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Facebook Gulag Yet Again!!

Yikes, this is just getting to be a rather ugly and tedious joke. Hot on the heels of my last 30-day prison stint by Facebook, they have chucked me in there again for yet another 30 days. What a pathetic joke these folks have become. No wonder many prefer to call it Fascistbook.

When you regularly, persistently and irrationally ban all points of view that do not align with the secular left orthodoxy, you make it clear you are NOT interested in letting people network and share stuff and enjoy each other’s company. You are instead simply an anti-free speech mob that runs by tyranny and repression of all dissent.

I have lost count of the number of friends and associates who also have been banned, censored and tyrannised by FB for daring to promote a conservative point of view, or daring to stand against the jackboot left. Criticism of Islam or homosexuality or the trans cult or George Soros, etc, can all see you sent to FB prison.

Speaking of one of the world’s most evil men, my crime was to post a humorous meme about Soros and immigration. I had seen it on FB and was going to share it, with some extra remarks added to it, but didn’t at the time. A bit later I googled it, found it, and posted it under a previous post I had done on the caravan heading north to America.

I was going to add to my post the following (but the censors swooped within a few seconds, so I did not even have time to add it):

I have no idea if this in fact is his actual home or his actual address, but the point being made here is perfectly true: These super-rich dudes who hate America and hate the West go on and on about how we must be compassionate to those wanting to come here illegally. OK, then they should be the very first ones to open their homes and welcome the masses in. Soros alone could easily house thousands of them I am sure in his various lavish and roomy mansions. Oh, and I have no doubt that he has plenty of walls, fences, gates, armed guards and other forms of border protection to keep all the unwanted riffraff off his property.

But the FB thought police swooped down on that meme real quick. They of course gave me zero reason for why they sin-binned me again, except for their lame, nebulous and useless mantra: ‘you violated our community standards’. Yeah right – what standards?

Someone said maybe the address was something they did not like. As mentioned, I have no idea if it is a real address, but even if it were, I often see addresses of conservatives being posted by lefties on FB before. Given that Soros is the biggest hater of freedom, democracy, America, and conservative values around, it does not surprise me that FB seems to have his back. How much money may he have funnelled into the FB coffers one wonders.

As I said in one of my articles about my previous month-long jail term:

The cultural Marxists thus swapped bombs and bullets for the ‘long march through the institutions’. Take over the institutions of power and influence – schools, the media, law, politics, even the churches – and you can achieve the long-desired revolution.

We see this everywhere being played out in the West. And as I and plenty of others have documented – and experienced – the social media is now a prime example of this. Things like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are all marching in step with secular leftism, and they are directly targeting any miscreants who refuse to join in.

And the folks at FB think they are being so magnanimous – they pretend that they allow you a right of reply. When you try to do any action, you get the warning message saying you cannot as you are still imprisoned. Then they add this bit: “If you think this doesn’t go against our Community Standards let us know.”

So I try to let them know and I get an immediate response: ‘you cannot use this feature for another month’! Um, kinda hard to let you know when you do not allow me to let you know! And they also say you can go to their help center and tell them why. Well, I did, and then this form appears:

To help keep Facebook safe, we sometimes block certain content and actions. If you think we’ve made a mistake, please let us know. While we aren’t able to review individual reports, the feedback you provide will help us improve the ways we keep Facebook safe. Please explain why you think this was an error. Thanks for taking the time to submit a report.

And again, I go there, fill in their form, press the submit button, and then I am told I can’t post it to them! Is this all just a sick game these guys like to play? Do they get their jollies out of doing this? Are they really just a bunch of sadists there? Talk about how NOT to win friends and influence people.

BTW, when a friend asked me what the offending meme was, I sent him the link to it. When he then posted it on FB, he too got a 30-day prison sentence! Good grief! No wonder so many are fleeing Fakebook and going to alternative social media sites that actually believe in free speech, and actually do not ban you, censor you, and harass you every other time you open your mouth.

Various sites are out there. I happen to be on MeWe. Many of my friends from FB have left that bigoted site and are now with me on MeWe as well. I invite you to do the same. As FB gets more obnoxious and censorious by the day, we do need to find other genuine alternatives.

I write all this not because I have anything really new to share here, but just to let those of you who are still on FB know why things have gotten all rather quiet again. And it is not about me. I, like many others, use the social media to share truth. In a world of leftist censorship, we must all do all we can to share truth in the public arena.

And as I have often stated I use things like FB as an extension of my CultureWatch ministry. Folks have become Christians and been discipled as a result. Thus it is not just our leftist elites who do not want me having any sort of a public profile, but the very devils of hell as well.

So this is a spiritual battle as much as anything, and I would greatly covet your prayers here. And I would also appreciate it greatly if you could all do me one other favour: put up a post or two on FB explaining that I am doing yet more FB jail time – for another whole month.

Given that perhaps the bulk of my FB friends did not even seem to know I was absent last time, perhaps you can make this public service announcement once a week or so until the end of November. Thanks for helping me out. See you on MeWe!

BTW, here is the offending meme:

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