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More Deception and Propaganda from the Age

In the interests of my health, I hardly ever go to the Melbourne Age website anymore; it is one of the most despicable left-wing anti-Christian rags in the country. But I did have a quick peek just the other day – it was a big mistake. It set back my indigestion problems by at least a few months.

There was a piece in the Sunday Age which was so repulsive and reprehensible that I just closed the site after reading it and thought, ‘OK, no more’. I am just so sick of the propaganda and outright deception the Age is constantly involved in, especially on the issue of homosexuality.

And of course it has long since stopped publishing any of my letters in which I try to counter all their blatant falsehoods. There is not much point trying, I often feel nowadays. So I was going to let this one go through to the keeper (as those Aussies say) until someone on my website asked me about it.

I sent off a quick reply, but realised I might as well go the whole hog and do an entire article-length response to this piece of fraudulent journalism. Of course I hate drawing attention to this sort of rubbish, so I will not quote from it directly, but the link is below for those who want to see what the miserable article actually said.

It is filled with so many fibs, distortions, deceptions, half-truths and fallacious argument that one really does not know where to begin. These guys just get away with murder here, knowing no one will challenge them, or if they do, they certainly will not get printed in the Age.

And that simply tells you the enormous power of the gaystapo – they have managed to shut down all debate on this issue. They and their buddies in the lamestream media have erected an iron curtain around this topic, and no dissenting voices are allowed to be heard.

As proof of this, let me remind you that years ago I not only had many letters published in the Age (and other media outlets) on this very subject, but I actually even had full-length opinion pieces published as well. As but one example, back in July 4, 1994, the Age printed an article of mine on homosexuals and children.

Tennis player Martina Navratilova had just come out saying she – as a lesbian – wanted to have kids. So I penned this piece in which I said she may be a great tennis player, but she would be a lousy parent if she denied a child one of the two most important persons in his or her life.

I spoke of the need for children to be born into a home with, and raised by, their own two biological parents. And back then the jack boot of the homosexual thought police was not so heavy, so that article actually made it into their opinion pages.

But never again; there is no way they would dare to print anything like that today. The forces of political correctness and the militant homosexual activist bullies have ensured such thoughts will no longer see the light of day – which is exactly why the alternative media and CultureWatch exist.

But let me get back to this appalling article. The simple truth is this: it is not “homophobia” or a lack of acceptance that is causing problems for homosexuals – it is the inherent nature of this unhealthy, abnormal, and high-risk lifestyle. That is what is causing all the problems, as I carefully document in my book, Strained Relations.

Indeed, forget all the baloney about “homophobia” causing suicide. As I also fully document in my book, homosexual suicide rates are just as high in the most homosexual-affirming places in the world (eg., Sydney, Amsterdam, San Francisco) as they are anywhere else.

And despite all the evangellyfish leaders who think we should just cave in on this issue, it is the other way around: we need to stand firm here. Now is not the time to reject God and deny the clear teachings of his Word. Now more than ever we must bravely stand on Scripture and proclaim it to a world going to hell in a hand basket.

As to the foolishness that by preaching God’s truth we are alienating homosexuals and offending them, and driving them to despair, let me just say this. Simply think about the obvious here:
-If you preach the biblical truth on adultery, adulterers will get upset and offended.
-If you preach the biblical truth on theft, thieves will get upset and offended.
-If you preach the biblical truth on arson, arsonists will get upset and offended.
-If you preach the biblical truth on murder, murderers will get upset and offended.

So of course if you preach the biblical truth on homosexuality, homosexuals will get upset and offended. So what? Should we stop preaching truth because it makes people feel bad? Jesus spoke truth and it made people feel bad all the time. The crowds were always divided because of him, and many hated him for speaking truth. Indeed, they crucified him because they were so offended and mad at him for throwing the spotlight on their sin. Simply reread John 3:19-21.

We must care enough about the lost – including homosexuals – to lovingly yet firmly tell them the truth. We must care enough to offend if need be. The eternal destiny of these folks is at stake here. As one former homosexual said:

“Let me just say a hearty ‘THANK YOU’ to my wife, and my parents and family, and my friends, who cared enough about me to offend me! I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I consider the ramifications in my life had the people in my world bought into the lie that to love me was to affirm my homosexuality. When I left my wife to pursue homosexuality, she boldly told me that she knew God could work in me and in our marriage and that she would not pursue divorce. She protected her interests but always professed her love for me and her desire to work through this together.

“My parents (and other family members) told me that what I was doing was wrong. They found Exodus, got materials, and tried to get me to talk to a counselor. They also called frequently to check on me, sent me money when I needed it, came to see me on my birthday, and flew me home for holidays. My friends drove hours to talk to me about what I was doing, and told me what they believed. They flew from other towns to take me to dinner and tried to convince me to get help and to turn from what I was doing. They also sent me cards and letters full of love and affirmation of our friendship.

“And each of them offended me. Each of them made me angry. I viewed them as bigoted, and unenlightened, and ignorant, and prejudiced, and hateful. If they truly loved me, I told them, they would accept my homosexuality and affirm me in the lifestyle I was living. I ignored their calls and I viewed them with skepticism. I did my best to sever my relationships with those who were offending me. But they would not let me go. They did not coddle me, but they refused to give up on me.”

Absolutely. And there are tens of thousands of such people who have been set free from the homosexual lifestyle. I know many of them. This article spouts the lie that they just do not exist. And some of these duped church leaders go along with this: they want these people to stay trapped in their dead-end lifestyles and to face a lost eternity – all in the name of “Christian compassion”. Go figure!

The most loving thing we can do for a homosexual is to tell him the truth: ‘you don’t have to be homosexual’. That is why Christ came, to set the prisoner free, not to allow him to wallow in his sin, degradation and misery. Christ is in the business of totally transforming lost and broken lives.

Yet the propagandists at the Age, and the gullible Christian leaders who have sold out on the gospel to be accepted of men, are denying these people this. They are depriving them of the very thing they need to live a free and healthy life now, and to enjoy a blessed eternity with Christ. How dare they do this?

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