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Out of Facebook Gulag – Again

I am now free from my month-long stint in the FB Gulag. This is getting to be all rather tedious and habitual, not just for me but for countless other conservatives and Christians. It keeps happening because FB is really NOT a nifty social media site – it is a secular left mob that is pushing an agenda.

Those involved really do not like opposing points of view, and they are using their powers to simply disallow contrasting views to be found on their site. And worse yet, it has near-monopoly powers to do so. Where are those antitrust laws when you need them?

In case you don’t know what those are, one site puts it this way: “also referred to as ‘competition laws,’ [they] are statutes developed by the U.S. Government to protect consumers from predatory business practices by ensuring that fair competition exists in an open-market economy.”

Hey, where’s my protection? Why does FB keep preying on me and others? When will their discriminatory and bigoted powers be challenged? When will their obvious politicised activities be called to account? When will they have to face the music and maybe enjoy a bit of jail time themselves?

As I wrote when this first happened, my 30-day imprisonment was a punishment for something I did not even do! All kinds of other groups seem to have made me an admin of their pages – often without even telling me. So another page with someone else’s post was the cause of the latest Fascistbook heavy-handedness – yet I got punished for it! Way to go FB.

And this was not the first time this has happened. Several times now another post on another page that did not meet FB communist – I mean community – standards resulted in me going to the FB slammer. And to add insult to injury, I keep getting emails from FB saying no one has heard from me for a while!

One message which I received more than once said this:

Hi Bill,
People visiting Bill Muehlenberg CultureWatch haven’t heard from you in a while. Write a post or share a photo or video to keep people engaged. Learn more
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Thanks for nothing you goofballs! You know full well you have got me in the hole again, so ease up already with all this baloney. I DO want to engage with people but you keep objecting and preventing me from doing so. We are all getting a bit tired of all the rubbish you guys are running with here.

So now I am back on – but for how long? Another hour? Another day? Maybe another week if I just post pics of my morning cup of coffee? Or sing the praises of Clinton, CNN and the Left? Why do I suspect that if I simply post pro-leftist, pro-Islam, pro-homosexuality, and pro-abortion stuff I will be secure on FB for life?

It is time for a change. It is time for some other options. Some time ago I joined another social media site – MeWe. It of course has far fewer folks there – so far. But I have managed to get almost a tenth of my FB friends over there thus far.

And up until this point I have had no problems on MeWe with any censorship, banning, deleting of posts, or menacing warning messages from the powers that be. I suggest you all make sure you have an alternative to FB. As it gets increasingly arrogant, and as it further hates on its ideological foes, it will be less and less likely we can stay there. So find an alternative now.

As I have said before, it is not just Facebook, but other media giants like Google and Twitter and YouTube which are also pushing the radical left agenda, cracking down on all dissent, and making clear their blatant bias and bigotry. So we are up against it. It is now time to make preparations for other means of communicating and networking.

A genuine, viable alternative media is needed now more than ever. CultureWatch is of course just one small part of this. But I encourage others to set up your own websites, to find other means to spread the word, and so on. Things really are getting that serious folks.

In the meantime let me thank those of you who rallied for me during the past month. While most FBers may not have even known I was gone, and a few might have applauded that fact, some of you were concerned and some of you sought to keep my memory alive.

A few champs who sought to keep my name and activities in view for the sake of others deserve special mention. One champion from Adelaide posted my stuff several times daily to remind people that I still existed. She shared my new articles and other posts, and sought to let people know that I was indeed still alive. Many thanks for that.

Another hero from Sydney was also quite keen to help out as well, but ongoing physical and other suffering prevented daily support. It was a case of ‘the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’. But this gal is another wonderful supporter, and so much appreciated.

A number of others also reposted some of my CW pieces now and then, said they missed me, or reminded people that I still existed. Thank you one and all for your help and support. If and when you folks get sinbinned I hope I can be as helpful to you.

One of the things that rather intrigued me – or saddened me – was that the great bulk of my FB ‘friends’ didn’t even seem to realise that I was missing in action for a month! Hmm, I fear that if I were living on my own, and quietly died one day, my body would just sit there for months or years, decomposing and turning to dust, and no one would even notice or care!

And many FB friends do not seem to be aware of how FB prison works. Many of them were sending me messages and/or asking me questions. Um, when you are in FB gulag you CANNOT reply! You can’t do anything! You can read stuff, but that is it. I could not even answer various critics who were attacking me this past month.

Then there may have been those who were likely thrilled to bits about my absence: ‘Ah, finally some peace and quiet – no more posts from Bill encouraging me to be salt and light, to get involved in the culture wars, to seek and serve God more, etc, etc’! Oh well, at least some of you got a break. But of course if you do think this way, maybe you don’t want to be my friend in the first place!

Finally let me offer a few apologies. As mentioned, many of you tried to contact me or ask me questions and so on. Obviously I could do nothing to respond. Sorry that you have had to wait for 30 days. I will now try to get back to each and every one of you as quickly as possible.

Also, as has been my habit for many years, I try to wish each person who is a FB friend a blessed day on their birthday. I of course could not do this during the past month. Sorry, I did think of many of you, but I was prevented from saying anything, thanks to the Big Brethren at FB.

Mind you, one case of this was rather amusing. A gal I did send this greeting to via messenger way back in June of 2013, finally responded and said thanks – just a few days ago, in Oct 2018! Hmm, sometimes you despair with the social media. If folks can only get back to you five years later, what is the point? If they look at their pages twice a decade, why are they there? Hmm…

Anyway, social media is a funny thing. People use it for many different reasons. Some use it just to keep up with family and close friends. Some like to share pics of their cat or whatever. As I have always said, I use the social media for one main thing: to serve Christ and the Kingdom. For me it is a secondary CultureWatch.

I use it to share truth, to keep people informed of what is going on, to encourage them in the faith, and to provide an alternative voice to what the mainstream media and lamestream social media offer. And for seeking to do this, I keep getting banned, blocked, censored and deleted by the thugs at FB.

How much longer before they permanently ban me remains to be seen. But until then I will relentless and persistently share truth – whether they like it or not. Thanks again to all those who were concerned about my absence and sought to keep my name and work still going over there. Bless you heaps.

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