is not content. It continues its war against the West, and will not stop until it is overthrown completely.

Of course my own stint in the radical left was brought to an abrupt end when I became a Christian. That life-transforming story will have to be told another time. But my sojourn with the revolutionaries was certainly something I now view as invaluable, because it makes it so much easier for me to see when such radical forces are again at work.

While others might be lulled into thinking some new protest movement is fully benign and much needed, my past radical experience helps me to see through the subterfuge and spot the activist agenda much more readily. And it is not just my own experience, but the importance of history as well that comes into play here.

Those of us who lived through the Cold War, or at least the end of it, are – or should be – aware of the threat of militant, atheistic communism. We know that at least 100 million people died last century because of this monstrous and failed revolutionary movement.

And we are now seeing the same old stuff being replayed before our very eyes. Marxism is not dead – it has just morphed into various new forms. But the same intent is there: to destroy America and the West, to overthrow capitalism, and replace it with a state-run tyranny.

Sadly both during the Cold War and now, plenty of people were absolutely clueless as to the threat that existed. And also quite sadly, many naive Christians have no idea of the war we are in, or how there is a very real enemy at large bent on our destruction.

As I wrote to one Christian recently who thought the Occupy Wall Street movement was a legit group with legit complaints: “Many Christians seem to be missing the point here about OWS. Does human greed occur on all levels of society, from homes to corporations? Yes of course. Are all businesses and corporations perfect? No, of course not. But those are really not the issues here. What is fundamentally at stake is the very system which has bought unprecedented well-being and prosperity to the world – the free market. For all its faults, no other system in human history has done so much to alleviate poverty, free people from grinding and enslaving labor, and transform societies.

“The very computer you have used to type your complaint about corporations was of course the product of corporations and the free market. What the hard core in these protest marches want is the complete eradication and annihilation of the very thing that makes your life today so pleasant, easy and remarkable. They want to destroy the free market. They see it as the enemy. They want to replace it with failed systems, such as socialism, bigger government, and so on.

“That there are well meaning people marching, concerned about various injustices is one thing. We all should be concerned about injustice. But it is naivety in the extreme to think that somehow injustices will simply disappear if we smash Wall Street, destroy banks, and dismantle capitalism, which is the real goal of those pushing this.

“With all due respect, I find most Christians are abysmally ignorant not only of basic history but basic economics. This is a cultural war, with radicals, anarchists and Marxists seeking to use the gullibility and naivety of many to push their agenda – the ultimate goal of which is to smash America and the West. Being ignorant or unaware of history and economics really helps no one here.

“So it is one thing to care about the world in general and justice in particular, but it is another thing altogether to properly analyse the causes of the problems, and offer some genuine workable solutions. I see neither happening in these protest movements. It is just the tired old left seeking to destabilise the West and foist upon us all its failed and bogus agenda. If they really want to improve things, they should be targeting Pennsylvania Avenue (where Obama resides) instead of Wall Street.”

Since penning that reply a very important article has just appeared by Sally Zelikovsky which is worth quoting from extensively. Entitled “The Revolutionaries’ Revenge,” it very nicely makes the points I just tried to do above. We need to take the protestors at their own words, and not try to put our own nice spin on them and their aims.

Let them speak and tell us just what it is that they want. Sally has done just that, with extensive interviews with the demonstrators. She begins her piece with these words: “The media are mistakenly characterizing the Occupy Wall Street movement as unemployed Millennials with a legitimate gripe against Wall Street consistent with the Tea Party, or as a rag-tag group of unemployed stoners with no coherent message, not to be taken too seriously.

“After spending hours interviewing protesters in Oakland, California, both characterizations are way off base. If either scenario were apt, these folks would be marching on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and storming Congress. Instead, they’re taking on Wall Street and storming the homes of the wealthy and the buildings of large corporations.

“It’s Mourning in America, friends. Wake up to the fetid smell of Marxism taking over Main Street, intent on crushing Wall Street. Each person interviewed in Oakland had the same story to tell, and if you listen carefully to the video from the main stream press, it’s this: capitalism is the root of all evil.”

She goes on to actually identify just who is behind the Occupy marches: “When thousands say they want to overthrow capitalism and redistribute property, take them at their word, especially when their chants, signs, words, actions, websites and blogs all support that. And when they are as highly-organized, highly-funded, highly-networked, highly-mobilized and highly-motivated as the Wall Street Occupiers are, then we need to be afraid, be very afraid.

“How grassroots can this movement be when a simple scroll through the internet reveals that Big Labor and Big Community Organization are openly supporting it, organizing it, taking donations for it and drafting petitions for it? Some of those organizations are MoveOn, SEIU, AFL-CIO, National Nurses United, Working Families Party, Van Jones’ Rebuild the Dream, Adbusters, US Day of Rage, Take the Square, October 2011, We are the 99%, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, CREDO and MoveOn’s very own – the international progenitor of the Arab Spring.

“A cornucopia of America’s pop culture glitterati have thrust themselves into the midst of the Occupation with calls for revolution from Danny Glover; shouts of solidarity from Van Jones; cheers from Al Gore that OWSers are ‘pointing out the flaws in our system’; and professions from Michael Moore (whose latest agitprop was presciently entitled ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’) that ‘There’s a shared feeling among people down there that this economic system that we have is unfair.’

“All of the people interviewed at Occupy Oakland spoke with one voice: we must get rid of the system. And they didn’t hold back when probed: the system we must dismantle is capitalism.” If they have said all this so clearly, why don’t we just believe them? They hate America and the free market, and want it replaced now, by any means necessary.

Indeed, watch the video at the end of the article I link to below – it is most revealing indeed. If it all sounds like refried Marxism, that is because it is. They are simply parroting what Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin have already said. Sally continues:

“Marxist rhetoric plays like a broken record: bourgeoisie, oppressed workers, inequality, redistribution, capitalism and solidarity.  Fortunately, MoveOn is there to define for us the ‘oppressed’: ‘The 99% protesters represent all of us who are being left behind: union workers, public servants, the poor, the unemployed, seniors, the disabled, young people graduating off a cliff to no jobs.’

“Does this list truly represent 99% of the US population? If 1% includes millionaires and billionaires, wouldn’t the 99% have to include all of those mid-level executives, professionals and small business owners, etc.? Yes. But for purposes of this Marxist Revolution, if you have money in the bank or own property – be it a hot dog stand or beauty salon – then you are part of the bourgeoisie. The 99% have lumped bourgeois property owners (who really make up the vast majority of the middle) together with the 1% of millionaires and billionaires. To any rational mind this doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t matter. The property, hard work and success of Main Street and the American Dream have been targeted by the so-called 99%.

“And just when ‘social justice’ and ‘capitalist pig’ have become part of the American vernacular, we have to acquaint ourselves with new buzz words parroted by Marxist retreads from the 60s and their ‘useful idiot’ Occupiers:  ‘economic justice’ is the latest moniker for economic parity among all of God’s creatures and ‘neo-liberalism’ is the latest in a string of dirty words blaming corporations for just about everything. None of this is being done in secret. It’s all out in the open. We just choose to look the other way.

“America has to wake up to this new reality: the Cold War battle between communism and capitalism is back, only this time it’s on our front porch. It went underground in the 70s, got an education, put on a suit, bought a house and had a couple of kids. Then it used the schools to educate new foot soldiers and manipulated the pop culture to indoctrinate the next generation of fellow travelers who seek to create a new world order in the image of old world Marxism. Bill Ayers and his allies have been very busy – and successful. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, this bona fide fifth column has patiently been marking time, waiting for the right moment to pounce on an oblivious, comfortable middle class, re-cast it as the wealthy ruling class, and take it down with a series of fatal bites to the jugular. Gramsci told Marxists generations ago that they had to take over education and the culture to bring about the revolution. The smart ones listened and acted.”

She concludes: “I am no Churchill but I admonish my fellow countrymen: don’t shrug this off as bunch of unsettled kids. Don’t wait for the Iron Curtain of oppression to fall while you go about your daily life, business as usual. It’s anything but. Take a moment to surf the net, attend a MoveOn meeting or talk to a few occupiers…. It’s your country and the Marxists aren’t coming – they’re here.”

Quite so. As a former Marxist, I know one when I see one. And I see plenty of them in the Occupy movement. Are there many sincere, non-aligned and genuine protestors amongst them? Sure, but they are all just cannon fodder for the revolutionaries. They are the “useful idiots” which Lenin so famously spoke about. And they will be the first to go when the revolution ultimately takes root.

(Don’t forget to watch the video at the end of the article in the link below.)

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