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Marriage Wars and the Urgency of the Hour

All over the West the Judeo-Christian heritage is under blistering attack from all sides. Many nations are going under, and none are safe. The radical secular humanists and leftists have been waging war on the West for decades now, and they are notching up plenty of victories.

One of the fiercest battles is taking place over one of the most long-lasting and precious of all social institutions: marriage. The militants have declared war on marriage and they are doing their very best to forever change for the worse the institutions of marriage and family.

Thus the need of the hour is to stand strong for marriage, on all levels. That means to stand up and fight on the political level, the legislative level, the social level, the ideological level, and so on. And it is a battle which will not just have to be fought once, but on many occasions.

As Margaret Thatcher reminds us, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” That is certainly true of the marriage wars. For example, back in 2004 a great victory was won in Parliament when the Marriage Amendment Act was passed, declaring officially that marriage is between one man and one woman only.

But that Act has not stopped the activists from continuing their onslaught on the institution. As you would be aware, a number of bills have been introduced into Parliament lately to undo the Act and legalise homosexual marriage. And a number of states and territories are doing similar things.

It is understood that Federal Parliament may well be voting on this issue this coming week. Thus all the lobbying already done needs to be augmented. MPs need to be contacted and letters written to the editor and so on. But above all this there is the spiritual dimension.

The war must be fought on all levels, but it will ultimately be won in the spiritual realm. It is for this reason that a “National Call to Prayer and Fasting for Marriage” has been declared for this very week. It is vital that all God’s people rally around this, and devote as much time as possible to storming the gates of heaven to ensure that the institution of marriage is protected in Australia.

I thus offer the media release put out just recently on this. We need to disseminate this information far and wide, and make sure that we all take part in this spiritual battle. Prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare are the need of the hour here. The hour is indeed urgent, so we must pray like we have never prayed before on this issue.

Here then is the press release:

National Call to Prayer and Fasting for Marriage

Saturday 15 – Friday 21 September 2012

Jesus said in Matthew 19:5, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh”. This coming week in Canberra, the long awaited vote to either pass or reject homosexual marriage is likely to take place in Federal Parliament in our nation’s capital.

After consultation with churches and national prayer leaders it has been decided to call for 7 days of prayer and fasting from Saturday 15 September to Friday 21 September 2012.

We encourage you to pray and fast as you are able given the short notice of this call to prayer. Perhaps a Daniel Fast or missing one meal a day or some other form of fasting that you feel is appropriate.

Please pass this call to prayer on to your networks and your church and invite their participation as you are able.

The foundational purpose for this seven day period of prayer and fasting is, as the church, to repent of our own sin, hypocrisy and apathy and turn back to God in a true spirit of humility and seek His face for the healing of our land as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and declare the words of Jesus found in Matthew 15:9 for our nation at this time.

Jesus Christ makes it clear in Matthew 19:5 that marriage is between a man and a woman. Jesus goes on in Matthew 19:6, “So they are no longer two but one. Therefore what God has joined together let no man separate”. It is with these words in mind that we ask you to pray for the protection of marriage as a holy covenant relationship ordained by God.

-Pray for our parliamentarians, that they will have the courage to make a stand for marriage.
-Pray that the media would begin to tell the truth about the importance of protecting the natural family and the health risks associated with the homosexual lifestyle.
-Pray that all debate about this important subject would be carried out in a true spirit of love and respect, realising that we are all made in the image of God.
-Pray that ‘The truth will be spoken in love’ as Paul says in Ephesians 4:15 because as Jesus said in John 8:33, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.

In the event that the vote for or against homosexual marriage is delayed, either in the Senate or the House of Representatives, it was suggested that we should continue on in a spirit of prayer until such time as the vote is finalised because as the scripture says in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach for any people”.

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