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The YouTube War on Free Thought and Free Speech

Now YouTube is banning me as well!

Good grief. First Facebook bans me (presumably a permanent ban), and now YouTube is pulling my videos! Stalin and Hitler would be so proud of these Big Tech dictators and censors. The Marxist revolution is now nearly complete in the West.

Let me explain. I have over 50 videos on YouTube. Many of them are just audio recordings of interviews I have been a part of. Some are from Vision Christian Radio, and some are a series of CultureWatch Radio videos I have done with Andrew Smith.

They of course cover all the sorts of topics I cover in my website. So yes, they deal with various hot potato topics, and they seek to offer truth which the mainstream media refuses to cover. For daring to do this, Fascistbook had already banned me and pulled down my entire personal page containing tens of thousands of posts. See my writeup on this here:

Of course absolutely no reasons whatsoever were given by the censors at FB as to why I was taken down. My crimes remain a complete mystery. All dictatorships of course operate this way. They do not bother with fair trials, a preponderance of evidence, or the idea of innocent until proven guilty – they simply obliterate you, literally or figuratively.

At least YouTube mentioned – sort of – why my video was censored. It seems to have violated their “Community Guidelines”. More specifically, I seem to have run afoul of their so-called “Medical information policy”! Yeah right. All that means is I dared to quote some scientific and medical experts who were willing to question the official narrative. For doing that I have been treated like an axe murderer or child rapist – or worse. This in part is what they told me:

Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy. We’ve removed the following content from YouTube.

Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines.

Because it’s the first time, your account isn’t affected. You’re only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel.

If this happens again

-Your channel will get a Community Guidelines strike.

-You won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.

This is so utterly bizarre and mindboggling. Are not these Tech Giants always telling us that they value free speech and want everyone to be able to share their points of view? Yet if you dare to say something that rocks the boat of the secular left ideology and agenda, it is off to the Gulag for you.

At least these guys offered a chance for an appeal. Given that the video was about the Rona and our responses to it, this is what I hastily put together as a reply:

There is absolutely nothing found in the video that is not being said by world-renowned medical and scientific experts on this issue. To pull it down, as one would expect in a totalitarian country, contributes nothing to genuine debate and discussion of important issues. Indeed, it is nothing other than blatant and disturbing political censorship. I ask that this post be returned immediately. Thank you.

Needless to say, I have still not heard back from them. Nor do I expect to. These guys are fully into the secular left Kool-Aid and will NOT countenance any contrary points of view, be it on the Rona, on global warming, on Trump, or any such topics.

They are not about free speech and the democratic right to offer varying points of view. They are about one thing, and one thing only: to push just one worldview and ideology, and to censor – in true Nazi fashion – any other opinions and views that dare to differ.

Um, in the 30s and 40s of last century Hitlerian thugs burned books on the streets. Today these same tyrants ban people on FB, pull videos on YouTube, delete tweets on Twitter, ban books on Amazon, and cancel contrarians on campus. This is the new fascism we now face in the West.

And all these groups and others like them have near-monopoly powers. They can get away with murder in their censorship and attack on free speech. We expect such things in places like North Korea and Communist China. It is not what we expect in the free and democratic West.

Of interest, someone who has known all about these bans, cancellation, and censorship from first-hand experience, President Donald Trump, is just about to launch a lawsuit against some of these Big Brother Tech Giants. As one report puts it:

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, will sue Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook founder at CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a class-action lawsuit, according to a report in Axios. The lawsuit will be spearheaded by the America First Policy Institute, a group founded by Trump Administration alumni Brooke Rollins and Linda McMahon, and reportedly advised by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

I certainly hope he is successful in this and sues the pants off these tyrannical censors and hard-left dictators. These guys need to be put in their place. For too long they have been dictating to the world what we are allowed to believe, to watch, to read, and to think. George Orwell could not have imagined the enormous power these monopolistic woke giants have to control thought and free speech.

But let me return briefly to the subject matter at hand. As mentioned, the offending video had to do with the corona virus and the draconian lockdown measures being employed around the world by governments and leaders who seem to be drunk on power and control. And the video featured genuine, reputable experts who dare to offer differing takes on things like vaccines, lockdowns, masks and alternative treatments.

It used to be the hallmark of a free society to allow various points of view to be heard in the public square. Free speech and a range of opinions characterised the democratic and open society. Certainly, in the area of science and medicine, such a free flow of ideas and discussion of various options was how society could flourish and succeed.

It is only in Statist hellholes where all contrary points of view are banned. It is only in a society that is in its death-throes that open and free scientific and medical discussions are disallowed, and only one narrative can be heard. History should have taught us these lessons.

But sadly, we refuse to learn from history. Indeed, we are no longer even taught real history. Thus, we are easy pickings for the dictators and power-mad tyrants who seek to impose their will on the masses. Why does Germany in the 30s seem so very much like what we are now witnessing and experiencing?

By the way, while YouTube censors have eliminated this piece, it is still found on SoundCloud. Have a listen:


This just in from the Democratik Republik of YouTube: “We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our medical misinformation policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.”

Ha! A “safe place for all”?! You mean a safe place for all the sheeple and lobotomised peons who have decided that independent thought, genuine debate and discussion, and alternative viewpoints are a danger to the status quo, and to the Total State. Hitler could never have dreamed of such incredible powers of mind control and social repression.

Democracy is now basically dead in the West thanks to these fascist Tech Giants who control everything we are allowed to see, watch and think. Why does this quote from Orwell’s 1984 come to mind here?

Winston, you believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.

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