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Legislating Immorality

When government agencies see it as their duty to promote immorality and thumb their noses at the moral majority – the ordinary citizenry – then you know we are in a bad way. Of course this has been occurring for much of human history. But it is getting worse in our secularised and increasingly amoral if not immoral culture.

That which is right is being spurned while that which is clearly wrong is being promoted, glamourised and given legal sanction. And ordinary law-abiding citizens are effectively being forced to commit evil, going against their own consciences.

Our coercive utopians are forcing business owners for example to go against their deeply held moral convictions and allow their establishments to become places where immorality abounds. So much for freedom – freedom of conscience is becoming a rare thing nowadays, and often it is the secular left elites who are bringing this about.

A classic case of this just occurred in Queensland. It seems the elites there are all in favour of the demeaning sex trade, but are fully against the rights of hotel owners to protect and preserve their own businesses. Here is how the story has been reported:

“A sex worker’s discrimination win against a Queensland motel has the accommodation industry alarmed. The Accommodation Association of Australia is worried the ruling robs hotel and motel owners of the right to refuse guests who might disturb others.

“The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal ruled the owners of a motel in the mining town of Moranbah breached the Anti-discrimination Act for denying the sex worker a room. The woman had stayed at the motel 17 times in two years until the property’s owners discovered in 2010 she was bringing clients to her room. They then banned her from staying there.

“The Gold Coast-based sex worker lost her anti-discrimination case last year but appealed last month. She won after her lawyer argued many people used the telephone or internet at the motel for business, and a bed was no different. The ruling could have broader implications for motels and hotels in Queensland’s mining boom towns.”

Needless to say this is greatly worrying many hotel owners. Another report puts it this way: “Mackay’s Nebo Rd accommodation strip was abuzz with outrage yesterday after a sex worker won the right to ply her trade from a Moranbah motel, even though its owners had banned her….

“Mackay motel owners expressed outrage, saying business owners should have the right to decide. Some are confronted about once a week by sex workers asking if they could use rooms for adult services. Pioneer Villa Motel owner Daryl Waldron said he would prefer to have an empty room than have a sex worker ply their trade. ‘Ultimately, motel owners should have the right to decide if they can work from their rooms… We can decline service to someone who is drunk at the bar; it should be similar to that. I have told my manager to turn them away.’

“Another Nebo Rd motel owner, who asked not to be named, said sex workers were more prominent in Mackay than other areas. ‘It brings disharmony to the entire motel. A lot of our business is with families, and they will be sitting outside their motel rooms having a cup of tea… a lot of the time it’s not half obvious what they are doing, it’s not what you want around families. It’s getting to the stage where they know we don’t want them here, so they are booking their rooms online and showing up late to check in so we don’t see them’.”

And of course the hookers are quite happy about all this: “A prostitute’s win against a Queensland motel paves the way for other sex workers to stand up against ‘systemic prejudice’, the national sex workers’ association says….

“The national sex workers’ association, the Scarlet Alliance, says GK’s victory paves the way for other sex workers in Queensland. ‘This is definitely a win for sex workers because it sends a clear message discrimination against them will not be accepted,’ the alliance’s chief executive Janelle Fawkes told AAP. ‘There is systemic discrimination against sex workers across Australia, and this will encourage others to come forward’.”

Discrimination – yeah right. Forget about the rights of small business owners. Forget about the rights of families. Forget about the well-being of children. Forget about the community good. Hookers of the world unite – your immorality is just peachy-keen according to the elites, and your “rights” to break up marriages and destroy families and decimate communities must come first.

Next thing you know our amoral elites will be saying drug-dealers have a right to set up shop in hotels. We don’t want them to be discriminated against after all. And while we are at it, let’s force all hotels to set up gambling dens, whether they like it or not. Gamblers have their rights too you know.

When our ruling elites legislate against moral citizens and moral business owners in favour of immoral money-making groups, then they are losing their legitimacy. As the late Charles Colson once put it: “Across America these days, governmental bodies are legislating what one philosopher calls ‘practical atheism.’ Despite all the rhetoric about Christians forcing their morality on other people, the truth is that secularists are forcing their brand of morality on us.”

Quite so. And it is getting worse by the day. What next: making it compulsory for every citizen to visit a hooker? Don’t laugh – we live in strange times.  It may not be that far away.

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