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The Ongoing War Against Christianity

In the West today there is a relentless war against Christianity. While the secular humanists in general are responsible for much of this, there are specific groups which can also be singled out. Certainly the militant homosexual lobby is a key player in all this anti-Christian bigotry.

My third book on the topic of homosexuality, Dangerous Relations, documents nearly 200 cases of the militants at work, forcing Christians to violate their conscience, forcing them out of jobs, and even punishing many with steep fines and jail sentences.

Of course in their own creative way the Islamists are waging a war against Christianity too. They tend to be more overt, with heads rolling while Allahu Akbars are shouted. That and creeping sharia makes them a real handful as well. But the secular left can be just as effective in shutting down the churches, silencing Christians, and punishing dissenters.

Let me offer another five cases of blatant anti-Christian bigotry and persecution. They are just the tip of the iceberg of course, and are representative of a widespread war against Christianity occurring all over the West. My first example comes from Canada where “hate speech” laws and other Big Brother legislation has been used with great effect against Christians:

The head of an American nonprofit organization is scheduled to face trial in Canada later this month on a charge of “mischief” for discussing with college students the dangers of homosexuality. Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, reported on his organization’s website that he will return to Regina, Saskatchewan, for a trial on a count of criminal “mischief” which developed in April “after we resisted a police order to abandon our peaceful pro-life/pro-family protest at the University of Regina.”
LaBarbera said that at the April 14 protest at the University of Regina he held up someone’s sign that said “Sodomy Is a Sin” and a large placard showing an unborn baby. He wrote: “Who can blame the University of Regina and Canadian cops for cracking down on such unbridled and sinister HATE?!”
After the arrest, he said, the university provost and vice president, Thomas Chase, was quoted in the newspaper as saying his materials were “graphic” and “disturbing.” Among them was his one-page flier on ‘Homosexual Health Risks.”
“Leftists like to use government and institutions to control others, and they often fear a robust and free exchange of competing ideas,” LaBarbera said. “This explains U-Regina’s censorship and squelching of a debate that actually would have benefited its students. (We had friendly discussions with some young adults before the arrest.) Such bureaucratic speech ‘protection’ dishonors students, who by the time they reach college should be able to hear all sides of every issue and make decisions for themselves on what they believe.”

My second case comes from the US state of Idaho:

Two Christian ministers who own an Idaho wedding chapel were told they had to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to $1,000 in fines, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in federal court. Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Donald and Evelyn Knapp, two ordained ministers who own the Hitching Post Wedding Chapel in Coeur d’Alene.
“Right now they are at risk of being prosecuted,” attorney Jeremy Tedesco told me. “The threat of enforcement is more than just credible.” The wedding chapel is registered as a “religious corporation” limited to performing “one-man-one-woman marriages as defined by the Holy Bible.”

Todd Starnes comments:

It’s hard to believe this could happen in the United States. But as the lawsuit states, the couple is in a “constant state of fear that they may have to go to jail, pay substantial fines, or both, resulting in them losing the business that God has called them to operate and which they have faithfully operated for 25 years.”
The lawsuit comes the same week that the city of Houston issued subpoenas demanding that five Christian pastors turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality and gender identity. What in heaven’s name is happening to our country, folks? I was under the assumption that churches and pastors would not be impacted by same-sex marriage. “The other side insisted this would never happen – that pastors would not have to perform same-sex marriages,” Tedesco told me. “The reality is – it’s already happening.”
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told me it’s “open season on Americans who refuse to bow to the government’s redefinition of marriage. Americans are witnesses to the reality that redefining marriage is less about the marriage altar and more about fundamentally altering the freedoms of the other 98 percent of Americans.”
Why should evangelical Christian ministers be forced to perform and celebrate any marriage that conflicts with their beliefs? “This is the brave new world of government sanctioned same-sex unions – where Americans are forced to celebrate these unions regardless of their religious beliefs,” Perkins told me.

The hate campaign against those who dare to differ with the homosexual agenda can be quite ferocious. Consider Robert Oscar Lopez, an English professor in California. For coming out with his story of being raised by homosexuals, he has faced tremendous barrages of hate and abuse. Here is a very short excerpt from his story:

After a year of my being banned from speaking on college campuses, courageous students at Notre Dame and Stanford succeeded in bringing me to campus over the objections of LGBT student groups. The police had to patrol the April 3 event at Notre Dame, while the Stanford event on April 5 transpired in a firestorm of controversy. Both groups that brought me to campus were banished from the student activities boards after I left.
The HRC’s “Exporters of Hate” report in September 2014 included a one-minute video and a “Wanted” poster with a caption saying I was being placed “on notice.” The YouTube page included my work location, email, and phone number. Though my friends and I have flagged and reported this comment as harassment, YouTube has still not taken it down.

Read his whole piece to see how the gaystapo work. It is the same all over the West. Here in Australia, for daring to stand up for marriage and family, an Australian Christian lobby conference and venue is the target of heavy abuse and a ferocious hate campaign from the homosexual activists. The diabolical comments being left on the Canberra Hyatt website and FB pages are most educational indeed.

One final example of anti-Christian hate campaigns comes from California as well. But this one has to do with abortion. But the ugly bigotry against Christians is just as strong. The story goes like this:

To the dismay of California’s people of faith, the California Department of Managed Health Care has reclassified abortion as a “basic health service” under the Affordable Care Act and ordered all insurance plans in the state to begin covering surgical abortions immediately. Even churches are not exempt from funding abortions. Operation Rescue opposes this policy that forces men and women who deeply oppose abortion on religious grounds to fund surgical abortion in violation of their faith, and encourages others to oppose it as well.
“Since Obamacare was first introduced, we warned that the day could come when Christians would be required by the state to violate their consciences through forced payments for abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Now, with this mandate in California that imposes forced abortion funding on churches, it has come time for men and women of faith to stand against this tyranny and refuse to comply with this unjust law that would make us accessories to the taking of innocent human life.”

As I said, these are just a few of the many stories from around the Western world where the Christian faith is being heavily targeted. Yet most Christians keep sleeping through this whole thing. The Christophobes gotta love all these comatose and clueless Christians. They make the job of the activists so much easier and quicker.

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