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Truth is Now Hate

George Orwell once said, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” As I have documented countless times now, not only do they hate truth and those who speak truth, but they also somehow manage to argue that such people are full of hate for simply speaking the truth!

The new rule of thumb seems to be this: If I don’t like what you are saying – even if it is true – I will simply dismiss you as a hater and your words as hate speech. There you go – simple. Now we no longer have to deal with truth – we just dismiss it as hate.

Thus truth is now hate for those who hate the truth. We see this happening all the time. I sure do. You ought to see all the hate mail I get. These guys are exploding in hatred, yet they keep accusing me of being the one guilty of hate! Go figure. Needless to say it is very hard to argue with such folks. Anything you say, any truth you present, is simply dismissed as hate; end of story. Discussion closed.

I can see why there are so few willing to take a public stand from truth nowadays. It is a very risky thing to do so. Most people would rather just remain silent, and live a quiet and peaceful life. But they of course are only kidding themselves. As we remain silent, the enemies of freedom and democracy are rolling along, crushing all opposition.

We will all be impacted by this new totalitarianism. When thoughts and speech become “hate crimes” then we will all be adversely impacted. So the moral of the story is this: better to speak up now while we have the freedom to do so, than to sit back and hope all this blows over. It won’t.

Another prime example of this comes in the form of American actor and Christian, Kirk Cameron. For daring to speak the truth about the issue of homosexuality, and having the gall to actually claim marriage is really between a man and a woman, all hell has broken loose. He has been vilified and pilloried big time.

Right now he is public enemy number one in the US – all for simply proclaiming truth. One news story puts it this way: “Actor Kirk Cameron says he shouldn’t be accused of hate speech for responding honestly when he was asked what he believed about homosexuality and ‘gay marriage.’

“Cameron told CNN’s Piers Morgan that marriage ‘was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve – one man, one woman for life.’ He added that in his view, homosexuality is ‘socially destructive,’ ‘unnatural,’ ‘detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization’.”

Wow, finally someone with the guts to stand up and speak truth. You can see him making these remarks in this video clip:

But for having the courage of his convictions the tolerance brigade has gone ballistic in demonising and condemning him. He is now subject to a super-vicious and venomous campaign of hate and vilification. And I know exactly what he is going through, having experienced it time and time again myself.

Perhaps the most ugly and idiotic thing said about him so far comes from Hollywood secular lefty Roseanne Barr. Incredibly, she actually said this: “Kirk or kurt or whatever Cameron is an accomplice to murder with his hate speech. So is rick warren. Their peers r killing gays in Uganda.”

There you have it folks. Witness the utter logic and pure reasoning of the activists: anyone who dares to defend marriage and take their faith seriously in public is an accomplice to murder! Wow, this is staggering stuff. We are all just blown away by the brilliance and sensible nature of their arguments.

Fortunately not everyone is taken in by this patent nonsense. Much more clear thinking commentators have shown the complete poverty of such notions. Michael L. Brown for example deconstructs the twisted thinking and rotten rhetoric of Ms Barr this way:

“First, the technicalities: It is not true that ‘peers’ of Cameron and Pastor Rick Warren in Uganda are killing gays. The much discussed anti-homosexuality bill is still not law, and the killing of a gay man or woman in Uganda is a crime. And American Christian leaders like Rick Warren have been outspoken in their criticism of the bill as initially written. (For the record, when I was asked about the bill in 2009, I told a local gay correspondent that ‘I have very serious issues with the proposed law as currently constructed. I believe it has the potential to hurt far more people than it could possibly help, potentially inflicting great suffering on many.’)

“Second, the larger realities: It is completely and utterly false to claim that Cameron’s words make him in any way ‘an accomplice to murder with his [alleged] hate speech.’ Can anyone calmly, rationally, and logically make such a ridiculous accusation? Or is this asking too much, since over-the-top gay rhetoric like this is hardly the product of serious thought (or, conversely, is hardly meant to provoke serious thought)? And since when was it forbidden to express views like those held by Cameron?”

He then deals with the oft-heard charge that any opposition to homosexuality leads to gay teen suicides: “First, we should point out that gay kids do not simply kill themselves because they are told that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. In the vast majority of cases, gay teens kill themselves (like other teens do) because of deeper emotional and psychological problems, so we must do whatever we can to help them deal with the deeper issues in their lives. Without a doubt, each of these deaths is a terrible tragedy, but these kids must not be used as pawns to advance a social agenda, nor should they be told that their suicides are somehow expected or unavoidable.

“Second, we should ask gay activists if anti-obesity campaigns are causing obese kids to commit suicide. If so, wouldn’t this make Michelle Obama complicit in the suicides of kids who were bullied because of their obesity? (In no way do I minimize the horrific tragedy of a teen suicide, whatever its cause. I simply want to expose the folly of the ‘accomplice to murder/suicide’ accusation.)

“Third, since evangelical Christians like Cameron and I are being criticized for our faith-based convictions, we need to stand up even more strongly for what we believe, proclaiming without shame that we have a message that saves people from suicide, depression, hopelessness, substance abuse, and a host of other things. (That message is called ‘the gospel,’ which means ‘good news.’)”

Brown of course makes perfect sense here. But common sense or any other kind of sense is clearly lacking in the activist camp. They thrive on empty reasoning, wild rhetoric, and demonisation of all opponents. They can call those who speak truth haters all they like, but every time they open their mouths they make it perfectly plain just who is doing all the hating here.

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