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And Then the End Comes

And so this is how it ends: moral meltdowns, mental malfunctions, and mass mayhem. Entire generations turned into zombies, unable to think, incapable of making moral distinctions, unwilling to run against the tide. Everything the totalitarians hoped for – and we are witnessing it before our very eyes in much of the West.

We have created a race of mindless amoral robots who have lost the ability to reason, to discern, to critically assess, and to form independent opinions. Instead we have the attack of the lobotomised. They are just what every police state dreams of: mindless minions who will be led like sheep and conned like toddlers.

Freemen think for themselves and do not rely on the mob to make moral judgments. Such people are a threat to the coercive utopians so they have to be replaced by the automatons who will readily conform. Independent thinking and moral assessments based on objective moral absolutes are a real threat to the new utopian thought police.

American commentator Gary DeMar has just recently written a piece on this very theme and is worth quoting at length. He warns about “How a Generation of Young People Have Been Damaged by Groupthink”. He begins by referring to the case of a football coach caught molesting young boys at Pennsylvania State University:

“No social group is immune from the effects of Groupthink. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. The people at Penn State have university degrees, and yet, they stood by while they knew that evil was in their midst. Social commentator David Brooks offers an insightful explanation that makes Groupthink look rational:

“‘I don’t think it was just a Penn State problem. You know, you spend 30 or 40 years muddying the moral waters here. We have lost our clear sense of what evil is, what sin is; and so, when people see things like that, they don’t have categories to put it into. They vaguely know it’s wrong, but they’ve been raised in a morality that says, “If it feels all right for you, it’s probably OK.” And so that waters everything down’.”

He continues, “We’ve become a nation of moral bystanders. Deep down the majority of Americans know certain behaviors are wrong, but they’ve been cajoled into believing that nothing can be said in objection to the new amoral climate. If we do react, we are labeled ‘intolerant’ and ‘insensitive’ to different ‘lifestyle choices.’ Christians are told that they are not being ‘loving’ when they enter an opposing opinion on moral questions.

“The change in moral perceptions and attitudes has been stunning. ‘After the horrendous crime against the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, a young Yale student has this observation: “Absent was a general outcry of indignation . . . [M]y generation is uncomfortable assessing, or even asking, whether a moral wrong has taken place”.’

“Where are young people getting this type of thinking? At schools like Penn State. Parents send their children off to the big-name university for the sake of prestige and they come back as moral midgets, and they wonder why. Of course, it doesn’t happen to every child, but it happens to enough of them that we are beginning to see the effects of a moral backlash.”

And even if there are people who can still think and make moral judgments, it is very hard for many to speak out. Fear is paralysing so many, because the thought police are now out in force. If anyone dares to think other than the accepted PC line, especially if it is Christian thought and morality, they are hunted down and destroyed by the PC police.

This is nowhere better illustrated than in the controversies over homosexuality. If anyone dares to take a line even remotely critical of the homosexual agenda, the lavender mafia will be breathing down their neck in seconds. Ask me – I know all about it.

But even those who are open to things like homosexual marriage and the like can be quite outraged by the gaystapo and their relentless war on anyone and anything that does not toe the pink party line. Consider the words of columnist Rod Dreher:

“I have my own opinion about SSM, but I don’t want to live in a world in which any normal businessman — pro-SSM or anti-SSM, or pro/anti whatever — has to live in fear that his private religious or political opinions, and giving money to support organizations that advance his viewpoint, will be subject to the equivalent of a whipping at the pillar in the public square. I have spent most of my professional life working among cultural liberals, and living in cities that are culturally liberal. In my experience, it is hard to overstate the epistemic closure and intolerance of many liberals on this topic. They consider it an open-and-shut matter, with no gray area, and no reason to give grace and tolerance to anyone on the other side of the issue. I have even heard it seriously proposed that companies should be careful about hiring people with ‘anti-gay’ opinions, because the presence of such people could cause gay employees to feel ‘unsafe,’ thus creating a ‘hostile work environment.’

“You don’t think this is coming too? Chick-fil-A has not been accused of discriminating against gay folks, not in hiring nor in the way it treats its customers. It is being excoriated because the man who owns the corporation holds traditional Christian opinions about same-sex marriage, and gives money to organizations that share that view. Chick-fil-A can defend itself with its army of lawyers. Can you, when they refuse to hire you, or sic the government inspectors on you, or picket your business because they found that you signed a petition against gay marriage, or gave $25 to a campaign to support traditional marriage?”

He concludes, “We are on our way to becoming a country in which traditional Christians have to fear for their livelihoods and live in the closet because of their religious convictions. And the most right-thinking liberals among us have no problem with that, because they believe, like the most reactionary 19th-century pope, that error has no rights.”

Quite so. He entitled his article, “What To Do With the Heretics?” He was certainly right to do so. If the secular left have always ranted and raved about the evils of things like the Spanish Inquisition, they seem to not see the irony in the fact that they are now calling for a secular inquisition.

Everyone must pass the tests laid down by the secular left thought police, and those who do not pass will be declared to be heretics, and treated accordingly. The witch hunts are back in earnest, and guess who are the new witches? Conservative Christians are no longer to be tolerated.

And all this comes from those who shout the most about tolerance. As Alister McGrath puts it, “The 20th century gave rise to one of the greatest and most distressing paradoxes of human history: that the greatest intolerance and violence of that century were practiced by those who believed that religion caused intolerance and violence.”

No wonder the masses are silent, still, and afraid to rock the boat. The tolerance brigade is on the prowl, looking to terrify and snuff out any opposition. In such an atmosphere we do not need any more compliant mindless minions, but men and women who will stand up and declare, “I will not bow to your tyranny”.

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