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Lockdown Insanity Forever

Melbourne is now in the longest and hardest lockdown on the planet:

The Australian state of Victoria has just taken out gold in becoming the absolutely worst jurisdiction in the entire world when it comes to lockdown madness. Nowhere else on planet earth have things gone on as long and hard as here in Melbourne where I have the extreme misfortune of happening to live – if you can call this perpetual house arrest ‘living’.

Just moments ago it was announced that Dictator Dan Andrews has decreed that Victoria’s hard lockdown will now be extended until at least September 23! That will mean that we in Melbourne will have had a total of 246 days of lockdowns by then – the harshest and longest of anywhere in the world!

And it is not at all clear that he will stick to this date. Even if he does, he has said that only very small changes will be made then. In other words, we will still be in hard lockdown. And there is absolutely no end in sight to all this madness. This guy is a full-tilt tyrant fully drunk on power and control. The rest of the world is rightly opening up, but this megalomanic wants us enslaved forever.

(Oh, and by the way, the Dictator has said that playgrounds will be allowed to reopen, but they will be subject to QR codes and only one parent will allowed to accompany their children! This guy is an absolute nut case! This is the most maniacal leader in all of Australia.)

Never mind that study after study has shown that lockdowns not only do not work, but are counterproductive. They cause far more harm than good. They have created an even more ominous and deadly shadow pandemic. The collateral damage has been horrific, and we will all feel the impact of this for years and decades to come. I have documented all this time and time again.

The rise and rise of ruined economies, lost jobs, mental health problems, suicides, deaths due to hospitals being limited in use, and so on are just some of the long-term negative consequences of this lockdown insanity. Yet our “leaders” down under are obsessed with case numbers and eradication strategies, totally oblivious to the much greater harms they are causing.

I have written about these matters so many times now over the past year and a half. Thankfully others are speaking out as well. And more importantly, it seems that Christians are finally waking up as to what is going on. Let me draw your attention to just two examples of this.

The first one I wrote about just days ago. The Ezekiel Declaration, written by three Australian pastors, has gone viral. It has not even been out a week yet, but it is clearly having a real impact. See my earlier piece on it here:

When it first appeared on the very important Christian website Caldron Pool, it had only a few hundred signatures by church leaders and a few thousand from church members. It is now up to 2500 leaders and 17,000 others who have signed it. This is fantastic.

Please read the document and sign it here:

After you have read and signed it, please share it with everyone that you can. It is vital that the people of God in Australia begin to stand up and be counted. It is vital that they regain their voice in such matters.

My second example of concerned Christians taking action involves the Australian Christian Lobby. Its head, Martyn Iles, has been very good on warning against the harm these lockdowns are doing, as well as warning against all the attacks on religious liberty that are occurring because of our political leaders. One of the recent articles on the ACL website is worth being aware of. It says this:

Ask your leaders to fully restore freedoms


COVID-19 is not going anywhere, and we cannot live with lockdowns and restrictions forever. We are delaying the inevitable and adding to the cost unthinkably.


We are wreaking destruction on lives, children, livelihoods, the economy, and the future. We need to stand against fear and open up our country no later than once those who wish to be, are vaccinated, without coercion.


Someone needs to start pushing the freedom conversation – if leaders won’t then it’s up to us.


Look at the state of our nation…

  • 3,345 suicidal people called LifeLine in a single day recently
  • We are not living – or even leaving the house – for fear of dying  
  • Compassion is dead, with wedding plans put on hold and callous disregard for those mourning and separated from loved ones
  • Countless small businesses are finished, each representing people’s livelihoods
  • We are giving up total authoritarian power to state governments
  • Our children simply won’t be able to pay back the debt

Fear is ruling the day. But Christians should lead the way in calling for our freedoms to be restored –because fear of death is a condition from which Christ has freed us.  


Please email your Premier or Chief Minister and your State MP today. Tell them that with voluntary vaccination – no coercion – all lockdowns and restrictions must end.


Freedom and livelihoods must be restored. We cannot live in fear anymore!

Yes, absolutely right. It is time we put facts and faith ahead of fear. Please go to their site and make use of their email form to help share your concerns with our elected leaders. They need to know that we are very concerned about the directions they have been taking us in of late.

And let me explain why these sorts of things are so important. Sadly, the ordinary Joe seldom gets the ear of government. Regrettably our voices are seldom heard by our leaders. Too many politicians are only concerned about numbers – about votes.

But if they sense that enough people are concerned about something, they may finally start to listen and take note of the concerns of the people. It should not be this way, but it is, nonetheless. Politics is all about numbers. And yesterday we had the perfect example of just how this works.

A poll just came out looking at voter’s satisfaction with the way Andrews in Victoria has been handling the Covid situation. In just a short two-week period he lost a full 12 percentage points in this area. Victorians are getting sick and tired with his arrogance, his power-tripping, the lockdowns, and the utter lack of hope and a future here. So it shows in the latest poll numbers.

Unless a politician is really stupid and aloof, a 12-point drop in approval ratings in two weeks is something to seriously take note of. And guess what: that is exactly what Andrews seems to have done. Up until yesterday he was completely obsessed with, and dead-set in favour of, a useless zero case strategy; nothing opens up until we defeat the virus. His was an eradication strategy: we must get to zero cases before we can even think about returning to normal.

But just yesterday, for the first time ever, he ditched the zero-case nonsense, and started talking about some ‘threshold’ to aim for – some low-number threshold. So what changed? Did the health advice all of a sudden change? Did the scientific and medical experts convince him to change course? Did he all of a sudden become wise and compassionate? Um no. His approval numbers took a big dive, so he changed course.

Here is the point: It is all about politics. Politicians tend not to respond to anything as quickly and readily as they do the numbers. If they think the voters are turning on them, they are much more likely to change direction in order to keep the voters onside.

That is why getting a lot of folks to sign the Ezekiel Declaration matters. Here it is again:

That is why getting as many people as possible to make use of the ACL email page is crucial. Here it is again:

We MUST take action – now. We MUST speak out – now. And signing a petition or filling in an online email form is about as easy and pain-free as it gets. If we are not willing to do something as simple and quick as that, then we have no right to complain. Then we deserve all the tyranny and never-ending lockdowns that we get.

It is now time to say, ‘enough is enough’. Please show your concerns by taking a stand now. It is either that, or perpetual lockdown madness. It is your call.

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