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Labor and Media Double Standards

A sad truth of life is the mainstream media is largely secular left in outlook, so it makes its bed with secular left politics and politicians. It will side with the leftists nine times out of ten at least, as it attacks conservatives and religious types.

This is a fact of life, and we see it played out all over the Western world. We certainly see it here in Australia. Thus we get the complete foolishness coming from the MSM that the reason Julia Gillard is attacked so much is because she is a woman. Never mind that it might be her really bad policies, beliefs and agendas.

Never mind her string of lies and broken promises. Never mind her record low approval ratings. To the MSM, this is somehow all because there are a bunch of sexists out there, and they are just attacking her gender. Sorry, but average Australians know what a lot of baloney that is. They don’t like her and Labor because there is not much there to like.

Yet the mudslinging and double standards continues apace. Margie Abbott recently gave a speech to defend her husband against the media/Labor beat-up that he is somehow anti-women. It was quite a good speech, but already the Labor henchmen and henchwomen are unleashing their bile, along with their media lapdog.

Margie’s speech provided us with a good portrait of the Opposition Leader’s wife, and her normal routines. Nothing arrogant here – just a discussion of what her life is like: “I don’t pretend to be a public speaker, or indeed a public policy expert. There are no formal letters after my name and I have never been elected to public office. So I can only speak to you today about my experiences – as a mother, a small business operator, a child care worker, a volunteer and as Tony’s wife and life partner. Like so many women, I’ve had to juggle the joys and struggles of raising children, managing a career, lending a hand to causes I believe in and giving back to others.”

She also defended Tony from charges that he does not “get” women: “I must admit, I’m not an active follower of politics. In part it’s easier and less stressful simply to leave the politics to the politician in the family, and to make our home a refuge from the battle rather than a place where there is no respite. Having said that, I do want to respond to this idea that somehow Tony doesn’t get women and that he is somehow immune to the influences of the women in his life.

“I believe a disservice is being done to women when the gender card is played to shut down debate about policy. I say to the people who claim that Tony Abbott doesn’t ‘get’ women: You get this – Tony Abbott is surrounded by strong women – in fact not only strong but capable women!

“He grew up in a household with three sisters. He has encouraged me and supported me in whatever I have chosen to do. And he has three daughters who are young women living the life that feminists aspire for every young woman. They are educated, confident, grounded and happy young women making their own way in the world.”

Yet for daring to defend her own husband from the relentless attacks upon him, the Labor machine and its cronies in the media have gone ballistic. They have been relentless in their attacks on her, just as they have been on him. A typical such attack came from veteran Labor sycophant, Laurie Oakes.

He spent his whole piece rehearsing the Labor complaints against Abbott. He might as well be getting paid by Labor for what he writes, so perfectly in tune is it with their boring mantras. Oakes even managed to aim at two birds with one stone, suggesting that Mitt Romney is in the same camp, and does not appeal to women. Yeah right.

His entire piece was simply a free pass for the Labor propagandists. Yet we have come to expect all this from the MSM. But the media was not alone in its nasty attacks. The Labor machine also pulled out the attack dogs as well. Thus we have Attorney-General Nicola Roxon unleashing her venom today as well.

As one news item reports, “Attorney-General Nicola Roxon says she will not stop attacking Opposition Leader Tony Abbott despite a rare public plea from his wife. Ms Roxon is one of several senior female Government ministers who have publicly stated Mr Abbott has a problem with women.

“On Friday, Mr Abbott’s wife Margie went on a media blitz to condemn the comments and showcase her husband’s soft side. Ms Roxon has told the ABC’s Insiders program Mrs Abbott is entitled to defend her husband, but that does not mean his personal traits are not fair political game.”

Her animus shows through here big time: “‘Usually that’s a very friendly sort of environment because you’re a little bit off-duty, but not so with Mr Abbott,’ Ms Roxon said. ‘It’s known that we don’t like each other, but I don’t think that’s any reason why I’m not able to express those views…’.”

Comments Andrew Bolt: “Memo to Roxon: people can find you personally unpleasant – smarmy and a scold – without having a single problem with women generally. In this case it really is about you. Or should we deduce from Roxon’s admission she doesn’t like Abbott that she has a problem with strong men?”

Yes, maybe that is our real problem here. But don’t expect the MSM to take that angle anytime soon. For Labor and the MSM there is only one view which is correct here. And any cheap excuse will do to attack Abbott and the conservatives, and no amount of mud-slinging is too much for either group.

But why is all this not surprising? When anyone dares to attack Julia it is obviously a case of blatant and ugly sexism. But when Margie Abbott gets attacked, it is just free speech and political to and fro-ing. Sorry, but the double standards are just too glaring here.

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