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The Covid Cult: The State Is My Shepherd

We are in fact hugely religious:

If the past two years have demonstrated anything, it is that most folks have not abandoned God – they have just found a new god to replace the real one with. Forget the bunkum that we live in a non-religious culture: we are saturated with hardcore religionists. And they happen to worship and adore the secular state. They will believe anything it says and do anything it demands.

The ease and willingness of the masses to bow down to the Almighty State and buy whatever it dishes out has been one of the more scary things I have witnessed in my entire life. This is not mere compliance and obedience – this is the worship of a false god. This is idolatry in its most ugly and contemptible form.

Politicians and health officers have been treated as demigods, to be obeyed and cheered on at all times. The most idiotic, senseless, irrational and contradictory health orders have been slavishly followed with no questions asked. This is full-tilt cultism in action.

Indeed, those in cults are taught to ask no questions and to refuse to think for themselves. They just blindly go along with what their leaders tell them, and will do anything if it pleases their masters. We should know all about this from recent history, whether we think of those who were under Jim Jones in Jonestown, Guyana who drank the Kool-Aid, or the Branch Davidians who were under the spell of David Koresh.

But we have NOT learned the lessons of history. Thus we now have the Branch Covidians as John Zmirak rightly calls them. They are just as cultic and just as brain-dead as these other groups were. As he said in a recent piece:

The New Cult and Its Sacraments

Why did our culture succumb to what Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch calls a “pandemic of fear”? Because there’s a new religion, and Caesar is behind it. Long ago, the flailing, failing Roman empire tried to knit itself together by inventing a new cult for the people: the worship of the emperor. It didn’t matter whether you actually believed in it or not. The point was your public compliance. You had to burn incense in front of a statue of a living politician, and act as if he were a god. Or you’d be ostracized, persecuted, impoverished, maybe killed. With the COVID cult and its vaccination ritual, we’ve gone through each step but the last one.


Should It Shock Us When Pro-Choicers Take Lives?

There was no way our elites could lock down the economy (crushing small business and enriching billionaires) without a burgeoning panic. Or rush through fraud-prone mail-in and harvested ballot procedures for the 2020 election.


And to feed a panic you need steady death statistics, with no viable cures. So potential treatments for COVID had to be locked away out of reach, and nursing homes flooded with vectors of infection. To pump the otherwise unimpressive death stats. That way governors like Cuomo and Whitmer could seize emergency powers, and use them to confiscate guns. To close down churches. To ban political meetings — except for Marxist-led riots.


Yes, they were willing to cause thousands of preventable deaths, in pursuit of money and power. Does that sound shocking, that pro-choice zealots would show depraved indifference to human life? Really?


Keep in mind that the governments of Germany and Austria are about to put unvaccinated citizens under house arrest. That the government in Australia is locking potentially sick people in camps. That the mayor of New York, by decree, has just ordered every business in the city to force its employees to take an experimental gene therapy — even those with natural immunity, who already beat the disease. Obey or starve, that’s the American way, isn’t it?


“Science” Hijacked by a Political Panic Cult

The very word “immunity” has been redefined by the WHO’s website to refer only to vaccines. The existence of the human immune system vanished with a few keystrokes. A disease which was apparently created in a Chinese bioweapons lab using mice “humanized” with organs stolen from babies killed by partial birth abortion now “requires” treatments developed with thousands more such Franken-mice, and hundreds of newly aborted babies.


Do you still think we’re dealing with “science” here? The prophetic Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has shown that these power-grabs by elites have been coordinated globally. We’re witnessing the worst attack on personal freedom since the 1930s, when totalitarians gained power all across Europe. Millions of highly educated cowards refused to admit the truth while it was happening, of course. As they won’t admit it now.

Yes quite so. I actually once was in a cult, so I know a bit about how they operate. And as I look around today at the zombie masses I see cultism in full bloom. It is so very alarming to behold. This is man-made religion run amok. As my social media friend Glenn Christopherson recently put it:

I sometimes come across polls that claim Australians are not very “religious.” But, after watching many of my fellow Aussies over the last two years as they unquestioningly bow to government and bureaucratic “papal” decrees, inject unknown substances multiple times because their media preacher tells them to, wear masks everywhere as a sign of their allegiance, shun their “unbelieving” family and friends because they’re commanded to and sneering and harassing anyone who questions their politicised doctrines, I think not only are many Aussies very religious, but they’re Phariseeically, culticly dogmatic about their religion. I’ve decided I’ll just stick with Jesus and His word rather than this new strange religion, thank you anyway.

Exactly. When the cults abound, all the more need for the real deal to be affirmed. Christ is Lord. Caesar is not. Nor is Biden, nor Fauci, nor ScoMo, nor BoJo, nor Ardern. Away with all these false gods. Give me Jesus, and no one else.

But that is the real worry: Christians seem to have been at the forefront of this Covid cult worship. Even those who claim to be Bible-believing evangelicals have been up to their ears in Statism and fear-mongering. It is as if Jesus has bowed out and the secular state is now the one to be feared and obeyed.

I have written far too often about this already. How many churches and church leaders have just bowed down and submitted when the secular state told them to? How many churches have been and still are segregating, treating the unvaxxed as lepers to be shunned and scorned? And how many Christian businesses and charities have just caved in without a whimper, refusing to stand against unjust discrimination?

As Chuck Baldwin put it in a recent column:

One of the most mysterious paradoxes of the modern church is how most evangelical pastors can be so deaf and dumb when it comes to the Biblical Natural Law principles of Liberty. And nothing illustrates that reality any more graphically than the way most evangelical pastors have rolled over and played dead regarding the antichrist Covid narrative. As I have said before in this column, most of the resistance to Fauci’s fascism is coming from outside the church. On the whole, the evangelical church has submitted to the beastly Covid Empire lock, stock and barrel. By submitting to the beastly Covid narrative, evangelicals have demonstrated that 1) They have zero awareness and discernment regarding all things antichrist and 2) They have zero resistance to all things antichrist.

The cowardice and compromise of most churches and faith leaders has been such a massive disappointment. But to the extent that it separates the tares from the wheat, it may be a good thing nonetheless. In a culture of mass false religiosity, separating the cultists from the true believers is vitally important.

As Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 11:19, “there must be sects among you, so that those who are sound among you may be known”. We sure are seeing who is who during this reign of Covid panic and Caesar worship.

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