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Abortion, Public Discourse, and the Media

I am just back from a major pro-life march in Melbourne. But if you went by good hunks of the mainstream media, you would not know it ever took place. While some film crews were there, other media outlets simply ignored the whole event. Such is the nature of the MSM today: they ignore or distort anything which they happen to disagree with, pretending it is not newsworthy, or putting their own spin on it.

It was a pretty massive event to simply ignore. Police had blocked off major city streets throughout the CBD to let the thousands of pro-life marchers with their colourful banners, posters and balloons walk the several mile route. The peaceful crowd finished up at Parliament House in the heart of town where inspiring music and a number of speakers addressed the crowd.

Streets were closed, traffic was diverted, and public transport rerouted. It was a pretty big deal – but not according to some of the secular left MSM. Most in the MSM are pro-abortion, so they of course usually refuse to even recognise alternate points of view, ignoring any mass movements which take a different perspective.

The basic reason why some media groups did show up is they of course love confrontation and conflict. They knew a small bunch of noisy militants were showing up, aiming to shout down and shut down the proceedings. Thus the news reports on TV spent as much if not more time giving the small but noisy bunch of activists airtime as they did the peaceful and much larger pro-life crowd.

One news report said three and a half thousand pro-lifers marched today. That may be an accurate figure. So because of the inevitable clash, some media folks were there. And talks of “scuffles” and police intervention predominated such news reports.

Yet if a dozen activists demanding homosexual marriage had held a public demo, without any opposition and thus no conflict, the MSM would still be everywhere, even outnumbering the protestors. The 6 o’clock news would be full of this, with major stories devoted to their protests. And next day all the newspapers would likely have front page coverage of the event as well.

It remains to be seen if anything will appear in tomorrow’s press. And if there is, the attention will again be on the militants seeking to shout down the peaceful rally. Indeed, as usual the tolerance brigade was out in action today, showing us how much into love, diversity and acceptance they are. Their idea of tolerance, freedom and reason is to scream at the top of their lungs, seeking to drown out any other points of view. So much for freedom and democracy.

Here is a sampling of what they screamed at us all afternoon:

-Shame, bigots, shame! Shame, bigots, shame!
-We won, you lost! We won, you lost! We won, you lost!
-God raped Mary. She should have aborted.
-Black, white, queer, straight! Women will control our fate!
-F*ck off, bigots, f*ck off! F*ck off, bigots, f*ck off!
-Jesus was a gay sheila who was pro-choice!
-You have 99 problems. They are all misogyny.
-I had an abortion because I chose life.
-Pro-choice is pro-life.
-Not every ejaculation needs a name.

My, aren’t they a civilised, sweet and well-reasoned outfit. So much love, sound logic, and emphasis on diversity and freedom of speech. Just a wonderful bunch. I would hate to imagine what the intolerant activists would say! In marked contrast, consider some of the pro-life slogans, posters and placards found at the rally by the pro-lifers:

-It’s easy to be “Pro-choice” when you’re not the one being killed
-Cruelty to animals is called “evil”. Torture to babies is called “choice”.
-Lots of people want to adopt [but there are] no babies!
-We kill an AFL Grand Final crowd each year (that’s 90k+ in our state alone)
-Everyone deserves a birthday
-Mums need support, not pressure to abort
-Every life is valuable
-Change the law. Save the babies, help the mothers
-aDoPtion not aBoRtion
-Each life is unique from conception
(Hat tip to Mathew Hamilton for the two lists.)

As to the march, it is the annual March for the Babies, held to draw attention to the horrific pro-death legislation passed in Victoria in 2008. This was perhaps the most liberal, open-slather abortion legislation passed anywhere in the Western world. So each year thousands of us remind our leaders and politicians what is at stake here.

And some 20,000 dead babies each year is a major part of this. So Liberal MLC Bernie Finn has courageously been holding these marches to address the fundamental human rights issue of our day. He gave an impassioned talk, as did fellow MLC Jan Kronberg.

If these two MPs ever leave Parliament, they should become preachers – they have fire in their bellies and convictions of steel. They are champions. Other speakers at the meeting included Lord Nicholas Windsor, the youngest child of the Duke and Duchess of Kent.

Another speaker, Dr. John James of Right to Life said this, “Such is the union between a mother and her baby that to attack one is to attack them both. Causing a woman to harm her own child – that is real misogyny.” Other speakers shared their stories and inspired the large crowd.

It was a terrific afternoon. And it capped off a great weekend, with the Melbourne Prayer Breakfast Friday morning and the Inaugural March for the Babies Oration Dinner last night, organised by Bernie Finn, Denise Cameron and others. Thanks to every single person who took time out of their busy schedules to make this march a huge success. I hope we can at least double our numbers next year.

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