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Finally Some Good News and Some Common Sense

We live in dark days, and good news is often hard to come by. Even harder to find – at least in the media and the public arena – is some common sense. We are plagued with political correctness and radical leftist ideology which is quite far from being sensible or rational.

Thus when we get a bit of good news and mental and moral clarity – especially if appearing in the MSM – then we better shout it from the mountaintops. Indeed, it is worth spreading it around far and wide, and that I shall happily do. The story opens as follows:

“Victoria’s deputy chief psychiatrist – and State Government-appointed equal opportunities champion – has joined forces with doctors lobbying the Federal Government to ban same-sex marriage. Twenty-two Victorian GPs, anaesthetists, obstetricians, palliative care specialists and psychiatrists, including Prof Kuravilla George, have joined 150 colleagues interstate to argue gay marriage poses a health risk to society.

“In a letter to the Senate’s inquiry into marriage equality, the group wrote that it was ‘important for the future health of our nation’ to retain the definition of marriage as being between a man and woman. ‘We submit the evidence is clear that children who grow up in a family with a mother and father do better in all parameters than children without,’ they wrote. The doctors also said they were concerned legalising gay marriage would ‘normalise’ homosexual behaviour and the ‘health consequences’ linked with it, such as HIV and syphilis.”

Wow, you don’t read that sort of stuff in the MSM every day. Finally a group of doctors and experts who refuse to be cowed and intimidated by the radical activists, and are willing to put principle ahead of political correctness. Finally some brave doctors who are willing to seek the well-being of the general community.

Finally a group of professionals who have not allowed themselves to be browbeaten and bullied by the militant homosexual activists. Finally a group of people with integrity and guts, who are willing to speak truth, even if it will bring down the venomous rage of the activists.

So well done one and all. And everything they say is perfectly true, and fully verifiable. The social science data on this is overwhelming. I have long collected this data, and it is overwhelming in its conclusions: children do best when raised by their biological mother and father.

That is perfectly clear even in the secular social science data. I hope to turn all these research findings into a book one day, but in the meantime you can find a solid hunk of the documentation in these two articles:

The social science research simply backs up what all of us – except those blinded by their radical ideology – already know by common sense: children have a fundamental right to be raised by their own biological parents. To deliberately deprive a child of this – as in homosexual marriage and adoption rights – is a clear form of child abuse.

And the many very real and harmful health risks associated with the homosexual lifestyle is also fully documented – even by the homosexuals themselves. This information is fully contained and referenced in my book on homosexuality, Strained Relations. Those who want this documentation will find links to my book below.

But let me point out a few other things about this article. Any day of the week you will find pro-homosexual articles in the MSM. At least nine times out of ten however, you will never find the other side featured in those articles – not even with a very brief sound bite. But whenever the MSM dares to print an article which gives our side of the story, then you will find all sorts of homosexual activists invited to comment, to offer “balance”.

Question: if the MSM is so interested in balance here, then why is it all one-way traffic? Why does it have zillions of pro-homosexual articles with almost no right of reply from our side? This is just typical hypocrisy and double standards from the secular left MSM.

So we get the usual suspects dragged out to misinform the public in this article. Thus we have Rodney Croome pulling out the old canard that “homophobia” is the cause of higher homosexual suicide rates. This is patent nonsense, and is not at all supported by the empirical data. I not only offer full documentation of this in my new book, I also have dealt with it quite recently here:

And get a load of this moonbattery: “But former national AMA president and gay rights activist Kerryn Phelps said the doctors should ‘hang their heads in shame’ and that Prof George’s position on the board of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission should be reviewed. ‘They should immediately disqualify themselves from dealing with matters of sexuality, as they clearly have no idea about its complexities’.”

Yeah right. All these medical professionals are somehow unqualified to speak on these matters, and should be given the boot, all because Ms Phelps does not like what they have to say. This is typical jackboot fascism from the activists. Yet for some reason she is to be fully trusted as an unbiased and objective source of truth and information here – as a lesbian!

Spare me Kerryn. Why don’t you just disqualify yourself? You are hardly a disinterested, dispassionate and neutral player in this game. You have been pushing your radical agenda for decades now. But when some of your colleagues finally call your bluff and say enough is enough, you throw a hissy fit. Just get over it.

It is the brave men and women who signed this submission, spearheaded by Dr Lachlan Dunjey of Perth, that deserve heaps of praise and thanks. They have proven that not everyone is a coward; not everyone has chucked out his brains; not everyone is a PC zombie; and not everyone is going to let the radical bullies silence them.

Well done team. You guys are real heroes. We need many more like you.

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