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The Real Face of Hate

The famous dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell provides a frighteningly realistic look at where totalitarian statism is heading. Winston Smith, the main character, works at the ‘Ministry of Truth’. On the outside wall are the three slogans of ‘The Party’: “WAR IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”

We see much the same happening all over a highly politically correct and secularised West. As God grows smaller in public life, and the state grows larger, the militants who are seeking to overturn all that is decent and valuable have resorted to such slogans. They have become experts at seeking to turn virtues into vices, and vices into virtues.

Thus for the militants love is now hate, tolerance is now intolerance, and diversity is now uniformity. They scream (and I mean quite literally scream) about love, acceptance and tolerance, yet they prove by their actions on a daily basis that they really champion hate, rejection, and intolerance.

They shout the most about diversity and tolerance, yet they are the most opposed to diversity and the most closed to tolerance of any group on the planet. We see this all the time. The militant homosexual lobby is a prime example of this, and I have documented the “tolerance brigade” at work time after time on my site.

Another group that excels in hatred, abuse and demonic fury is the pro-death crowd. They can be the most ugly and hate-filled bunch of people you will come across. And I know, because I often come across them. They are experts at hurling abuse, throwing mud, and engaging in vilification and contempt.

Yesterday I and thousands of other peaceful and joyous pro-lifers experienced this again first hand. I have already written up the march here:

In it I mentioned how a few dozen militants screamed themselves hoarse yesterday in an effort to prevent others from celebrating their democratic right to free speech. They were there for one thing only: to disrupt our meeting and prevent us from even being allowed to hear what the various speakers were saying.

So there they were, carrying on about freedom and diversity, when they don’t believe in it for a moment. If they really did, they would recognise that people have the right to be able to hear what is being said at a meeting in a democracy, and that diversity means the right of other points of view to exist.

But these activists were not interested in this at all. Their MO is always the same: shout down and shut down anyone who dares to take a different point of view from them. That of course is not democracy in action; that is the ugly jackboot of fascism.

And had it not been for the police who were there to keep the militants away from the pro-lifers, the whole thing would have gotten very ugly indeed. In fact, the militants did get into a number of skirmishes with the police. We all can thank the patient and hardworking police for having to endure all their abuse and hatred.

The media was quite appalling in all this, implying that the pro-lifers were involved in scuffles with the militants. That was not the case. And one media report was especially reprehensible, when it claimed 350 protestors were there! The truth is, there were far less than that. So this particular journalist inflated the figures to push an agenda. Talk about telling lies for ideological purposes.

But back to the “peace and love” brigade. Between their posters and chants, we were subject to all sorts of horrific bile. Here are just some examples of their sweetness and light:

-God raped Mary. She should have aborted.
-My vagina has nothing to do with your god.
-Black, white, queer, straight! Women will control our fate!
-F*ck off, bigots, f*ck off! F*ck off, bigots, f*ck off!
-Jesus was a gay sheila who was pro-choice!
-Pro-choice is pro-life.
-Not every ejaculation needs a name.

Wow, can’t you just feel the love? Can’t you just feel the warmth? Can’t you just feel the acceptance? The tolerance, diversity, and inclusion just oozes out of their very pores. And they want us to be loving, accepting and gentle like they are?

One of the highlights of the march was at the end, when MP Bernie Finn led the thousands of pro-lifers in a prayer for the haters. We turned to them, raised our hands to them, and prayed a prayer of blessing over them. That probably made them angrier than anything else that day.

But that will not deter us from praying for these folks. Who knows, some may see the light, as so many others have over the years (including myself – once a very angry secular lefty), and they might even come back and join the pro-lifers next year.

But what we saw yesterday was not accidental or unique. The rent-a-crowd protestors all work from the same script, and all scream from the same song sheet. Indeed, at almost the same time these guys were flinging their abuse, militants in Canada were doing identical things.

One report puts it this way: “A Quebec pro-life conference was interrupted last weekend when about a dozen pro-abortion protesters stormed the evangelical church in which it was held and began chanting blasphemous slogans in front of the barricaded doors of the conference hall. Police had to bring in reinforcements to remove the protesters. ‘The church door was locked to keep the protesters out, but as one of the conference participants left the building during the morning session, the protesters took advantage of the open door and snuck in,’ said Georges Buscemi, president of Quebec Life Coalition, to

“The pro-abortion protesters stormed the stairwell leading to the conference hall, but were stopped short by the conference doors that had just been barricaded. ‘One of our people physically blocked the doors to prevent the protesters from entering,’ said Buscemi. The pro-abortion groups provided free transportation to what they told participants would be an ‘action pacifique théâtrale’ (peaceful action drama)….

“Behind the barricaded doors, conference attendees heard the protesters chanting the equivalent in French of ‘It’s my body, my choice’. They also heard chanted a French pro-abortion sing-song against the Virgin Mary: ‘Ah si Marie avait connu l’avortement, on n’aurait pas tous ces emmerdements’ (‘Oh, if Mary had known about abortion, we wouldn’t have to deal with all this nonsense’.)”

There you go – same old tired hate, intolerance, and abuse. So it is the same the world over. The militants exist to interrupt and shut down any meeting or any group which dares to take an opposing view of things. But of course we have seen all this before, with books being burned on the streets in German cities last century. And that was just the start.

We live in scary times, but truth and love will always prevail in the end. The forces of truth and love must be willing to keep going, despite all the hate and lies of the militants. We must keep speaking truth and we must keep praying for the militants. Who knows how many more will be turned around as we reply in the opposite spirit and keep interceding for them.

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