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Vaxx Passport Madness Is Getting Out Of Control

We must fiercely resist tyrannical vaccine passports:

If this headline is not the height of Orwellian Doublespeak, I don’t know what is. It reads: “Scott Morrison announces ‘vaccination passports’ could be the key to greater freedom.” Um, so let me get this straight: we are actually being told that we must agree to give up our basic freedoms and human rights in order to get greater freedom?

Makes perfect sense Prime Minister. Good grief, this should shock every single Australian. But let me quote from some of the article in question:

New vaccination passports could allow Australians the freedom to travel interstate despite lockdowns and outbreaks and attend family gatherings and big sporting events down the track. While vaccination is not compulsory in Australia, the plan could offer more incentives to get vaccinated amid concerns some older Australians are hesitant and “vaccine shopping” by delaying their jabs to wait for other alternatives.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison flagged the vaccination passport option today, suggesting a range of new travel freedoms for fully vaccinated Australians. “We’ve seen that operate in other countries and I think they’re the types of things that can be used particularly to enable Australians who are vaccinated to move around Australia,’’ Mr Morrison said.


“I think that the next most achievable step, because Australia, with our international borders up, means that vaccinated Australians would be in a much lower risk position when restrictions were to kick in on Australians going on public transport or going to theatres or going to the footy or whatever they might do … family get-togethers.” The road map to new freedoms for vaccinated Australians might also provide lessons for how the system could work when international borders reopened.

There is so much wrong with all this. Indeed, I have penned a number of articles on why we must refuse draconian measures such as vaccine passports – whether for domestic or international travel, or for anything else, such as being able to buy or access basic goods and services, including education. See this piece for example:

Consider the inherent idiocy of what is being suggested here: “While vaccination is not compulsory in Australia, the plan could offer more incentives to get vaccinated…” Um, that is exactly what such carrot and stick approaches are all about: making the vaxx compulsory!

When you take away basic human rights of the citizenry to travel, to buy and sell, to go to school and to social events, then guess what: the government IS making it compulsory! Whether you threaten the people with all sorts of restrictions on their key freedoms, or whether you offer incentives (as some have, including financial incentives), you are NOT talking about freedom of choice: you are talking about coercion.

And this is something we should have learned the lessons of history about. After the horrible Nazi medical experiments of some 80 years ago, the Nuremberg Trials were held just after WWII to deal with the Nazi war criminals. And the Nuremberg Code was developed in 1947 to deal with any future outbreaks of this.

Included in the Code is the provision to ensure that people have the right to choose when it comes to medical treatment. Given the many very real negative outcomes many people are getting from the various Rona vaccines, and given that they seem to have been rushed into production without all the normal lengthy testing procedures and processes, the issue of consent is essential.

The first major point of the ten points mentioned in the Code is all about medical experimentation and the absolute necessity of full voluntary informed consent. It reads:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Obviously the more coercion from the state there is the less possibility of any sort of genuine voluntary consent – again, be it positive incentives for those getting the jab that those who do not take it miss out on, or negative punishments for refusing it.

Imagine how many people already for all sorts of legitimate reasons have real concerns about taking these vaccines who are now effectively being threatened and punished, as they are realising they may never be able to see loved ones again in other states. I already fear never seeing my own family again overseas.

But ScoMo is not just talking about vaxx passports for overseas travel, but internal passports for domestic travel. If things like this go through, we will not just have all air travel banned for those who have genuine concerns about the vaccines, but soon enough there will be rings of steel around all the states.

We saw some of this when our tinpot dictators like Dan Andrews of Victoria shut down all state borders. This will only get worse, with permanent fencing and barriers locking in residents of every state. Um, did we not also see this before last century in Europe? Just think East Berlin for starters, and all the border closures, walls erected, and armed guards positioned everywhere.

This is effectively what leaders like Morrison are suggesting for Australia! Um, I thought we were one nation, made up of various states. Now each of the states will become mini fiefdoms, helping to make what we were horrified about in East Germany become the norm here – and seemingly forever.

This should outrage every single one of us. This is totalitarianism. This is the same sort of thing we have seen all dictators doing in the past. And there is no question that all this will result in a two-tiered society: those who go along with the state and the jab who are granted certain ‘freedoms’ and benefits, and those who dare to say no who are then stripped of their basic freedoms and punished in various ways.

Hollywood films have long warned about such scary scenarios. Simply think of films like Gattaca (1997), The Island (2005), and Elysium (2013). No wonder so many are deeply worried about the excessive power grabs by the state. The desire to control others – and even the very bodies of others – is a very real concern indeed. As one recent article on this warns:

In the idea of vaccine passports, what is being implemented is a political and legal climate in which experimental genetic therapies on human populations are normalised and inescapable. Armed with vaccine passports, global governments and their corporate allies would be able to establish the foundations of a global surveillance state, with the power to monitor every social interaction.


Vaccine passports are the gateway to the most radical slavery the world has ever seen. It now seems likely that creating a psychological and social climate in which to impose them was always the aim behind the engineered pandemic. The pandemic was needed to impose the vaccinations, and the vaccinations are needed to impose the passport.


This transformation of one part of the population into the vaccinated simultaneously invents the unvaccinated, a problem which could eventually be resolved through liquidation, but meanwhile offering opportunity for politically profitable stigmatisation. The vaccinated (via vaccine passports) are granted ‘privileges’ that the unvaccinated are denied in order to compel compliance.

For those who are shocked by the rise of ominous Big Brother Statism – whether under a so-called conservative and Christian leader like Morrison or not – a petition on mandatory vaccines has already gathered well over a million signatures. Please sign and share it far and wide:

Sorry Scott Morrison. But I for one will never go along with such tools of fascism as a vaxx passport. I value freedom and democracy over tyranny and slavery.

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